And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Those coming into that knowledge of God’s keeping power will have the peace of mind of the Early Church. Again and again I have marveled at the peace they demonstrated in the face of great persecutions and difficulties. In prison for the sake of Christ, they sang praises to the Lord. Marvelous peace was theirs. Beaten, mistreated, the Early Church glorified the Lord through it all. Their minds didn’t rebel but were clear like the mind of Jesus. How did they do it? Through the secret of peace the Lord is giving to you: the remedy for the troubled mind.

You learned how to receive salvation, how to be cleansed from all sin and then to walk in the newness of life, becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus. You learned it all. Now as you study the remedy for the mind, you find it is all in Jesus just like the remedy for sin.

Because Christ Lives in Us, We Can Have His Mind

The Bible tells us to take on the mind of Jesus: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). The Church, the Bride of Christ in this final hour will be able to come into the mind of Jesus. I did not know what made up His mind, but as I sat at the feet of Jesus, the Lord took me to the Scripture, showing me how clearly Jesus was revealed in the Bible. Each quality the Lord told me went into the mind of Jesus I took to the Word. His character is defined in the Word of God.

Study the life of Jesus, how He acted, what He did and said. Draw on the Holy Spirit to help you; He is the Teacher. Jesus was motivated by love, magnificent love. You have Him in your soul; He came in when you received salvation. He stays there as long as you commit no willful sin. The new creation has Jesus and His mind in the soul, making the person new through and through.

Taking on the mind of Christ has seemed so extreme many ministers dared not preach it to their people. In the divine visitation in 1954, the Lord taught me about the Word test. Everything God tells me I take to His Word to be sure it really is God directing me. He never tells anyone anything that would conflict with His Word.

To say that you can have the mind of Christ is no greater than saying you can have Jesus in you—as Paul said in Galatians 2:20, Christ liveth in me. In Romans 8:9 we read that ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them (II Corinthians 6:16). That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith (Ephesians 3:17). God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (I John 4:16). Jesus said in John 14:20, I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

When Jesus came to Earth, He took on a human mind. The divine Son of God became very man, mind and all. Showing the disciples how to receive peace in the soul, He also showed them how to have peace of mind.

At first the disciples did not understand how to hold on to such miraculous peace for the mind. If you have trouble understanding how to keep this divine peace of mind, don’t worry about it. The Lord was able to lead the disciples into that peace; and if you, too, will follow the Lord, He can lead you into all of His greatness, all of His promises fulfilled for you. Since Christ lives in us, we can take on the mind of Christ as the Early Church was able to do.

In this last hour, embrace the thoughts of Jesus for your journey; be in harmony with Him so you can think His thoughts. To walk like Jesus you must be like Him, think like Him. That’s the reason the Bible tells us to take on the mind of Jesus. When we think the way He did as He journeyed here on Earth, we know our benefits and learn how to yield to the Holy Spirit.

Peace in soul, peace in mind—deliverance for the soul is offered you as well as peace for the mind. Peace, not just in Heaven but right here on Earth, is available to the born-again Christian.

Fishers of Men

In a beautiful way, the Lord is directing the Bride in this final hour to be fishers of men, to bring in the world harvest for Him. Follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Following Jesus requires yielding to Him so you can take on a mind that fishes for souls. The paramount concern of Jesus is lost humanity. Nothing could take the value of a soul nor the determination to win the lost from His mind. He placed more value on one soul than on all the wealth of the world. Taking on the mind of Jesus means taking His passion to win the lost. On your own you will not have that love, but the Holy Spirit will see to it that you have the mind of Jesus when you yield to Him, taking over your mind like He took over your soul. When you received salvation, your soul became like Jesus, just as pure, clean and spotless; all stains of sin were washed away. In that pure soul you have collected much of God, of His greatness, His love, His faith.

What Feeds Your Mind?

Many children of God are troubled in mind although their souls are filled with the greatness of Jesus. Why? The miraculous supply is unused. Either the Holy Spirit feeds your mind, or people—with your help—feed it, or the devil feeds it. Be careful. One way or another, the mind is going to be fed. It will be fed peace, joy and love; or it will be fed frustration, despair, fear and oppression.

