Many times years pass by before a prophecy of God is fulfilled. Such was the case involving a prophecy of a plane planned by God to take the Gospel to America, Canada and the world. For the first time in 2005, we traveled in our own plane to the mission field; it was a thrill of a lifetime, one of many that would take place in this amazing crusade in Lesotho.

Arriving in Lesotho, we were given a police escort to Maseru, the capital city, where a band of eight mountain horsemen took over and led us all the way to the hotel, a distance of two or three miles. It was slow going, traffic was lined up behind us for a considerable distance, but we were delighted with the reception. Some of the horsemen wore the famous conical hats of the region which are shaped like an upside-down funnel with a knob on top. A shape of the hat is even printed on the country’s license plates.

It was a warm welcome we received in this mountainous country, a welcome we were later to learn was reserved for royalty.

Lesotho, noted for its wild thunderstorms, kept up that stormy tradition the first few nights we were there. Needless to say, this brought much prayer, for none of us were looking forward to ducking lightning bolts in the open air crusade services. Well, what can I say? Prayer works. The services were rain free.

Except for the crusade services, Reverend Angley was out of his room only one time, and that was to meet King Letsie III. The king received us graciously, and stood for prayer. He was young, probably in his thirties, had a wife and two daughters: a toddler and an infant. “I love my daughters,” he said.

Ministers’ Meeting, Thursday, April 7

The ballroom in the hotel was filled for this teaching session. “Every miracle, every healing comes through the blood,” Reverend Angley said. “The devil has no right to afflict God’s property.” Reverend told the ministers about some of the many visitations and revelations he has received from the Lord, all in accord with the Word of God. The angel of the Lord directs him, tells him where the miracles are taking place in his services, tells him who has AIDS and other diseases. Addressing a common problem in Africa, he warned: Separate from all witchcraft. Much witchcraft was in the churches, homes and lives; and thus saith the Lord, you must get rid of it.

Pray through the Blood

“Always pray through the blood,” the man of God told the ministers. Man was created in divine blood, but physical blood is cursed with sin, sickness, and disease. As Israel put blood on the doorposts for protection against the death angel, we must have divine blood on the doorposts of our hearts as protection from eternal death in a sinner’s hell. One of the seven covenant names the Lord gave Israel: I am the Lord that healeth thee. Witchcraft does not heal; the devil just withdraws for a time and then comes back. God’s healing lasts.

Reverend Angley went on to tell the ministers that the only way the devil can win over them is to separate them from the love of God. Recorded in John 17 is Jesus’ prayer for our sanctification. We must be set apart through divine blood.

The Ministers Took Notes

Reverend Angley also touched on speaking in tongues at will. It’s not of God. Acts 2:4 tells us the right way: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

In that lengthy session Reverend Angley gave scriptures on praise, trust, hope, faith and ministering angels. Eagerly the people listened and took notes. A few people, not having paper, were writing down locations on their hands and wrists.

Some people who start with faith can end without faith-results and then wonder why. They accept healing for others, but they live in feelings for themselves. When they feel a symptom, their faith wavers and they begin to doubt their healing. Soon they lose their miracle. “It’s time to believe God,” the minister said.

A message came from the Holy Ghost: Yea, I am here, saith the Lord. I have sent my servant to you. I will give great results. I am moving for you. I perform miracles and healings now, saith the Lord. I am walking in your midst. Feel me through my feelings, not yours. Know that I’m the Lord thy God that walketh with my people in this final hour, saith the Lord.

Diseases and Afflictions Were Revealed

Immediately after the message, the gifts of healing and discernment went into action through Reverend Angley: “The person over there with heart trouble: You’ve just been healed.

“The person right over here: You have vision trouble. You’ve had head trouble for more than five years. You’re healed now.

“There’s a person: You have AIDS,” discerned the man of God. “I’m not going to point you out. But you’re a man, healed right now, saith the Lord, of AIDS.

“Another person is being healed of AIDS, saith the Lord. You are free, thank God Almighty. You can go back to your doctor or doctors, and they will not find any sign of AIDS, saith the Lord.

