Last year, the ministry experienced one of its most victorious crusades ever in Rwanda; and the Lord directed Rev. Angley to return to the small nation that still needed so much of His love. Two days before we embarked on this divine mission, the Lord gave Rev. Angley a special “farewell” message; and it seemed like God Himself was standing before us as He poured out some very personal instructions through His servant.

God said He would use each worker who was a vessel of honor before Him and that we were called to serve the people of Rwanda with hands of perfect clay. We would have to be His voice and use His tongue of fire to declare the divine goodness and mercy that would light up the country with His love. God’s message confirmed that He had indeed planned this journey. He had entrusted many souls into our hands, and His instructions were ones we will treasure for all eternity.

Our Return to Rwanda

As our workers gathered on our first morning in Rwanda to begin the much-anticipated task of sharing the Gospel on the streets, it was nice to see some familiar faces. Both our bus drivers and several interpreters from last year had returned, and they were all as anxious as we were to get started. It’s encouraging to see those who have stayed true to the Lord in our absence, and the Lord can more freely move for the people when everyone is in one mind and one accord. Unless there was a planned ministers’ meeting or a crusade service, our street teams were working for the Lord; and a day never passed in which they didn’t lead many lost souls to Christ.

This year, we had brought hundreds of Kinyarwandan Bibles to distribute because, as is the case in many African countries, Bibles are in short supply and very costly. No one who loves the Lord should ever be without God’s words of life. When presented with a precious Bible, the people’s reactions ranged from warm embraces and tears of appreciation to shouts of praise and dances of joy!

The first few days were busy with scheduled visits. One team went to a primary school where the principal and the nearly 800 students welcomed their message with open arms. Last year, the crusade services had such a dramatic effect on the life of one student at the Rwanda College of Tourism that she personally arranged for some of our workers to make a formal visit to the school in hopes that others would find the same divine peace and happiness that she had found.

A return visit to a large orphanage generated such excitement from the hundreds of boys that we scheduled several subsequent visits. The boys gladly accepted the Gospel message and drew desperately on the love they received from it. The dedicated staff and the youngsters at this institution found a special place in the hearts of all our tour members; and before we left Rwanda, many of our people personally contributed enough money to provide the orphanage with much-needed food staples that would last for several months.

First Ministers’ Meeting

As is usual on these journeys, the days flew past; and Thursday morning brought the first of two ministers’ meetings for this crusade. The Lord moved on Rev. Angley to teach the pastors about the Deceit of Lucifer, and he warned them to beware of this pitfall. In this last hour, the devil is working hard to deceive everyone he can. For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect (Mark 13:22). The Bible compares the devil to a thief who cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10).

“Preachers,” Rev. Angley said, “you must protect your flock; and you can only do this through prayer, fasting and living in the Word. You have to really live close to God before you’ll be able to guide your flock into divine holiness and righteousness. You can’t preach your own theories; only God’s truth will set people free.”

Rev. Angley addressed the audience as parents with these words of warning: “Today, many children are devil-possessed; and thus saith the Lord, many of you would be shocked to know the spirits that are in your children. Some of you have failed in not giving godly discipline; some of you have failed in not making your children go to church, and some of you have failed by not having family prayer. You’re either going to raise your children in the Word of God or you’re going to raise them in demonology, saith the Lord.”

Witchcraft Must Go

The Lord let Rev. Angley know that witchcraft was still running rampant in Rwanda, and he plainly told the pastors that they couldn’t allow it in their churches. Then he revealed some weighty words: “Thus saith the Lord, if you preachers don’t rise up against witchcraft, you’re going to have another genocide in your country in the future. Hear me! That’s straight from Heaven, and God will let you see it if you don’t believe Him. I want to see your nation bloom, but it can’t bloom through witchcraft. Those who are involved in it will go to hell.”

Rev. Angley ended the meeting by giving each pastor a copy of his book The Deceit of Lucifer. “I’m here to inspire you to go deeper with God,” he said, “and you will find many sermons to help your congregations in this book.”

The next day, a small group of our workers visited a home for children and widows with HIV. Everyone received them with open arms; and Rev. Millar, one of Rev. Angley’s associates, conducted a small church service. The director of the home was so overwhelmed by how God moved for them that she planned to feature the visit in her next newsletter.