Select a nourishing diet for the mind. That mind is yours. You have the authority over it, the power to control it if you will do it. Amid a roomful of chatter, you can direct your mind to the conversation of one person, shutting out everyone else while you listen—if you want to. You must have that desire.

As a child of God, you surely want to shut out all the clutter while you listen only to Jesus, but that desire must be cultivated, yielded to, a desire of the soul that needs to be satisfied.

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalm 119:11). Without the Word, you can’t be saved; you must have the Word in your soul. You who are born again have it, but what are you going to feed your mind? If you are unaware that you have Heaven’s menu for the mind, you will not use it. Oh, God, give me peace, you may cry. But as a child of God, you already have peace in your soul. You have joy and happiness. Why lock it away in the soul and not use it?

All the goodness of grace, mercy, helps and wonderful promises of God are offered in Heaven’s menu. God has a promise to cover every burden, every trial, every temptation.

What breeds doubt? What causes disbelief? Wrong mind-food. Believing with the mind only and not the soul hinders you in receiving healings and miracles. Fear takes over. You believe the doctor’s grim diagnosis. A person who died of the same affliction you have may come to mind. Feeding your mind prophecies of doom prepares you for the cemetery. How much better to turn your mind from doubt and fear and prepare for a miracle! Shut unbelievers out. Let them say whatever they want, but never allow their words to cast doubt on what the Lord can do and has promised to do.

Rivers of Living Waters

Jesus said, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). Rivers of living waters are promised those who receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Peace, joy, the greatness of Heaven are included in these living waters. Think what your life on Earth consists of; analyze what makes up your life. Is peace, love and joy of the Lord stored away in your soul but not transferred to the mind? Do you allow people—who really want no help—to unload their worries and troubles on you, burdens that steal your happiness and drown you in depression, oppression and fear? When you listen to tormenting thoughts and words, feeding them to your mind, trouble lodges there. You try to be rid of it, going in before the Lord with your request, crying and praying. You may feel better, but you don’t know how to be completely delivered from all the unpleasantness so the mind can be filled with the benefits in the soul. You’ve blocked the flow of living waters.

You enjoy church when you put your heart into it. The Holy Spirit for the moment has your attention. For the moment He cleans out the unpleasantness and begins to shed abroad the wonderful benefits of God in your mind. You are edified and blessed. But you don’t know how to keep these blessings, how to yield to them, and you go begging for the greatness of God that is rightfully yours—something you have but are not using. Why wait until you get to Heaven to enjoy the benefits that are yours on Earth? The Early Church learned in the beginning how to let the Holy Spirit serve the greatness of God that was in their souls to their minds. They rejoiced in the mighty takeover by the Holy Spirit.

The Magnificent Bridge

There is a great gulf between the soul and the mind. The soul, filled with Heaven’s goodness and happiness, can be a million miles away from the mind although the soul and mind live in the same body, the same house of clay.

The Holy Spirit—if given liberty—will flood your mind with the good things of God, with the love, peace, joy, all the wonderful benefits that are yours through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has come to serve. You opened your soul, and the Lord filled it with His living waters. It took the Spirit of God to fill your soul with His presence, and it takes the Spirit of God to flow it to your mind. You just haven’t been conscious of His service.

The soul is the container of all you receive from Heaven. Pleading with Heaven to send what you already have in the soul is unproductive. You get nowhere with that kind of prayer. What you need as a child of God, you already have. All you have to do, saith the Lord, is yield to the Holy Spirit; He is the bridge.

Just as Jesus became the bridge between you and God, the Holy Spirit bridges the gulf between soul and mind. Into the mind He sheds abroad the greatness of God from the soul that has been born new. The reservoir of the redeemed soul collects and keeps the greatness of God, the love, peace, joy—all that is of the Lord Jesus. As He bridges the gulf, He flows from your soul into your mind exactly what you need. You cannot flow His greatness; He flows it into your mind as you yield to Him.