“The left hip is giving trouble to a person. The Lord is re-creating your hip. You would have had to have surgery or been in awful shape suffering the rest of your life…the Lord re-creates hips, the hip bone and so forth. The Lord creates and re-creates. He is Lord God Almighty.

“The person right in through here,” said Reverend Angley, “You’ve had stomach trouble for a little over seven years. It runs in your family, doesn’t it? Now you can eat anything you want to eat. Go home and eat. If you have a pain, eat some more. You have a weak nervous system; you were born with that nervous system; it runs in your generation; look back and see your great-grandmother, your grandmother and your mother; now it’s in you. But the Lord has re-created your nervous system; you’re healed, saith the Lord.

“Over there is a person with a back condition. You fell when you were a child. You were in a pasture; there were cows or animals there. You hit a rock—you were so young. You suffered at that time. Your parents thought you had come out of it. Now later you’re having a lot of trouble. Go back into your life; ask your parents about it. They will remember it. But you’re now healed. The Lord has given you a miracle of re-creation.

“Another person will not live more than six months unless you have open-heart surgery or else take this miracle right now. Your heart is re-created, saith the Lord.

God Moved for More People

A person who had suffered with cancer for four years, six months, one week and one day received a miracle.

As the miracle star went across the crowd, seventy-one head conditions were healed—seven had suffered with migraines and had to spend days in the dark. They are set free, saith the Lord.

A person injured at birth: More than one part of the body was affected—the spine, and the main nerve at the base of the brain. God brought that miracle.

Nervous indigestion was healed.

Reverend Angley, making his way through the crowd, led everyone in the cry: The Blood! The Blood! Devils were fleeing as miracles took place. People were healed of AIDS, of cancer, of diabetes. Everyone was praising the Lord, and the Lord was moving.

At the end of the service, the ministers each received a copy of Reverend Angley’s autobiography and two of his books on the blood of Jesus. They accepted those books as though they were pure gold—which they are, of course, spiritual gold.

Thursday: First Crusade Service

In the name of Jesus and His all-powerful blood, Reverend Angley greeted the people. “I speak the blood name of Jesus,” he said, “and the blind receive sight, the deaf hear, the dumb speak. I speak the name Jesus and people are cured of AIDS, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. I have no secret powers of my own; the Lord is the healer and all the praise, honor and glory go to Him.”

The response of the crowd truly amazed us. They cheered everything—the trio, the pointing-out, the sermons. Reverend taught them the Cross wave and said we were going to have a Bible time, and a glorious Bible time is what we had.

The first song the trio sang was in English and it was received the same as the songs in their own language were received—great applause as the people cheered and stamped their feet until the dust clouds flew.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Began to Work

Right away the Spirit of discerning and knowledge went into operation, pointing out a number of people who were receiving miracles. As the first revelation came, Reverend Angley saw a great light and the beautiful star of Jesus; and a twenty-five-year-old mother was healed of AIDS—tremendous cheering from the crowd.

Five others were healed of AIDS

Another person, thirty-nine-years-six-months and five-weeks old whose last name started with D, promised God that if he were healed he would give his heart to God. God heard his cry and all the crowd prayed the sinners’ prayer with him.

A grandmother helping to raise three grandchildren who had been struck down with AIDS brought them in her heart to the service, and the Spirit of the Lord confirmed that they were now cleansed.

A man had backslidden over family trouble. Unless he had open-heart surgery or healing from the Lord he would die within seven months. But he said the sinners’ prayer with the crowd and was healed.

Now three backsliders were pointed out: one with migraines, one with a ruptured disk, and one whose spleen had been removed. All had AIDS. After saying the sinners’ prayer, they were healed but warned to serve God or they would lose their miracle.

As the mighty power of God poured down, Reverend Angley cried to the crowd: “Take your miracle! Tell the Lord what you need!”

Time for the Sermon

The sermon that night was “Jesus the Healer.” Reverend Angley gave heartrending examples of people who had turned from God because they thought He had taken a loved one through AIDS or some other disease, or that He caused people to be ill. They blamed God for the works of the devil.