At the same time, another of Rev. Angley’s associates, Rev. Machamer, preached to the staff of a large bank in the heart of Kigali where the young man who was serving as Rev. Angley’s interpreter for this crusade was employed. He could hardly contain his excitement; and the meeting was so successful that Rev. Machamer’s father, Dr. Al Machamer, returned with two other tour members to minister to them again the following week.

Services Began

Friday evening, the first service began under bright, sunny skies just as if the Lord Himself was shining down on us…but we already knew He would be regardless of the weather. When we arrived at the grounds, there were many happy reunions as interpreters, ushers and other workers returned to help in the services of the Lord. The very popular Cathedral Trio who travels with Rev. Angley followed him onto the platform, and they had the crowd on their feet with a series of songs in Kinyarwanda. The Trio had worked very hard to learn nine songs in the people’s native language, more than they had prepared for any one country in the past. The very appreciative crowd rewarded their efforts with enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Then, Rev. Angley set the tone for this crusade with a message entitled The Sound of Miracles. “God reveals things to me about you and your nation before I even arrive,” Rev. Angley explained, “and He let me know that miracles are needed to change you and your nation—to take away every sickness from your body and to take away every sin from your life. The sound of God’s miracles is on the way for you!” Rev. Angley declared.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). “The Bible introduces the reality of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost,” Rev. Angley said; “and all three will be given perfect liberty in this crusade. Listen, Everybody, I hear the rushing rivers of life flowing your way. Joy is coming; love is coming. The Lord brought you here on purpose today; and I hear Him saying life, life, life! It’s not the will of the Lord for you to be sick, so believe for your miracle and get well.”

Miracle Time

Rev. Angley called for the healing line, which included people without the senses of hearing, taste or smell. He explained that miracles for these conditions could be witnessed immediately which would help lift the faith of those in the audience higher and higher until God could begin to heal all kinds of diseases throughout the crowd. “The Lord can do anything!” Rev. Angley declared.

The miracles in the audience began with two for AIDS and one for a man who had suffered three heart attacks and was given no hope. “You’ll be a great witness for our Lord!” Rev. Angley declared. Then the Lord touched a diabetic in the audience who received sight in her blind eye. Rev. Angley announced another miracle for AIDS; and in response, a small group of friends jumped up and began shouting for joy. God’s miracles are real!

The devil is desperately working on Earth today, and Rev. Angley revealed that a 19-year-old AIDS victim in the audience had tried to hang himself that day. “The devil spoke to you in an audible voice and told you that if you went through with it, you’d go to Heaven. If you will give your heart to God tonight, you will be healed.” Then Rev. Angley asked the whole audience to join him in saying the sinners’ prayer.

Rev. Angley pointed out another young person who was saved and serving the Lord; but the person’s twin was not and had AIDS. He instructed this person to “take this prayer with you and tell your twin that if they will surrender to God, they will be healed of AIDS the moment they give their heart to Him. If they don’t yield, they will die in seven weeks and be lost in eternity forever.”

Just before the close of each crusade service, Rev. Angley leaves the platform to minister to those in the invalid section. There are usually more people than he can touch himself; so he anoints the hands of several of the tour members who are working there, and they touch each person row by row. God really moves through this act of faith; and after prayer, a lady received an immediate hip miracle and began dancing around. In that service, the Lord had showed the people that He truly cared for them; and it ended with a special anointing for all.

No Defeat in Jesus Christ

The skies opened a few hours before Saturday’s service was scheduled to begin, and the rain was still falling softly when we arrived to set up. The grounds had been transformed into a sticky sea of thick, red mud that coated our shoes like heavy glue. However, nothing stops the Lord, and the people who really wanted the touch of the Master’s hand were there. The Cathedral Trio quickly lifted the people out of the gloom and into Heaven’s sunshine. The Lord let Rev. Angley see His divine light flash upon the people, and just that quickly six people were healed of AIDS. The Lord was in control once again.

God had really put a special place in Rev. Angley’s heart for the people of Rwanda, and he wanted them to know how much he cared for them. “You showed me so much love last year,” he said, “and you don’t know how much that meant to me. I want to return that love to you to its fullest so we can be together for all eternity.”