The baptism in the Spirit is essential in this final hour. You are never going to be able to keep this peace, saith the Lord, without the baptism in the Spirit. After you become born new, you must have the baptism in the Holy Spirit for the Holy Spirit to be able to live and dwell on the inside. It’s a matter of yielding to Him. Come into this knowledge aware that the Holy Spirit is the bridge, the one serving, delivering all that is in your soul to your mind. Through this magnificent bridge you learn to listen in on Heaven, to the Word of God through Him. God talks to you from His Word with His Spirit, with His love. To help you let go of anything hindering your mind, the Holy Spirit feeds you through the Word of God.

Release Is Yielding

You who are depressed, don’t expect the Holy Spirit to suddenly knock depression out of your mind; He needs you to release it. How can you do this? By using the Word, I say again. That release is your yielding.

You want the unhappiness out of your mind, but certain things may still worry you almost to death—children, grandchildren, other members of the family. That’s not God’s fault.

Although the Lord would give victory over every troublesome person, are you sure you want it? Would you feel you weren’t doing your duty if you couldn’t carry some unnecessary burden? Does that familiar heaviness give you a sense of worth? The Lord can’t help you unless you want Him to take over, unless you yield your burden to God. If you didn’t love carrying your burden around, you would let it go.

Are you hurt when the preacher tells you the burden you treasure is not one God wants you to have? Those things you can do nothing about are burdens to give to the Lord. He didn’t exclude your grown children or anyone else. Many bring problems to me about their relatives but refuse to release them into the Lord’s hands.

Abraham Obeyed God

The Lord told Abraham to move away from his kin, and when Abraham obeyed, the Lord blessed him greatly. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him (Genesis 12:1-4).

The Lord knew He couldn’t use Abraham the way He wanted unless He got him away from his family. But some of you would never leave your kin no matter how aggravating they are, no matter if God told you to leave. You seem to thrive on adversity, enjoy it—until you start talking to the preacher. Using the Word, I point out the way of escape, of deliverance; but some, I say again, simply do not want to be delivered. They remind me of a rubber ball bouncing against a wall, returning to me again and again. Nothing seems to have changed. I throw the ball; it bounces back, and I catch it. I throw the ball again; it bounces back, and I catch it again. But every once in a while after I throw enough, the wall comes tumbling down, the rubber ball doesn’t come back. I know I’ve gotten through at last.

Guard Your Mind

Don’t be blinded by the cares of this life; listen to what the Spirit is saying! Let Him show you how to listen with your mind as well as your soul. The true born-again Christian guards his soul but not always his mind. The soul has been delivered, not the mind. Let the Holy Spirit feed you the things that give wonderful happiness, peace and joy.

You may think you have no control over the mind, but the Lord lets you know you have. By giving you a fruit of the Spirit called self-control, the Lord has provided you power over the mind—if you use that fruit. However, by not letting the Holy Spirit transfer that fruit out of your soul, you will not have His power for liberty and freedom in your mind. Until you are free in your mind, you’ll never be absolutely free in the Lord.

Your mind has much to do with your happiness or your sadness. Happiness seems to make some people feel guilty. The Lord wants you to be happy. For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). The Lord serves you joy when you accept it. Before you can possess His joy, however, you must yield to it. Decide that you can have it. Joy and happiness, whether or not the mind will be in prime condition, depend on what you feed your mind.

Eternal Fruits

The Lord gave you His peace, and He means for you to use it. You can have a happy mind, one of peace. His peace is eternal. All His fruits of the Spirit are eternal—not like physical fruit that ripens and then decays.

The fruits of the Spirit are produced in your soul through the Holy Ghost Himself. They’re His fruits, fruits of the Holy Spirit, not man. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance (Galatians 5:22,23). Just as the nine gifts of the Spirit come through the Holy Spirit, so do the fruits. They are all yours if you yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him produce them in your life.

Do you struggle to believe God? That’s not the way. Yield to the Holy Spirit. He gives His fruits to help you to believe the Lord, help you keep your mind emptied of doubt, fear and frustration.