Reverend Angley gave the example of a woman who was bitter, hard toward God. Why had she gotten that way? God knew. As the minister was talking with the woman, God gave him a vision of a little girl, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was standing beside a woman dying of cancer. “Don’t die; don’t die!” the little girl pleaded. A minister told the child that it was the will of God for the woman to die, and the little girl’s heart was turned to stone against God. When Reverend Angley told the woman the vision, she confirmed that the dying woman was her mother. “That wasn’t God’s will,” he said. “The devil robbed you of your mother, not God.” That changed everything, made a dramatic turnaround in how the woman looked on God. Her eyes began to take on life as she realized she was blaming the wrong one for her mother’s death, that she should be hating the devil instead of hating God.

Many Blamed God

In the sermon that night, there were many who had blamed God rather than blaming the devil. “God is the healer,” said Reverend Angley. “It’s the devil who afflicts. Jesus is life; only believe. God sent me here to give you Jesus.”

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17). “Can you call heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, AIDS good gifts? Of course not; they don’t come from God, they come from hell,” the minister said. “Let’s send them back from where they came!”

The people thought that was a wonderful idea and cheered enthusiastically.

“Jesus is the healer full of divine love and ready to heal you tonight,” the minister told the crowd. “It’s the will of God for you to be well and healthy.”

Moving with signs, wonders, miracles and healings, God was showing the people He would do exactly what He said.

“Put your problem under the blood and leave it there,” said the man of God.

Reverend Angley told of a woman brought into his service in a wheelchair. Although the doctors said she would never walk again, the minister reminded her of how Jesus had healed a crippled woman when He was on Earth. Jesus has not changed; what He did yesterday, He will do today. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The woman believed God and later walked to the platform at Grace Cathedral to testify of God’s marvelous healing.

Jesus called sickness devil bondage. And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day (Luke 13:16)? The answer was yes, she should be free, and the Lord healed her that very day.

The Bible says to not be afraid; Jesus will do what He said; only believe. Three steps take you into God’s greatness: prayer, fasting and living in the Word of God.

Reverend Angley saw the glory of God when an angel appeared to him for the first time so long ago. In the next service he began to see the healing virtue as liquid fire, and greater miracles started taking place. In that service was a blind woman and her husband along with a number of grown children scattered throughout the audience whom she had never seen. When she received her sight, the place went wild. Her husband kept going back into the congregation and bringing her children to her one by one, introducing them to her. “Mama, do you know who this one is? Do you know who this one is?” Mama couldn’t get enough hugging, nor could her children.

Think what a glorious experience it must have been for that woman to see her grown children for the first time in her life!

Faith Was High for the Healing Line

Reverend Angley lives in two worlds. In these services he’s with the crowd one moment and the next he’s caught up in the Spirit. He can be talking to a person in the line and suddenly the angel of the Lord is talking to him, revealing who in the audience is being healed of this disease, of that disease. Angels minister to those who are heirs of salvation.

The healing line was formed and after two people born with no sense of smell were healed, people in the crowd were pointed out for miracles. A back condition, an ulcerated stomach, a deaf ear, and heart trouble were healed.

The healing line continued for three more people and then again people in the crowd were pointed out. Eye miracles. Divinity was at work.

“Look on Jesus through divine blood,” the minister told the crowd.

A lady who had injured her left arm falling from a chair she was standing on to wash the wall was healed.

The Lord gave the initials of people He was dealing with so they could be sure the Lord was pointing them out for healing.

A severe bowel condition was healed.

Skin conditions were healed.

Back to the healing line for two more people to be prayed for, and then the Lord moved in the crowd for a woman who had suffered three nervous breakdowns. Shock therapy during the second breakdown almost completely destroyed her. Now she was healed.

Thirteen were healed of HIV, six of cancer, ten of diabetes.

“In faith take the divine blood and apply it to the body, eyes, ears and be thou made well,” the people were told as miracles were taking place everywhere.

The service came to a resounding close with the trio singing “Precious Jesus” while Reverend Angley went off the platform to minister to a large invalid section.

Friday Night’s Service

Again the Spirit of discerning and knowledge went into operation at the very beginning of Friday night’s service. Rapidly the conditions that people were being healed of were called out.