Rev. Angley wanted the people to learn God’s great, divine love; and He directed them to I Corinthians 13 for a definition of it. He told them, “Nobody’s ever loved you like Jesus loves you, and nobody’s ever cared for you like He cares.” Rev. Angley desperately wanted every heart to accept Heaven’s divine love as he cried, “Don’t miss Heaven. It’s a place of pure joy where there’s nothing but peace, love and hope. Come to Jesus,” Rev. Angley pleaded. “It means eternal life for you.”

The highlight of the service occurred when a 14-year-old boy came to the platform with his father to testify of a miracle he had received the previous night. He had come to the service almost completely paralyzed and had been carried in on two chairs; but as Rev. Angley was preaching, he turned to the invalid section where the boy was sitting and exclaimed, “Get ready for your miracles!” The boy immediately got up and began to walk and had returned to tell the good news. The crowd erupted with cheers of excitement and praises to the Lord. The rain certainly hadn’t dampened the power of God.

Ministering to the Local Churches

Early Sunday morning, the hotel lobby was filled with local pastors eager to have our people preach and testify in their churches. We had enough teams to serve 68 congregations, and nearly everyone returned with glowing reports of the graciousness and acceptance of the pastors and their people.

One team was invited to a worship service at a well-known university where there was standing room only and students spilling out into the hallway. One of our tour members, Sam Owen, has become a very successful businessman through the grace of God; and he had the students’ undivided attention as he spoke to them about the importance of including the Lord in their future career plans.

As that evening’s service approached, it was clear and sunny; and we were all grateful not to have to fight the rain again when we arrived at the crusade grounds. This day, God had directed Rev. Angley to conduct a special service for the healing of people’s hearts; and he began by saying, “Sixteen years ago, you went through the worst tragedy that a people could have ever had; and the genocide spirit has not left everybody. As I stand before people, God lets me know what is in them; and I’ve brought you the cure—His name is Jesus.”

The People Needed Divine Forgiveness

“The Lord has given me the number of people here who have not forgiven others,” Rev. Angley said. “You may say that you can’t forgive; but the Bible says, If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Matthew 6:15). The Bible also says, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12:19). You’re not hurting your enemies by not forgiving them; you’re just destroying your own happiness and your chances to make Heaven.

“Take a look at the suffering Christ,” Rev. Angley continued. “The very One who died to forgive everybody’s sins knew all about sorrow and grief. The Bible tells us, He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). You may think you have a right not to forgive, but Jesus never said that when He was on Earth. He was beaten at the whipping post; He was mocked, and then He was put to death.

“Jesus couldn’t have forgiven people for all they did to Him with the human spirit,” Rev. Angley explained. “It had to be divine forgiveness. You’ve had enough sleepless nights, tragedy and death; so hear the Lord saying, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

“Let me take your hand and put it in that loving hand of Jesus,” Rev. Angley pleaded. “He’ll never let you go, and He’ll give you unbelievable happiness.” The Lord revealed that there were 1371 people in the crowd whose bitterness had destroyed so much of their lives. “Let Jesus come in,” Rev. Angley urged. “If you die in the state you’re in, the Lord told me you’d go to hell.”

Healing for Soul, Mind and Body

Rev. Angley let the people know that God would be healing hurting hearts throughout the service. “Some of you will feel a strange sensation in your heart when it happens. Some of you will feel heat in your right hand, and some of you will feel a cool breeze striking your throat. These will be your signs that you’re delivered.” What a profound revelation of God’s great care and concern for these people.

The Lord began to move for their physical bodies, both on the platform and in the audience, as the gift of mass miracles took over. The first 29 were for those who had diabetic-related sores on their bodies. “Every sore will be gone by next Sunday night,” Rev. Angley told them.

Thousands of other miracles followed including 3000 for those addicted to drugs or alcohol, 2009 for eye or breathing conditions, 1765 for people having nightmares of the past and 2115 for those possessed with fear. The Lord so desperately wanted to get into the hearts of these people that He gave a very special miracle to 2500 who couldn’t believe that God really loved them. All in all, the Lord had performed over 14,600 miracles in less than 15 minutes! Only God could do such an astounding thing…and we still had another week for Him to move.

A New Week Began

Our second week in Rwanda began with Rev. Machamer and his team visiting the Kigali Central Prison where nearly 1000 inmates gathered to hear the pure Word of God. The Cathedral Trio began with a song, “Go and Tell It,” that really melted stony hearts. One of the Trio members, Tom Neale, had written it specifically for the people of Rwanda; and it was translated into their language. When the inmates heard it and discovered that the song was all about spreading the good news that Jesus saves and heals, they became like putty in the Master’s hands.

