Behold, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). The whole Godhead can dwell in your soul and still have plenty of room left over. The soul came from God; it can hold the entire Word of God, all of Heaven; there is no limit on its capacity, but the mind is limited, and can run over. It is like cup. What is in your mind cup?

In the 23rd Psalm we read for the first time someone saying, My cup runneth over. Many people have come to Earth whose cups ran over—Adam and Eve had cups that ran over, Noah had a cup that ran over—but a cup is not used to describe their blessings. The closest thing to comparing joy to a cup that runneth over was when Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me (Genesis 21:6). The Lord had filled her cup with joy and ran it over with laughter. Reach for the joy of the Lord, for laughter that comes from Him.

Thy word was unto me that joy and rejoicing of mine heart (Jeremiah 15:16). The mind cup of joy is wonderful. Many people are looking for joy and happiness, trying to buy it with money. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price (Isaiah 55:1). The Lord invites you to come; in His presence is fulness of joy (Psalm 16:11). The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD (Isaiah 29:19). Joy brings you into a new awareness of the greatness of God; His greatness will make you a happy witness. The joy of the LORD is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

When you come to Jesus, the Holy Ghost uses the blood to seal and preserve your soul. The devil and all his demons cannot break the seal of blood on one soul. Only if an individual willfully sins against God can that seal be broken. Although the mind is not sealed with the blood, it is protected through God’s everlasting, eternal love. That is the reason it is essential to always have love in your mind cup. No hate, no malice, no grudges, nothing unlike God can be there if you expect to have His protection of love. You must be pure and clean in your mind.

The mind, of course, thinks, uses memory, has opinions, wishes, intents and wills. It is important for the mind to work the way God planned. He made the mind—a powerful little thing—and it’s all yours.

Adam and Eve once lived completely in God’s love. God came down to enjoy that love as He walked and talked with them. Their minds were so lovely that God could deliver wonderful things into them, the wisdom and knowledge He wanted to give. God brought all the animals before Adam, and Adam named them—he had that kind of intelligence. How proud God must have been of Adam! Adam and Eve didn’t have to study, to wrestle for knowledge; God gave it to them.

In Eden, the Lord had no trouble with man and woman until they entertained a thought of sin. Willfully they went against God’s Word. When that thought of sin in their minds was put into action, the sin dropped into their souls, and they were lost. Until they sinned, no afflictions could take them over; there was no curse. No contamination, no sickness, no death touched Eden before sin brought those things. The body had been anointed, protected with God’s love in the Garden of Eden. Man would never have died had sin not entered them. The love of God was more than sufficient to keep man pure. After he sinned and was thrown out of Eden, he had to make his way in the world the hard way.

The mind must be conditioned to recognize the need for training. Along with the mind, the body has to be schooled. When you have Jesus, your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are (I Corinthians 3:16,17). The body needs to be brought under subjection and kept there through the mind.

The soul is a reservoir for the mind. From the soul, the Holy Ghost flows the greatness of God into the mind. He keeps the cup filled—if it’s first free of clutter and kept clean. The mind cup must be clean, for the Holy Ghost will not serve the greatness of God to an unclean cup. The Lord gave us His holiness, His righteousness, His power to cleanse all filth of the flesh and spirit. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (II Corinthians 7:1).

The Bible tells us to lift up holy hands before Him: I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting (I Timothy 2:8). It takes the blood of Jesus to cleanse the soul, giving man the opportunity to have a clean mind cup, to live in the holiness of God and lift up holy hands before Him. The Holy Ghost cannot pour from the soul into the mind until the soul is born again, cleansed with the blood of the Lamb.

If you willfully commit sin after you are born again, the Spirit of God will leave you. It is possible to back slide. Any of the seventeen works of the flesh, recorded in Galatians, contaminate the soul as well as the mind cup. What are they? Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like (Galatians 5:19-21).

Failure to obey God will hinder the Holy Spirit from filling the cup. Only through total obedience will the mind be ready to think the way God wants it to. Too often we focus the mind on self and take it away from God; we won’t let the Holy Spirit use it.