A man with AIDS who had lost his wife to AIDS and had only three more months to live was given life.

A woman with two grandchildren at home dying of AIDS was told the Lord was laying a healing hand on them.

A person was healed of cancer.

A diabetic for seventeen years was healed.

A spinal condition, two ruptured disks were healed.

A person with a brain tumor for six years was close to death: “The Lord has healed you! Everyone honor and welcome the Holy Spirit!” cried the minister. I am here, saith the Lord. I have come down to you. I have come down to you, saith the Lord.

In this great pouring out of the Holy Spirit the Lord healed a person of peptic ulcers. “Eat anything you want,” the man was told.

A man who had been a backslider for almost eight years once had the call to preach, but he fell into sin and lost out with God.

“The Lord sent me to tell you that He still loves you,” said the man of God, “and wants you to come home.” The crowd said the sinners’ prayer with him.

A person with a bone disease in the right leg now found that the disease was starting in the left leg. In three months he would have been an invalid, saith the Lord. The Lord wanted him to know He loved him and he was healed.

The power of the Holy Spirit was pouring down in a mighty way.

A seventy-six-year-old man was there with heart trouble. He was very weak. You came in that condition, but you are now healed, saith the Lord.

A person going blind was told that in a year’s time he would have no sight at all. “The Lord sent me with His love,” said the preacher. “You are now healed.” It was masterful surgery; man had nothing to do with it. I am here, saith the Lord, and my Holy Spirit is praying for you.

Painting a house, a man had fallen from a great height and damaged his spine. Never had he been the same since; he suffered and suffered especially at night. But thus saith the Lord, you are healed.

“I am just His love messenger sent of God with His deep, unending love,” Reverend Angley said. “God has so much to give you,” the minister continued, “so much life to offer. It’s not His will for you to be sick and afflicted.”

Miracles bring strength and they are lasting. When Jesus healed, He told the people to go and sin no more. The cry from Heaven is the soul that sinneth shall die. Embrace Jesus the Tree of Life.

What is a sinner? One who transgresses the Law of God.

A Powerful Anointing Poured Down

The blood! The blood! The blood! the people cried as the Spirit rained down greater and greater. They were being set free from demonic spirits; many bound with witchcraft are being delivered, saith the Lord. The blood was there to set people free, and thousands of devils were cast out; the Lord let Reverend see them as defeated armies in full retreat. Now it was time to lead the crowd in the sinners’ prayer and to caution the ones who had been delivered to live holy or the demons would come back.

Miracles as the Trio Sang

As the trio sang, a blind man was healed of AIDS and his sight came to normal. Overhead was a miraculous cloud of God’s glory; God was moving in a mighty way.

“Ask what you will if you’re going to live holy,” said the preacher.

During the singing, the Holy Spirit gave Reverend the revelation of ten people being healed of AIDS.

“Get ready,” he said; “there can be more. Anyone who has or is close to someone who has AIDS: Use your faith and pull a miracle for them.”

The Lord sent Reverend with divine hope for people. In divine hope is divine grace to usher them into divine faith.

“Oh, precious one with death working in your body,” he said, “It’s not too late. Raise your hands; the Lord puts this anointing on my hands, and He will put it on yours. If you have a loved one who is ill, put your hands on your loved one when you get home and feel that heartbeat of divine love as the Lord delivers.”

Reverend spoke to the ten people healed of AIDS. “The Lord numbered you and gave your condition to me,” he said. “I live to see people delivered.”

Sermon: I Beheld His Glory

“I behold His glory, and it is for you,” said the man of God. “Take away the stone and see the glory of God! Don’t lean to opinions; take away the stone and find the victory on the other side.”

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5,6). God will direct your paths into His glory when you trust in Him with all your heart. He makes glory paths. Through Jesus you can have the heartbeat of God.

In 1954 the Lord told Reverend Angley that he had been to man’s school and now he would be schooled by the Holy Ghost. In that schooling he was taught demonology. Looking into unsaved souls, the preacher could see the demons that bound them; the Holy Ghost numbers the demons, and through the blood of the Lamb, the demons are cast out—as long as the person is willing to let them go.