Another group visited an orphanage which had served as a refuge for 400 people during the genocide. It now houses 80 children, and they were all touched with the Word of God and with His love. Later that day, an enthusiastic team of five touched nearly 1500 young hearts at an extended primary school where they spent several hours going from classroom to classroom. Another team of just two shared the Gospel with the staff and 500 students at a secondary boarding school.

That night, The Cathedral Trio were guests on the radio station that carries Rev. Angley’s program, A Time for Miracles. The Word of God in their songs touched many lives.

Opportunities Abounded

Tuesday brought another series of visits. In the morning, three of our people ministered to those in a home for widows and veterans of the genocide; and those forgotten people soaked up the love-message that our people brought them. A visit to a facility for widowed women and children with HIV followed. The women helped to support themselves by making and selling small crafts and jewelry, and they loved it when our workers jumped right in to help them with their task. It opened the door to their hearts so they could receive the salvation message, the testimonies and the prayers offered on their behalf.

In the afternoon, Rev. Machamer led a group to a small local hospital where they had the opportunity to pray with almost 100 patients individually. A separate team led by Dr. Al Machamer went to the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology and addressed a lecture hall full of students who had gathered for a lunch-hour worship service. Students everywhere we go love to hear this compelling former professor speak.

A special visit to the Ndera Psychiatric Hospital turned into an eight-hour marathon for the Lord. The staff responded beautifully to the message of Christ and gave our workers an open door to the whole facility. They were able to give individual attention to over 100 patients, and the stories of changed lives could fill a book; but there were a few outstanding highlights. A violent man, who often had to be restrained, started hugging people after receiving prayer. A young boy in the neurological section had fallen out of a tree and was just a lifeless shell; but after prayer, he smiled and even laughed, much to the shock of his guardian who was looking on. Some of the most disturbed women who normally ignore outsiders opened up to our workers and accepted the small gifts they offered them. Only God knows all that took place through the hands of just four dedicated children of God.

The Ministers Needed the Mind of Christ

Wednesday morning came, and it was time again for Rev. Angley to teach the local pastors in the second ministers’ meeting. He started with a shocking reality saying, “You’re going to find some pastors missing this morning, and God has let me know why. Some of your churches are trying to mix the Gospel with witchcraft; and thus saith the Lord, it’s bringing damnation to your nation.” The Bible says, Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you (II Corinthians 6:17). This was the second time that the Lord had made this point to the pastors. He wanted them to definitely understand that if they didn’t heed to His words, the devil would take over.

The subject for the day was “The Mind of Christ,” and Rev. Angley immediately took the pastors to the Bible to prove that they could have that very same mind. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). Some years ago, the Lord gave Rev. Angley 141 ingredients that make up Christ’s mind; and he’s been teaching people those ingredients ever since. He listed a number of them for the preachers in this session.

Rev. Angley told them that they couldn’t do the works God had called them to do without the mind of Christ. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father (John 14:12). “Are you doing the works of Jesus?” Rev. Angley asked. “There’s so much for you to do and receive; but it takes prayer, fasting and living in the Word.” Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21).

Without the mind of Christ, Rev. Angley told the pastors that they would be unable to pray or please God like they should. “You must make sure that you please God in everything,” Rev. Angley instructed. “Never go to sleep without letting the Holy Spirit examine your day. Ask yourself if you said everything with the love of Christ.”

Divine Love Draws People

“God let me know that you have to love and bless each other. You can’t be in the unity of the faith if you criticize your brothers and sisters in Christ,” Rev. Angley admonished. “Be the keeper of your own life. Live pure and clean, and it will draw people to you.

“There’s so much that needs to be done, Children. I’m trying to draw you into God’s love, so you can be the hand of God as a group. The Lord has given you a wonderful chance to have a great nation, but it has to be built on love. You have to have a vision for souls and live by the motto, Win the lost at any cost. I’ve never asked God to make me rich in any way but in souls; I have to have souls!”