The devil is trying hard to divert the child of God from the good things the Lord is seeking to pour into the mind cup. He’s making every effort to turn you away from the Holy Spirit, trying to convince you to look on the greatness of God as though it were nothing. He wants to fill your cup with distress, oppression, depression, fear, frustration and despair, with all that life makes life miserable.

Rebellion, stubbornness in your mind cause you to rob God and yourself. It is essential for your mind to work in perfection with the Holy Spirit. Never before has there been an hour that has produced so many mental cases. All kinds of mind diseases afflict people, rob them. Many people can’t think for themselves any more. Most of them at one time had sound minds, but something happened; the minds have been destroyed. Be careful to keep your mind in the Holy Spirit so the devil cannot touch it. Direct the mind to think the right things, to blend with the Holy Spirit and then let the Spirit lead you onto paths the Lord wants you to be on.

When my precious Aunt Dovie was well into her eighties, her mind was sound. She said, “Ernest, if I hadn’t really gotten hold of God years ago, I would be like all too many of the elderly people today. I would have no mind. It started on me, and I said, ‘This won’t work! I won’t have it!’ I fought it—and won.” In Heaven now, she was a great inspiration to me and supported the things of God until the day she died. Her letters down through the years were filled with praise to God for her blessings, for her well being.

To blend is to mix, to unite, to go well together, to harmonize in order to produce a desired quality. Come to the place of the blend of the mind with the Holy Spirit, and receive that good quality, the wonderful personality of Jesus. Take on the mind of Jesus, and your cup will be overflowing.

Jesus came to serve, and we are to be like Him. When He ascended into Heaven, He sent the Holy Ghost to help us serve. The more you serve what the Holy Spirit pours into that cup daily, the more He will pour in. As a servant, He is there to pour and pour. He doesn’t hesitate. He will pour a new cup for each new situation and person you meet. He has plenty to spare. Take that cup of joy, gladness and happiness and serve it. You may thoughtfully serve your guests a cup of tea or coffee, but have you ever thought about serving them a cup of peace, a cup of love, a cup of goodness and mercy? The coffee will soon be gone, but the cups of love and goodness, joy, peace, wisdom and knowledge that you serve will be lasting. You give a real gift, a cup full of the greatness of the Lord.

The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us (Romans 5:5). The Holy Ghost sheds abroad love, peace, goodness, and pours it into the cup, into your mind. But if you are not careful, you may let someone pour into your cup that which is ugly, undesirable. Depression, oppression, despair can dart right in and lodge. Dump them out as soon as possible. Get rid of them. Oh Lord, cleanse my cup! And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The peace of God will keep your mind. How wonderful is His peace! The Lord has many keepers of the mind for you.

Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind (I Peter 4:1). In Philippians 2:5 we read, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. When you take on His mind, you arm yourself with love, love, love and peace, peace, peace.

The disciples must have been amazed at the things Jesus served them. He told them to love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthew 5:44). Love your enemies? They had learned an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Now Jesus taught them a better way, the new and living way. Trying His best to empty minds so He could fill them with something good, Jesus worked and got a few to that filling place, filling and refilling them with the things of Heaven. It must have been soul-refreshing to the disciples.

The Lord wants to use our minds, wants our minds to work in love in perfection. A love mind does not gossip or fuss, does not grieve the Holy Spirit. The wonderful love mind of Jesus is offered you. Your mind is to be like His. In your home or wherever you are, serve love.

Many cups of love were served in my home. We didn’t have much money, but we had a lot of love. I couldn’t imagine being without love. Greatly blessed, we had human love and we had God’s love.

Love in the home helps to make children healthy. Even animals need love. Look at the love the Lord gives to nature, to the flowers, the love of His sunshine and rain. Without it where would they be! Many people have suffered because of a lack of love.

When you come to Jesus you come into all the love you need. Let the Holy Spirit make His love real to you. Don’t look to people; if you get love from people, consider it a bonus. Look to God for love. Lord, fill my cup with love. Start each day with a cup of love, and serve it all day. The quicker you serve love, the quicker the mind cup will be refilled. The Lord is waiting for you to serve that which He has given you. He doesn’t give you love to lock away in your mind; He wants you to serve it. Someone who is thirsting for righteousness will appreciate love so very much, something from Heaven.