“I beheld the glory of Jesus when I saw Him in His glorified form,” said the man of God. “Never will I forget that experience. A thousand artists couldn’t come close to painting His looks. I was breathless in holy awe, wanting to look at Him forever. I thirst for Him as a man thirsts for water in a desert, and His glory is reaching out for you as well. You’ve been in the cloud of His presence all the time I was preaching.”

Angels Surrounded Us

The angels had us surrounded that night, holding back the powers of darkness. Angels bring great glory into the service.

“I sanctify the Lord,” said Reverend. “He will let people behold His power as the healing line crosses the platform. All the glory goes to God. The more you keep your mind stayed on the Lord, the greater God can work. I don’t operate God; He operates me.”

Miracles were tested in the healing line, miracles that took place while the sign singers were signing the words of a trio song to the audience. A woman and a boy born deaf now could hear. A little girl deaf in the right ear had hearing in that ear. Fourteen more testified in the healing line that they were healed in the crowd as the sign singers were signing to the deaf.

As well as miracles for the deaf, in the crowd also was a person with a severe bowel condition and a woman with a malignant growth in the right breast. Both were healed.

We Visited the Prisons

Reverend Machamer, one of Reverend Angley’s assistant ministers, his wife and some of the tour members visited a juvenile prison Friday morning; and on Saturday it was on to the men’s prison. A few days previously some of our people had walked down to the men’s prison and found the opportunity to give out some blest cloths and books to the staff. On learning that the wife of the head officer was ill in the hospital, Jarrod McReynolds gave the husband a blest cloth to take to her that day after work.

Saturday morning when Reverend Machamer’s group arrived at the prison, the head officer said that he had taken the blest cloth to his wife. Now she was fine and discharged from the hospital. That testimony laid the groundwork for the young pastor to minister in the prison.

First Reverend Machamer conducted a service with the prison staff, gave them books and literature and prayed for each one. The prison contained 905 inmates, 48 for murder. In the service about 130 listened to Reverend Machamer as he told the marvelous way God had delivered him and then he preached the Word of God to them from Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Salvation was offered them, an eternal gift, a unique gift, but it was up to them whether or not they accepted it. Many did accept it, and through prayer for the sick, prayer for salvation, God moved in marvelous ways in both prisons.

Saturday’s Service

The crusade service began with the hallelujah Cross wave. The Lord was ready to move through the divine blood in a great way.

Reverend Angley came to Lesotho because the Lord had told him to come. He let the people know that he loved them and God was there to deliver them, but the people must believe that God is God and a rewarder of all who diligently seek Him.

“This power is not from me,” Reverend said; “it’s from the God I serve who has healed me and called me to take this power to the world. He loves you too much to count you out. Come into my arms and be made well, the Lord is saying. Turn loose of anything that would hinder you tonight, and prepare for tomorrow, a night that will be dedicated to deliverance from AIDS.”

Reverend related the testimony of a Ugandan man and wife healed of AIDS ten years ago. In that Ugandan crusade, the man was dying of AIDS, and his wife was dying at home. Neither one had much longer to live. But during that service, the power of God came down on the man and healed him of AIDS. He took the power home to his wife and God healed her as well. His wife is still well, and he has gained weight, going from one hundred twenty-eight pounds to over 200 pounds. The man, now a bishop in his church, had wanted for ten years to come to Grace Cathedral to give his testimony.

Sermon: Deceit Brings Defeat

Many people have asked the question: Why would God create man if He knew man would sin? During a visitation from God, Reverend Angley asked God that same question. The Lord told him that He refused to know man would sin. Why? Because He wanted man to trust Him, and so He must trust man. He did not look into man’s future to see if he would sin. He took Adam and Eve to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and warned them that if they partook, they would die. God did not know this would be where sin would begin for mankind. How long it took the serpent to beguile Eve we don’t know. Finally he convinced her that God didn’t mean what He said—but He did. And Adam and Eve were cast out of perfection into the curse that came with sin.

“The devil is the father of lies,” said Reverend Angley. “The lie he told in Eden is the same he has told to many of you: God does not mean what He said; a little sin is perfectly acceptable. But the Word of God says: The soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).”