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

Look again at Abraham’s faith. The Lord told him that Sarah his wife was going to have a son—she who was past child-bearing years. For twenty-five years he waited for the fulfillment of that promise. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women (Genesis 18:11). Sarah had trouble believing she would bear a child in her old age, but the Lord said, Is any thing too hard for the LORD (verse 14)? And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken. For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him (Genesis 21:1,2,5). Abraham knew a son would arrive. He had looked to the promise, not to physical limitations. And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness (Genesis 15:6). Abraham yielded to the promise of the Lord.

Yield to whatever the Word of God tells you so the Holy Spirit can use your mind. Yield in thought to the Word, and yield in action. Accept the Word; let it become reality in the mind. God said it.

Words That Live On

When the angel of the Lord comes to me he always talks God talk, speaking in the first person as though God Himself were speaking. He is God’s mouthpiece, His messenger operated entirely by God. Whatever the angel of the Lord tells me I accept it because I know angels speak the words of God.

You can always accept God talk, depend on it totally, but be very careful with people talk. Some think they are speaking the truth when they may not be, claiming God tells them things that really are the inspiration of their own minds. I’ve heard people say that God told them something, and the next week I find that “God changed His mind and told them something else”—according to them. God wasn’t speaking to them at all; He doesn’t function that way. He won’t come down to tell you what to eat or wear; He gave you a mind to figure those things out for yourself.

When God says something, it burns like coals of fire upon the soul. Those words live on, unforgettable, nurtured through the love, faith and power of the eternal God. That’s the reason the promises of God must become real to your mind as well as to your soul. You can speak for your soul but fail to act it out in your mind. You’ll say, Lord, I believe! but your mind will not back up that belief. The next day you may be fretting, calling up Heaven again, pleading with God to do what you told Him you believed He had already taken over. What He had done on yesterday you took out of His hands. Your mind caused you to do it.

Anchor the Mind in the Word

You who anchored your mind in the scriptures of salvation, received the kind of born-again experience that Jesus told Nicodemus about. Although it brought reality to your soul, the soul could make contact with your mind only once in a while.

Some of you go twenty-four hours without your mind making contact with the soul so the power of God can flow into it. Too busy listening to your own thoughts—or someone else’s—you are tuned in to planet Earth, blocking God from flowing into your mind. Learn to tune in on God. If your conversation came from the soul rather than the mind, it would be talk of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, when the mind enters, all too often it is a different story. Let the soul talk.

What does the soul have to say? I’m saved, sanctified, righteous like God Himself. I’m justified! Why should the mind be sad when the soul is so exuberant in the Lord?! If that great gulf between the mind and soul is not bridged daily by the Holy Spirit, the mind can be depressed, indeed. But when you allow that gulf to be bridged daily by the Holy Spirit, that which is in your soul pours over into the mind, and the mind rejoices in the fact that God is with you, that the promises of God are real. Establish your mind in the Word of God, and anchor it there.

Faith Was Planted in My Mind

I had unusual faith in God and His power to save and heal because I had grown up with that kind of faith in my home. Even before I became saved, I could use more faith for healing as saints of God prayed for the sick than most Christians I meet today. I was taught that God answered prayer. When my mother prayed for someone, I didn’t hinder; I knew her prayers would be answered. As a youngster, I believed along with her that God was going to heal. God heard my mother’s prayers. She would pray for me, and God would heal me. She would pray for others in the family, and God would heal them. Faith in God’s healing power had been planted in my mind, and when my soul was saved, that faith came into my soul. Immediately the connection was made.

My Mind Became Separated from My Soul

The Lord started preaching through me right after I was saved when I was eighteen. But when I was twenty-three, I was in a dying condition. My body wasted to almost a skeleton. In the beginning I didn’t have fear. Before I was saved, God had never passed me by. Now as a young preacher, I thought surely I would be healed.

In one of my services when I was so ill in the pulpit, the Lord prophesied that He would heal me, but because I didn’t get well right away, I lost sight of the promise. The promise had landed in my soul, but I didn’t keep it in my mind. My soul and mind had become separated. In my sickness, pain and despair, the promise lay buried in my soul.