Think about mind renewal. To renew is to make like new again. Your mind can be renewed through the Holy Spirit as often as needed. Becoming tired and weary doesn’t mean that the mind is in sin; the mind is just tired. The mind needs a renewal, a rest. The Holy Spirit takes the mind into His gentle hands and renews it for you to use.

To renew is to make young, fresh or strong. Know what is available from God for your mind. Because some people don’t know, they don’t use what the Lord has for them to renew the mind with. I’m stressed out, are words we often hear. We live in an hour of stressed-out people. Even children become stressed out. Why? They are not being served the things of God in the home. The mind cup is not open to His love. The little ones who hear gentle words in the home are taught that Jesus loves them, taught Bible stories and songs, have their little cups filled with thoughts that nourish the soul. But too many little mind cups are filled with junk, with fighting, cursing and blaspheming. They are not being served cups of love, cups of tender goodness and mercy or any other of the things of the abundant life that Jesus brought. Jesus said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). He served life abundantly, filled every waiting cup He could find.

To renew is to bring back to good condition. Let the Holy Spirit bring your mind back to good condition. But first, clean the cup, empty out all the junk, all the things people said to you that hurt, things you want to forget. Some of you hoard trash instead of getting rid of it. The wrong thoughts are running through your mind; you wonder why you can’t sleep at night. Your cup is filled with torment, agony, aggravation. You may physically be removed from those who have tormented you, but now they are in your mind cup. When you finally fall asleep, you have disturbing dreams. After you take out the garbage at night, do you stay awake, fearing someone might steal it? Dump out the garbage from your mind, that which doesn’t edify and let the Holy Ghost fill your cup while you sleep.

Don’t go to bed with a cup of fear, shaking every time you hear a noise. When fear is there, reach out with your mind and say, Holy Spirit, fill my cup with peace, with serenity, assurance. Fill my cup. You can get torment out of your mind if you want it out. The devil would like to make you think you have to keep it, but it’s a lie. You don’t have to keep it. You can empty anything out of your mind that you want to get rid of; God sent the Holy Ghost to help you. Divinity can do all things. The trouble comes in trying to empty your mind when you don’t know how to yield to divinity. Instead of yielding to divinity, you yield to the human spirit and don’t get the help you need.

Our Good Shepherd

David’s cup ran over. With heartfelt gratitude for the Lord’s care, he knew who his protector was: The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23:1). In John 10:11 Jesus said, I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. Your cup should run over with gladness knowing that Jesus came to be your Good Shepherd. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep (John 10:14). He is your Good Shepherd; He knows you. The sheep follow him: for they know his voice (John 10:4). Know His voice; listen for it.

The Lord will supply all your needs. David said, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1). Fill you mind cup with that promise of supply: My God will do it. The worry, the fretting are gone if you really have His promise of supply in your cup and have turned your back on the torment of insecurity. A cup filled with man’s opinions about what disaster might or might not happen hinders God in working His will. If, however, you have emptied the cup, the mind, and let the Holy Spirit put in His security, you rejoice in saying: I shall not want! God will supply!

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures (Psalm 23:2). Rather than resting in green pastures, some people act as though they have been sleeping on thorns and expect to continue to do so. They need a cup of courage from the Lord, and He has plenty to give, plenty to serve. Let the mind cup be filled to the brim with good, godly courage, courage to meet every trial, courage to walk each valley, courage to climb the mountains, courage against all fear, despair, distress. Hold out your mind cup and get ready to receive. Tell the Lord what you want Him to put in your cup. He delights in your trust. Lord, I want a cup of courage.

He leadeth me beside the still waters (verse 2). When your cup is not being filled the way it should be, the waters are troubled. You don’t have the water of peace, the sweetness of the water of life being poured into your mind. But as He leads you beside still waters, you have peace.

He restoreth my soul (verse 3). He restoreth your soul to the condition of the souls of Adam and Eve before the fall. How wonderful to know that He has restored your soul and will keep it restored, will keep everlasting life flowing in it!