Witchcraft Cannot Work against a True Child of God

The Lord revealed the spiritual condition of the nation to Reverend Angley, let him know what the people needed and gave him understanding of the fear that bound them. Many in witchcraft were possessed by fear, but Jesus brought power over witchcraft, voodooism, and all the sins of the devil.

Reverend Angley told the story of Brother Winston, a man once deep in witchcraft, a witchdoctor. He had had various people killed, even his favorite daughter and his best friend. The minister asked him what a witchdoctor could do with people who had the blood of Jesus in their hearts.

“Absolutely nothing,” was the reply.

With Jesus in your heart, you cannot be harmed by witchcraft or voodooism.

No Witchcraft Is Good

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live (Exodus 22:18). There is no such thing as good witchcraft. In fact, holding on to witchcraft will land a person in hell.

King Saul sought the witch of Endor, hoping she could call the prophet Samuel back from the dead. She didn’t call up Samuel, she contacted a familiar spirit who took on the characteristics of Samuel and deceived Saul.

Down through the years people always have had to pay for deceit. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). If you sow to corruption you will reap corruption. If you sow to the flesh you’ll reap disaster.

Yea, saith the Lord: I am here. I have sent my prophet unto you. I have sent him to bring you into the fold, but you must yield to my Holy Spirit. I am drawing you with my great love; with divine power I’m drawing you. Hell is real; the lake of fire is real, and you will go there if you don’t accept deliverance. I will shut you away from my mind forever, and I will never hear your cries. Repent! Repent! saith the Lord.

“Holy is the name of the Lord!” cried the man of God. “I sanctify the Lord God; He is mighty and great in all His ways! You’re in the cloud of His presence—if you could only see the glory of the Lord that cleanses men tonight! I want everyone to say the sinners’ prayer.”

Part of that prayer: “I will not go to a church that believes in witchcraft. I will not let a preacher preach to me who believes in witchcraft. I will find a church with no witchcraft in it. I believe your Word, Lord, that witchcraft is of the devil. The Holy Bible condemns it to hell. Forgive me of my sins and come into my heart, Lord Jesus!”

By the end of the prayer the people were indeed in the cloud of God’s presence; nothing but glory was in that presence.

Mass Miracles Took Place

There was a pointing out for mass miracles taking place: Great cheering burst out in the crowd when the Holy Spirit discerned through the man of God that 2,021 who had come in with a nervous disorder and a blood disorder were healed, saith the Lord.

Five hundred seventy-five people were healed of asthma.

One thousand five hundred seventy-eight came in with a back condition. No more. You are healed.

One thousand nine hundred seventy-six people came in with a kidney or a bowel disorder. You are healed! We honor you Lord!

Three thousand eight hundred-four people came in with battles of the mind, troubles of the mind. The devil is battling you; you are now free!

We beheld God’s glory in a great way. So many, many people had been delivered this night. And other diseases not called out were healed as God swept over the place with healing love and miracle greatness.

“The fire of the Holy Spirit is in the vision in a mighty way; it’s a takeover by the Holy Spirit,” said Reverend Angley. “Let Him move all through you now and give you divine, eternal peace.

“Keep your minds right on God while the healing line comes.”

Faith Rose High

Again people in the healing line were healed of deafness, the loss of the sense of taste and/or smell; and the faith of the people in the audience drew the Spirit of discerning to them, revealing how God was moving for different people.

He was delivering a person whose first name started with J and last name with Z, who had had AIDS for three years, six months, two weeks, three days. But now he was healed.

A grandmother who had suffered much due to AIDS in the family had lost three loved ones. A special granddaughter she loved very much had a limited time left, but thus saith the Lord, she will not die; she is healed.

In the invalid section a person was being healed of AIDS. “You never thought it could happen to you; you thought you would die from AIDS,” said the man of God. “In fact, you came tonight for something else, but you’re now healed of AIDS.” The Lord was in this place!