As the months passed, I felt the Lord was going to let me die. My condition continued to grow worse. It was frightening to me. I never remembered not having faith in God. I had been taught faith in God until it was as natural as breathing. I knew that the Bible was the Word of the Living God. God had spoken it, and God would perform it. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but the Word of God is eternal like God Himself. Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away (Luke 21:33). Now my mind was in such a tormented condition, sympathizing with the body that it didn’t hear what was in my soul, didn’t hear what the Spirit was saying, and the Spirit was not able to bridge the gulf. In great despair, depression and fear, I didn’t understand how faith in the soul must be allowed to flow into the mind. I thought faith had gone—but it hadn’t. I simply had allowed fear to become like a veil covering my mind, blinding me to the promises of God in His Word.

My mind was in such a state now that it couldn’t discern what faith really was. But then faith and feelings have nothing in common, anyway. As it is written, The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). My mind couldn’t take in what the soul was saying. The Lord was unable to communicate with me about my healing the way He once did. The Holy Spirit couldn’t get through to me. I knew I would go to Heaven if I died, but I wanted to live. I was too young to die. I hadn’t preached very long—why would God let me die when all I wanted to do was preach His Word?

I couldn’t understand because I wouldn’t let the Holy Spirit bridge the gulf between my soul and mind. The answer was in my soul. God had promised me. I remember today exactly what God said through prophecy. The Holy Spirit would have kept it in my mind had I stayed yielded, but I let other things crowd out faith.

Faith seemed out of reach, and hope was fading fast. I felt as though I were in a quicksand of fear. Other organs in my body became afflicted. It was a terrible condition.

If you let fear take you over, it will crowd faith right out of your mind. You must have faith in your mind as well as in your soul. Remember, the soul feeds the mind.

I Could See All the Way from Earth to Heaven

Then one night Jesus came. He shot His power into me, and the bridge went up so that faith could cross from my soul right into my mind. I was electrified. I had God’s faith. A great wall towering into the heavens blocking my faith came tumbling down, caving in like blocks of cement. What a crash! Now I could see all the way from Earth to Heaven. I was going to live! I had no doubts. The soul and the mind worked together as the Holy Spirit flowed the faith in my soul to my mind, faith that had been there all the time. As the Holy Spirit took that faith and flooded my mind with it, there was no room for even a trace of fear. I was going to live. I told everyone—and told God—that if I died, He would be embarrassed. Launching out into the deep on purpose with my faith, I went too far to swim back to the bank, too far to say I hoped I was healed. If I wasn’t healed, I knew I never would be, that I would die anyway. This was it.

I had more pain afterward, but I didn’t acknowledge it. I didn’t even tell my wife I had pain. My mind wasn’t about to accept it, for the Word of God was flooding my mind. I was almost in Heaven. Lucifer and all his devils couldn’t have killed me because they couldn’t destroy the faith of the Word of God in my soul and mind. Immersed completely in His love and faith, I was covered soul, mind and body, walking the waters unafraid, too full of faith to die. The mind and soul had made wonderful connection.

Blessed among Women

The Lord chose for the mother of Jesus a maiden whose mind and soul were bridged so that God could flow His faith into her mind. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women (Luke 1:28). God had to be very careful whom He chose to be the Earth-mother of His Only Begotten Son. When the angel came with his greeting, Mary had to accept it. Although puzzled at the words of the angel, she believed the Lord was with her, she believed all he said. When the angel told her what was going to take place, she simply asked, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man (verse 34)? The angel didn’t fuss with her, he didn’t spend a lot of time explaining, he just answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible (verses 35-37). Faith in the soul flowed into the mind—there was no gulf between.

Mary had been taught the great faith of Jehovah God and the promise of the Messiah; she had knowledge from Heaven. It was in her soul. She just never thought she would be chosen to be the Earth-mother. Had the knowledge of the Messiah not been in her soul, it would have not connected with her mind. But when she heard the angel’s message, immediately the connection was made between soul and mind. Immediately God’s faith flowed into Mary’s mind, and the mind yielded.