The pastors in attendance that morning had yielded beautifully to Rev. Angley’s teaching, and the Lord poured out a mighty anointing on them at the close. “Receive the anointing!” Rev. Angley cried. “The anointing breaks the yokes!” That anointing broke many bondages of sickness and disease as over 120 miracles poured forth. The Lord showed Rev. Angley two different miracles of re-creation taking place so vividly that he thought for sure the individuals were standing right in front of him, and he was shocked to open his eyes and find out that they were not. What a powerful manifestation of the Lord!

Reaching Out for Souls

Immediately after the service, Rev. Machamer and Rev. Millar accompanied a small group to an AIDS clinic where they ministered to people gathered to receive medication and support. Such visits are a blessed opportunity for God to show His glory to those who have no other hope.

At the end of the day, our mission director was surprised to meet a pastor from Kenya who had just arrived in Kigali. He had spent all he had on a 12-hour bus ride just to be in the crusade services. We knew this hungry soul was bound to receive a mighty blessing from the Lord…and he was just one of 26 other pastors who had sacrificed to travel to the crusade from six different nations.

The next morning, our street workers headed outside the city in hopes of reaching those who had not yet heard the Gospel or received news about the crusade services. The area in and around Kigali is extremely hilly, and our tour members reported several instances of climbing small mountains to pray with the elderly or invalids who would have been reached no other way.

Miracle Night

After a whirlwind week, it was Thursday evening and the beginning of our final weekend. As soon as the service started, the Lord made it clear that it would be a very special miracle night. While The Cathedral Trio sang their first songs, the Lord was already moving in the audience. “I saw the pillar of fire come in and unroll, and it covered the whole sky,” Rev Angley announced. “When that happens in my services, untold miracles take place. The devil can’t stand that kind of fire, and his demons have to back off. Then the Spirit of the living God takes over through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

The Lord’s miracle revelations began immediately as Rev. Angley told about two brothers, ages 14 and 16, whose dad had infected them with AIDS. Their mother had already died, but they were now healed. In another case, Rev. Angley said that a man would die in 90 days unless he gave his heart to the Lord. “Don’t you dare leave these grounds without God!” Rev. Angley warned.

A woman with cancer was to have both breasts removed, but God graciously healed her as well as one of her loved ones who was at home dying with AIDS. A truck accident five years ago had left a man crippled and near death. “If you had died then,” Rev. Angley said, “you would have gone to hell. But you gave your heart to God last week, and now you’re healed.”

The Lord continued revealing miracle after miracle for over 15 minutes; and Rev. Angley explained, “The Lord tells me things about people so they know He’s dealing with them one-on-one. God has come down within your reach; let Him serve you now. This is an all-out miracle night. Let God give you miracles that you never thought possible.”

God Was in Control

Shortly after that, an ominous-looking storm blew up; but God didn’t want His service to be interrupted that night. We could hear the thunder and see the rain and lightning in the hills all around us; but after only a few sprinkles, the storm blew over. God was in control.

After a short message to the people concerning their walk with the Lord, the gift of mass miracles went into operation. The more than 8000 miracles included 900 for high blood pressure, 1241 for bad nerves, 1291 for fear, 129 for diabetes, 481 for debilitating joint stiffness and 29 for those almost blind in one eye. “When you wake up in the morning,” Rev. Angley announced, “you will see out of that eye.” The Lord had set the stage for a mighty miracle weekend!

The news of the crusade and our various community visits were spreading like wildfire. So many requests were coming in that it was impossible to fulfill them all; but Friday morning, some of our workers were able to visit a busy day care center and an extended primary school with 600 students. Rev. Machamer and Rev. Millar took a team to a small compound for recovering drug addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes. One of the directors was a local pastor who taught the people the Word of God; and nearly 75 had gathered to be fed divine hope through the pure truth.

A young man arrived after the service had concluded, and Rev. Machamer prayed with him. But soon after, he and Rev. Millar discovered that the young man was living just around the corner with his girlfriend; so they accompanied him home and gave the couple the truth about their sinful ways. They humbly accepted their words, and it just so happened that a local pastor was available to marry them the next day. In that short period of time, one changed life had already affected several others. That’s what spreading the Gospel is all about.