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake (verse 3). In John 16:13 we read that when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. He will lead you, teach you, guide you on the truth-paths of righteousness.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil (Psalm 23:4). This is not the valley of death, but the valley of the shadow of death. On a sunny day one sees shadows. Trees cast shadows, and we call it shade. The light of the Lord is with a child of God, and the way is not dark. With eternal light ever since Jesus walked that way, the valley of death has been lit up. Have you ever seen a child of God die? It’s a glorious passing. No fear, just pure happiness to be with the Lord forever.

When just a young preacher, I heard the last whisper of one saint of God on her dying bed: Be good, and meet me in Glory. Then she was gone. It was a wonderful message to leave me; I will never forget it. In the valley of death is no evil for the child of God.

For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (verse 4). The love of God is your staff of life. The rod is the Word of the living God. Jesus said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies (Psalm 23:5). We may pray for God to take our enemies out of sight, but here we read that God will bless us before them. They are eating scraps while we dine from a table loaded with the greatness of God. That’s real vengeance, God’s vengeance.

Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over (verse 5). The head, the mind cup is anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever (verse 6). Strength, determination, courage, faith are all displayed in the mind cup of the Psalmist. He poured psalms of praise from his cup, his mind. He was saying that the Lord was his; the Lord belonged to him. The Lord led him, looked out for him. This all was in his mind.

When troubled in mind, go to the 23rd Psalm. Fill your mind with what sustained the Psalmist. Draw on peace, great peace from the Lord. That anointing, that renewal of the mind is wonderful to behold!

The Promise of the Father

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) (John 7:37-39). After Jesus was glorified, He told the disciples, Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven (Luke 24:49-51).

The Holy Ghost did not baptize with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues until after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Jesus told His followers to wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence (Acts 1:4,5). What happened when the Holy Ghost baptized them? And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4). This is what Jesus meant when He said that rivers of living waters would flow from the innermost being.

John’s baptism was in water, a baptism of repentance. He told the people, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire (Matthew 3:11). There is a great difference between John’s baptism and the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

The soul is filled with the Holy Ghost because that’s where the Lord is abiding. No scarcity of the love of God is in the soul of a born-again Christian. From the soul, the Lord fills a clean mind cup over and over. Remember, Jesus said this would come from the innermost being. You must have the Holy Ghost inside; He must be in your soul. Jesus said, he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you (John 14:17). The world will not understand it, but the Bible says it is true.

Think about the mind cup of God’s love that the Holy Ghost serves you any time. Paul talked much about the love of God. I marvel at all he taught. In great perfection, Paul’s mind was kept on the Lord because he took on the mind of Christ. In Romans 8 he wrote, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? When tribulation, distress, persecution fill your mind, do they push out the overcoming power of God? Are you worried about what you will wear, what you will eat? Let nothing separate you from the love of Christ. As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35-39). Those words demonstrate what is in a mind cup of love. The Holy Ghost first sheds abroad the love of God in yielded hearts.

The Holy Ghost serves faith, pure faith. God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Whenever you need faith to spring to life within you, yield to the Holy Spirit and He will serve it, fill your cup. If your mind is tired and weary, if you have been through an ordeal, a war with the devil, let the Holy Spirit of the living God renew your mind so that you can take this cup of faith.

Are you so troubled, so weary that you don’t know what to do? The mind cup of peace is offered you. Just yield to the Holy Spirit on the inside. He has plenty of the peace of God to serve your mind cup: The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The human mind cannot understand the peace of Jesus, but the human mind can use it. The Holy Spirit serves peace to the mind, fills the mind cup with it.

A mind cup of patience is beautiful. In your patience possess ye your souls (Luke 21:19). You need patience, but you must want it in your spirit. Instead of going into rages, go into patience. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you fill your cup with patience and longsuffering. Not only ask for patience and longsuffering, ask for goodness and mercy to fill you mind. When your mind is filled with goodness and mercy, you can love your enemies, pity them, knowing that hell will be their destiny if they don’t get saved. You have compassion and are not filled with resentment, bitterness and a desire for vengeance.