The minister pointed to a backslider way in the back: “You’re on alcohol and drugs,” he said. “You’ve had AIDS for over three years. The doctors have given you less than six months to live. There are nineteen devils that bind you, saith the Lord. Raise your hands, people, and help him. Thou foul devils, I adjure you in the blood name of Jesus: Come out in the name of Jesus! And out they come; it’s showing in the vision. Every hand lifted and help this man say the sinners’ prayer. The devils are gone, but you must have Jesus in your heart or those devils will come back. I saw them outside your body after God delivered you.”

The crowd repeated the sinners’ prayer, and then the preacher said, “This man is delivered from AIDS, and others can be delivered: Take your miracle!” Reverend Angley continued, “God allows me to call down His anointing on people if they’ll receive it through grace and love and obedience to His Word. This mighty ultimate anointing, this power that makes people whole all over is in the blood name of Jesus.

“In the invalid section, thirty-six of you will receive a healing or a miracle from the Lord tonight. You can take everything you need if you will do it in the blood name of Jesus. Take this power and place it on your body.”

There was a special anointing for babies and children as well as an anointing to take home and place on the walls, the doors, the windows, beds, pillows, dishes and everything else the person could touch.

Sunday’s Service in Lesotho

“Every miracle tonight, every healing is through the divine blood, every salvation, every baptism in the Holy Ghost. You have marveled at this ministry, but it’s the Holy Ghost ministry. I take no honor or glory for it,” said Reverend Angley. “Through the power of the Holy Ghost the Church was set in order in the first place, and through the power of the Holy Ghost the Lord is closing out the church today. Great power, signs and wonders are taking place.”

A message came forth from the Holy Ghost: I am the Lord thy God, and I have sent my prophet to you to open the eyes of all who are in darkness and to inspire those who have my light. I am here to prepare you for great things. In this final hour my harvest must be brought in; my harvest must be brought in! And you who will yield to me I will use you to bring in my harvest, saith the Lord. I will bless you and I will make you a blessing. Yield to my Spirit; yield to my divine blood, saith the Lord, and life, eternal life will flow, will flow, will flow, saith the Lord.

“Holy is the name of the Lord!” praised the man of God. “If you have any pain in your body, let’s get rid of it right now. Lift your hand and the blood will flow. You can be rid of every ache, pain and disease as the healing power flows. Take what you need through the divine blood of Jesus. He is truly wonderful!”

The Hour of Visitation and Revelation

Reverend Angley went on to tell the people that their hour of visitation, their hour of revelation was now. The Lord was moving for a mass miracle for AIDS and HIV. The whole place was covered with the glory of God; we were in a great cloud of glory. The minister was beholding it and many in the crowd were feeling it. As the glory of the Lord took over, we rejoiced in His very presence, His very blood faith, and blood peace; we were in divinity and the Lord was calling the unsaved unto Himself.

Although this was the hour of visitation, for anyone to have salvation and then go on to receive the Holy Ghost, he or she must leave all witchcraft behind. You can’t have this miracle, saith the Lord, unless you do. Witchcraft is one thing that has held back the churches. There’s no need to reach out for the healing of AIDS/HIV if you are not going to serve God.

“You who are not seeing real miracles in your church,” Reverend said, “ask where are the miracles. You have no time to waste in a dead church; it’s time to be on Holy Ghost fire; Jesus is coming. Some of you will not accept the message tonight, and you may never have another chance at it. God sent me to you,” continued Reverend Angley; “He told me I was to preach on the Holy Ghost, and He sent me to call the Holy Ghost down on all believers who really want Him.

“The Lord lets me feel the pulse of the people,” said the man of God. “He lets me see as I look into a person’s soul whether or not that one really has salvation. It’s alarming the number of people who feel they can sin and still have the Spirit of God! How much can a person sin and still go to Heaven?”

Of course the answer is that no man can enter Heaven if even a tiny bit of sin is in the soul. God lets us know what sin is. Some people want to know what has hindered them, and some won’t believe it when they are told because they don’t want to be free of it.

The minister said that those who have been talking in tongues at will do not have the real Holy Ghost speaking through them. “Get the real Holy Ghost tonight,” he urged. “Everyone who wants the Holy Ghost, stand up. Lift up hands everywhere and yield to the Word, to the will of God for your life. Get rid of your opinions and theories and take the mind of God.