Marvelous Testimonies

Friday evening, The Cathedral Trio opened the service; and the crowd was on its feet in no time as the trio sang praises to the Lord both in English and in Kinyarwanda. Then Rev. Angley introduced his good friend from Rwanda, Mr. Rucagu Boniface, Chairman of Itorero Ry’igihugu. He had received a miracle for paralysis on his right side during last year’s crusade, and he stood before the people as a testimony of what God can do. “I was paralyzed on my right side,” he testified, “but when Rev. Angley said that those who are paralyzed are healed, I went home well. Today, I can write very well, and I can reach around to my back. I walk very well, and you can see how young I look now. I thank God, and I will continue to have faith in Him. I know that God heals through Rev. Angley and that all the glory goes to Heaven. We love Rev. Angley, and we love God for sending him to Rwanda.”

Rev. Angley asked for the chairman’s wife to join him on stage so that all could see that she also had received a miracle for paralysis. He went on to announce that the chairman’s son would be taking Ernest Angley’s Online Bible College courses. “He’ll make a wonderful preacher, and you’ll be as proud of him as my mother was of me.” The people received all of this with much applause as they saw how God had changed the life of one of their very own officials.

Faith Mounted Higher

These great testimonies lifted the faith of the people, and miracles began to take place. A lady with a heart condition who had only seven months to live received a re-created heart. A lady who needed a hip replacement received one from the Lord. God revealed to Rev. Angley that a woman with one leg shorter than the other would be made whole. “You’ll wake up at exactly 4AM, and you’ll be completely normal!” Rev. Angley exclaimed. “The Lord is so loving and kind; if people will just look to Him, He’s always ready to move.”

Rev. Angley turned his attention to those with a deaf ear in the audience. “Hold up a finger,” he instructed them, “and an angel of the Lord will put divine power on it. Angels are moving through the congregation now. They change the air, and you can feel the holy sacredness of them.” Rev. Angley had the people put their fingers in their ears; and after he had prayed, he told them to pull them out. He asked them all to test themselves, proclaiming, “The miracle is done!” Mass miracles then started taking place everywhere including 921 for low blood, 1529 for swelling, 1243 for nightmares and 221 for those who had loved ones with AIDS.

Before the service ended, a young man came to the platform to testify. Last year, he had been a drug addict and demon-possessed; and the devils had nearly driven him mad to the point where he couldn’t even hear or speak. But he was all smiles this year as he announced, “I thank the Lord for this man of God because now I am healed!”

Last Chance to Witness

Saturday morning was our final opportunity to spread the Gospel and witness on the streets in Kigali and its surrounding townships, so our people were out in force. Their hours were long and hard, but no one complained because they did it as a labor of love for our Lord. Touching lives in this way is a job that will have no end until Jesus comes because there is no shortage of souls to be saved.

In one instance, after several of our workers had finished praying with a group of nearly 60 men, a man who was obviously deep into devil worship approached them. His body was covered with ritualistic leather bands and beads. But God’s power can transform anyone who wants to be changed; and after a prayer for salvation, the man sat on the floor cutting off all his devilish adornments with a razor blade before he would accept a simple hand-made bracelet that represented God and His love.

Later that morning, Rev. Machamer and Rev. Millar took a team to one of the more degraded areas of the city where a local pastor used an abandoned bar to set up an outreach for former prostitutes with AIDS and their children. About 40 had gathered to hear the words of life they so desperately needed; and in addition to other gifts, each one received their very own Bible.

God’s Word Has All the Answers

Rev. Angley had promised that Saturday would be bondage night, so the people came to the service expecting freedom. God began grooming them to receive with a message entitled God Says. “There is too much of they say in the world today,” Rev. Angley said, “but where is the Gospel?” For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar (Romans 3:3,4).

“The whole truth is in the Bible,” Rev. Angley proclaimed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). “You can’t ever take anything away from the Bible because every word that God has spoken will live for eternity. But there has been a falling away from it in this day, and the devil is taking over. When people lose the favor of God, they’re headed for disaster.”

Rev. Angley continued on to tell them that God heals all manner of sicknesses and diseases. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). “The Bible also says that signs shall follow the believers.” And these signs shall follow them that believe…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18). “If you don’t have any signs in your church, you need to ask your pastor where the miracles are,” Rev. Angley boldly declared.

“It doesn’t matter what church you belong to,” he told them. “You must be born new.” Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Rev. Angley continued to give the people scripture after scripture showing them what God says. He wanted them to trust only in the Lord and not in people. “It doesn’t matter how many people don’t believe the Word of God,” he said. “The Bible says, It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).”