A mind cup of compassion is a beautiful mind. Jesus had that mind and He served compassion to all in need. The lepers, the sick and afflicted moved Him with compassion. And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick (Matthew 14:14). The Lord gives us His compassion, moves us to reach out to help people, to deliver them through the power and strength of the Holy Ghost.

Fill your mind cup with the steadfastness in the Word; be rooted and grounded in it. No matter how many earthquakes of fear and distress the devil brings, be unshakable, unmovable, unsinkable in claiming the promises of God. Have the courage to get off the boat and walk the waters. When you have taken on the mind of Christ, the Holy Ghost can easily fill your soul with the things of God.

The mind cup is overflowing with truth when the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost lives inside you. The Spirit of Truth conquers all. Jesus said, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Don’t live in bondage. Live in the truth that brings freedom. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). The Son of God sets you free from sin. When you are born again, sin shall not have dominion over you (Romans 6:14).

Let the wisdom of God fill your mind cup. Many seek the wisdom of man, but even at best, it will not take the place of the wisdom that comes down from Heaven. The wisdom of God is wonderful.

The mind cup must be filled not only with wisdom, but with the knowledge of God, with what He wants, what is best for you. The Lord uses both His wisdom and knowledge to direct you in helping others, lifting them up, making their burdens lighter.

The Lord delights in serving hands, and the Holy Spirit rejoices over them. With your mind cup filled with the serving Spirit, your hands become serving hands. They serve like Jesus’ hands served because they serve the same things, that which comes from On High, life eternal.

The mind cup is to be filled with contentment, and oh, how we need contentment! We live in a restless hour. Years ago the Lord told Daniel that many shall run to and fro (Daniel 12:4). Many run from place to place seeking contentment and never finding it. Knowledge has been increased, but not contentment. God’s people have been contaminated with discontent; they are too lukewarm to spend hours in the presence of the Lord. They don’t enjoy the Lord that much. They are restless. If they promise to pray an hour, they check the clock each minute. One would think they were in a torture chamber. Paul wrote, I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:11-13). Paul learned to be content; he yielded to the Holy Ghost his teacher who poured the wisdom and knowledge of God through him. Paul let the Lord use his soul, his mind, to teach others.

The more you yield to the Holy Spirit, the more you learn how to turn your mind over to Him. I had to learn how to turn my mind over to the Holy Spirit so He could use it like His own, just like a person with the Holy Spirit can turn over his tongue and let the Holy Spirit use it whenever He wants. It all works the same way through the same channels, through the same power, through the same Holy Ghost.

Let your mind cup overflow with righteousness. Righteousness and unrighteousness will not mix, nor will holiness and unholiness.

When righteousness and holiness are in your soul, the Holy Spirit feeds them into your mind. He can mix that holiness and righteousness in with God’s love, peace, assurance, contentment, in with God’s everything. The Holy Ghost brings forth many beautiful ingredients for you to use. All the ingredients that go into a cake, for instance, are used; and all the ingredients that go into the soul, the Holy Spirit seeks to use through you. Instead of flour, He uses the life of Jesus in every recipe, the righteousness and holiness of God.

How many times have you failed God because you didn’t let the Holy Ghost fill your cup with humility? I won’t do it! I won’t take that from anyone! Do you know what they said about me, what they did! Flesh is alive and self is standing up tall in the wrong place with the wrong things. The mind is cluttered, the spirit weak, the Lord disappointed. How sad! But when your mind is flowing with the greatness of His Holy Spirit, what a jubilant feeling it is! In the Holy Spirit is all you need. There is no lack of the Holy Spirit for the Bride of Christ today.

Overflowing, your cup is filled with the gladness of the Lord. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows (Psalm 45:7). When you hate evil, everything unholy, unrighteous, wicked and unlike God, He anoints you with His gladness. He fills your mind cup with it day after day. That gladness is there. You become so happy that the smallest things bring peace to your soul.

The mind cup yielded to the Lord is overflowing with determination to have everything God offers you. It’s a cup filled with generosity. Are you generous? If you have the generous spirit of God, your generosity extends all over the world.