“You’re going to be praising God. As you are praising God, He will move on me to call the Holy Ghost down.”

The power of God began to fall in a mighty way and many received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as they yielded to the Spirit. The Lord was giving a great anointing to seek the fullness of divinity.

Reverend Angley said that he loved to minister to this people because they were pulling on him, wanting more and more and more of God. God knew who would be there; He brought them to the crusade on purpose.

God Revealed More Miracles Taking Place

A woman had a death disease working in her, a growth. She had noticed the swelling in her stomach, a growth as big as a grapefruit, malignant. The Lord brought her to the service that night to heal her, to make her a witness for Him. “This growth will dissolve. Watch your stool, saith the Lord, you’ll see parts of it, and you will know. Your stomach will go down to normal. You are healed.

The Lord moved for a person with curvature of the spine. “You’re twenty-seven years old; your middle name starts with an N, and you’ve never liked it,” said the minister. But it didn’t matter about the name; the person was about to get a miracle and no longer have curvature of the spine. “The spine is coming straight as straight. It is done,” said Reverend Angley through the Spirit of God.

In visions, as God shows Reverend Angley the miracles taking place, He illuminates the vision with His mighty glorious light. For instance, so many times the man of God has seen an eardrum, lit up and floating through the air, go into the ear canal and the deaf can hear. God’s ways are not our ways. Reverend Angley lets Him work the way He wants to work and never doubts Him.

In the vision, the minister saw a backslider who had lost about a fourth of the left lung. Now cancer was in the right lung, too.

“You know you ought to come to God,” said Reverend Angley. “You’ll be dead within seven months if you don’t get this miracle. In seven months you’ll be in eternity.” This backslider had once tasted the things of the Lord, once had a great love for Him, and he left that love. But when the audience said the sinners’ prayer with him, now the vision was wonderful, glorious: The backslider had surrendered. “There was a lot of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the vision; you knew exactly what I was preaching about,” said Reverend Angley. “Your lungs are healthy now; no more cancer. It is the miracle hand of the Lord and He is ready to place His hand on so many this night.”

In the healing line now, people received instant miracles for deafness and the loss of smell and taste, miracles that were verified before the audience.

Then a person in the crowd was called out for healing arthritis of the spine; his suffering had been tormenting. The doctor said there was no help for that person, but God had the help: He was healed.

There was a person who had a poison in his system that the doctors couldn’t identify or cure. They didn’t understand where he got it. But God knew all about it, and you’re now healed, saith the Lord.

“The person with a skin condition: Lift your hand and be healed,” said Reverend Angley through the gifts of discerning and knowledge.

“The person over here: You have skin trouble. Hold out your hand and be healed. You have a rash. Yes, you’re the one: Take the miracle.

“Another one right over here: Take the miracle.

“A person way back: You have inner ear trouble…it’s all done and over with.

“The person with internal complications, your feet and legs give you trouble…there is a lot of swelling in your ankles tonight. You’ve suffered much. You cannot stay on your feet to work without being miserable. Now you’re healed. Your life will be different.

“The person with a growth on your back the size of a quarter. You’re afraid it’s malignant. It is. It’s good you’re here tonight. There’s something that you’re failing God in, and I’ll not name it. You pray, you go to church, but there’s that one thing God wants you to get out of your life. If you will promise God right now that it goes out of your life, you’ll be healed.”

Reverend feels the faith of people as they pull on him. He says it’s like a string tied to his finger and connected to the person in a straight line, a faith line. It’s the miraculous deliverance of the Lord and it works through blood faith.

Reverend Angley said that he left a big part of himself in Lesotho. God had shone His light on them and swept them right into His loving arms in a moment of time. Witchcraft, voodooism and the Gospel were all mixed up together; they hadn’t known anything else, but when the light of the true Gospel came, they embraced it; they wanted to hear more and more about Jesus. It was a joy to see the response of people who had done things in ignorance. Doubt, unbelief and deceit rolled away while the people listened to the true Gospel. As God manifested Himself, their faith soared heaven high; God shook the nation with His mighty power. The revival fires were blazing in Lesotho.

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