Rev. Angley ended the message by pointing the people to the saving Christ proclaiming, “The way of the Cross leads home!” He led everyone in the sinners’ prayer and had the people repeat, “I will meet you in Heaven,” again and again until it became a part of their spirits.

Miracles Drew the People

The responses of the people in the healing line that night were particularly touching, and they lifted the people’s faith sky-high. A woman who had never smelled anything since birth was so overwhelmed by her miracle that she just stood sobbing and praising the Lord. An accident 34 years ago had left a man without hearing in one ear and without sight in one eye, but God restored both right before the people. The man was so excited that he immediately turned to the audience and began telling them all about it as fast as he could. Rev. Angley exclaimed, “The faith of God works!”

Thousands of mass miracles followed including 386 for allergies, 329 for heart trouble, 511 for eye conditions and 478 for back conditions. After this last revelation, Rev. Angley said, “Stand up and try it out.” People popped up all over the audience, bending and twisting and praising the Lord.

The service ended with the promised anointing for all bondages to be broken. Rev. Angley asked the people to clasp their hands together while he prayed, and he told them that God’s anointing had moved in like mighty ocean waves. After prayer, he told them to separate their hands, signifying they were free. “Claim liberty and freedom!” Rev. Angley declared. “Possess them through faith, and they will become reality!”

You Must Have the Holy Ghost

Our two weeks in Rwanda had passed quickly, and Sunday was our last day with these very special people. Rev. Angley wanted to take them as far as he could in the Lord; and his final message, “Then the Fire Fell”, was all about the necessity of the Holy Ghost baptism. “This message will give you a closer walk with Jesus,” Rev. Angley told them.

Many of those listening had never been taught about the real baptism, so Rev. Angley began by explaining, “The power of the Holy Ghost is fire from On High.” I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire (Matthew 3:11). But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones (Jeremiah 20:9). Rev. Angley told the people that the same fire would burn in their bosoms, too, if they would receive the real Holy Ghost.

“Everybody needs a Pentecostal experience just like they need salvation,” Rev. Angley declared. “Many people stop with regeneration or the sanctified life, but there’s so much more. God’s promise of the Holy Ghost is for everyone!” For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call (Acts 2:39).

Rev. Angley continued, “Many Christians don’t believe in speaking in tongues, but that’s not according to the Bible.” And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4). “Since Pentecost, all those who receive the Holy Ghost will speak in tongues.” But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me (John 15:26). “The Holy Ghost glorifies Jesus; and when you receive the Holy Ghost, you will really want to glorify Jesus.

“Many Pentecostal churches today speak in tongues, sing in tongues and prophecy in tongues at will. I don’t control the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit operates through me. He is the Spirit of truth, and He will keep you out of error and false religions. I’m giving you the truth!” Rev. Angley declared. “If you heed this message, I’ll meet you in Heaven one day; if you don’t heed it, I’ll never see you there.”

Godly Music Opens Hearts

When Rev. Angley finished the sermon, two members of the Cathedral Trio, Tom and Lisa, sang a moving rendition of “How Great Thou Art” in Kinyarwanda. People all over the field were standing and singing along, gently waving their arms in reverent praise to the Lord. The song had created a sacred, holy atmosphere; and the Lord’s miracle power moved in.

Rev. Angley announced that many miracles had taken place during the song; and in a vision, he had seen the Cross appear as liquid fire over the people. “If you want miracles, receive what the Holy Ghost has for you; He’s the miracle worker!” Rev. Angley exclaimed. “Stand up and be made whole! Many of you will never be the same.”

The Lord generously poured out His power to the people, and this service ended with over 15,900 miracles having taken place—more than in any one of the previous services.

Our Work Was Done

The sound of miracles had rung loud and clear throughout this whole crusade, and God had moved in a mighty way for the Rwandan people. Those who really wanted the truth were greatly rewarded, but Rev. Angley let us know that others had sealed their doom. “It was one of the most fantastic separations I’ve witnessed in many years,” Rev. Angley said. “God separated right from wrong, witchcraft from holiness; and He meant business.”

Rev. Angley explained that some of the ministers had turned their backs on the miracles and blasphemed against the Holy Ghost. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers…having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof (II Timothy 3:1,2,5). How sad when people can have so much from God.

Rejoice with us in the great victory of the Lord in Rwanda…but also examine yourself and take heed to the warning so that you will be counted worthy to go when the Lord comes to take His children home.

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