You’re generous in giving to missions, in sending Bibles and materials that tell the story of Jesus to people. You have the spirit of generosity. When you are saved, the generous spirit comes in with the love of God. You love to give of your tithes and offerings. I’ll never forget the Sunday after I was saved, I could hardly wait to get to church with my tithe. If felt great. In my teens I was so happy that I don’t believe there could have been a happier person giving his tithe. It wasn’t a big tithe, but it was a tenth. The tenth shall be holy unto the Lord (Leviticus 27:32).

When your cup is filled with grace, you have a sufficiency of everything needed. It’s all in the grace of God. Be a peacemaker. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9). Blessed are those who have a cup of healing balm ready to use. The mind cup of Jesus was always filled with healing balm. Almost every time we read about Him, He was healing someone, going to heal someone or coming back from healing someone. He is our example. Carry that healing balm; have it in your home, in your marriage, for your children. Everywhere you go, have healing balm. You’ll always find someone hurting, someone in need. You can’t wait until you find a person who needs healing right at that very moment before you work up a cup of healing balm; you must carry it with you. They need it at once.

Seeing fallen ones by the way, you serve them a cup of His strength. What is in your soul must be in the mind for you to serve. You cannot serve what is not in the mind. What the Holy Spirit serves from your soul is meant to flow into your mind to make connections with other minds. It’s amazing how the Lord has planned it out. He is ready to serve you.

Daily the Lord seeks to flow the vision of the harvest into your mind cup. Every time you look into your mind through the Spirit of the Lord, that vision is there. Every time you look straight ahead, the vision is vivid. Always keep the vision of the Lord.

Your cup not only is filled, Child of God, it is running over when the Lord is your shepherd, your everything. He leadeth you into the paths of righteousness, beside still waters. He gives you beautiful places of His great love and gentle touch to rest in. He is the Lily of all your valleys, the Bright and Morning Star. High on the mountain He is the Rose of Sharon. Wherever you are, there He is. Your cup runneth over. Wherever you are, the Great I-Am walks with you, and you walk with Him, talk with Him. How wonderful it is to be His, to be following hard after Him in this final hour!

But oh, Sinner, your cup is a miserable one. The devil fills your cup; demons swarm in it. That’s the reason you feel restless so much of the time; that’s the reason hate can take you over, why strife can possess you in a split second. You do things that later you regret. The devil hammers on people with His mind battles, trying to fill up that cup before God has a chance at it.

Sinner, where’s your peace? You don’t know when you lie down at night whether or not you will ever wake in this life again. It’s time to come to Jesus. You can have a cup of joy to take with you, but you can have more than that. You can have overflowing rivers of the greatness that God wants for you, the greatness of Him, that greatness from your innermost being, rivers that will never run dry. Did you ever take a cup and try to empty a river? It can’t be done. Neither can you deplete the rivers of living water that flow in the souls of those who are born again.

If you don’t have the Lord, say the sinners’ prayer with me. Oh, God: Save my soul! Forgive me of my sins! I’m sorry I sinned against you, Lord, but I have come home. I will serve you the rest of my life. Now I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come on into my heart, Jesus! Come on in!

If you believed that prayer, you can say, Hallelujah He has come! He has filled my soul, and now my mind cup can be filled daily with the goodness of Him.

You who need healing for yourself or for your little one, agree with me in prayer now. I am not a healer; I am a faith believer. The Bible says that the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). Lord, I bring the sick and afflicted to you, the cancer victims, the heart patients, those with diabetes and other death diseases. Lord, I bring them all to you. I bring the little babies. Some of them were born with just part of a brain. You have healed these conditions again and again; you have given little ones a whole brain who did not have it. God, we thank you for what you are about to do. In the name of Jesus, I impart the miracle healing power from the gift of miracles and the gifts of healing. It comes in the name of your Son Jesus. Heal! Heal! n the name of the Lord. Heal in the all-powerful name of Jesus!

Feel His presence, His healing balm. It’s in your body or on your child’s body, if you believed. It will work. Watch yourself or your child get well; watch all improvements daily. That’s what our God will do. The Lord is our Good Shepherd and He loves His sheep. What a wonderful, wonderful Jesus He is.

Write and tell me about the healing miracle or salvation you received while reading this book, and let me rejoice with you.

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