It only took one visit by the angel to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus for her to accept the miraculous. How many visits does it take for most to accept the miraculous? How long does God have to work, conditioning minds for miracles? Mary was the only human being God worked through for this miracle of holy conception.

Some people can believe the miraculous for others but not for themselves. Mary had to believe for herself. A miracle would take place in her body. She was going to be overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, and that which was conceived in her womb would be holy.

The Virgin Birth is the miracle of all miracles. If you doubt that miracle, you will have no place in God’s Heaven; hell will be your destiny. Jesus had divine blood from Heaven in His veins. He was more than a man; He was divinity. Because of His divinity, Jesus is able to save all who take Him into their hearts. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

Trust God’s Promises

Our minds must yield to the faith of God just as freely as Mary’s did. Be it unto me according to thy word, Mary said (Luke 1:38). Listen to God, not people. God said, I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26). Believe His voice; accept His promises of healing, and get well. The devil works hard to keep the bridge from going up, to prevent the gulf between soul and mind from being bridged. He knows if he can keep God’s promises, the greatness of Him in your soul separated from your mind, that you will not feed your mind on the faith that has been planted in your soul. Your mind will collect from other places. Be careful. This is a dangerous hour to listen to others. When you have the mind of Jesus, you take everything you hear or read to the Word before you accept it. The Word was everything to Him.

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (John 1:14). The Word spoke, and the blind received sight. The Word said it, and the crippled were made to walk. The Word commanded, and life flowed back into dead bodies. The Word, the Word, the Word—trust the Word.

The Soul Contains Heaven’s Best

God is in your soul when you are born again, but by closing your mind to His reality there, you close it to the reality of the Word. The Word isn’t a lasting reality in the mind alone; it is an eternal reality working in the soul. The soul is the only part of you that is eternal. It will live forever either in Heaven or hell.

The mind must be yielded to the soul, and the soul must have Heaven’s best in it. If you really are born new, your soul has Heaven’s best. By neglecting to use what is in your soul, you miss many benefits of God. The mind will be occupied with something, even if nothing more than dust and dirt. It will collect the worthless if you don’t feed it the worthwhile. The mind must be trained to accept the knowledge of God.

God, I Want to Know!

In the divine visitation of the Lord I spoke of earlier, He told me that I had been to man’s school, taught by man. Now the Holy Ghost would be my teacher. In that visitation, anything I didn’t understand, I would take to Him, and He would give me the answer. I learned about the workings of the Spirit, how to separate the spirit of man, the spirit of the devil and the Spirit of God. Through the Spirit of God I learned to recognize devil possession. The devil can deceive man, but the Spirit of God knows the devils. If a spirit I didn’t recognize manifested itself in my services, I’d say, “God, I want to know.”

God explained how demons operated in people, how many devils could be in a particular person and what their plan was. Perhaps they expected to disturb the service. The Lord would tell me when the devils entered the person and how they entered.

There is much the Lord wants us to know, but many, after they have filled their souls with the joy and peace of salvation, stop reaching for more of God. They don’t understand the importance of using the promises of God in their minds. The Word of God is your great sword and strength.

Think the Word

Your mind needs the Word to think the way the Lord wants you to think. Think the Word. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). If God’s Word in your heart is going to work, I cannot say too often, it must be in the mind also. As long as you think weakness, you will have no strength. As long as you think doubt, you will have fear. If you want the strength, greatness and power of God to be yours, you must think the Word.

Train your mind to yield to the Holy Spirit so it can think the Word. He, remember, is the One to bridge the gulf between the soul and mind, streaming the Living Word from your soul right into your mind at any time. Now you are connected with Heaven, have the faith of Heaven. Your conversation is holy, for you are a new creature, a fit citizen for Heaven; you have the passport. Sin cannot enter the soul cleansed by the blood as long as that soul no longer commits willful sin. But without the help of the Holy Spirit, these things are beyond you. The natural spirit of man cannot comprehend the things of God. We must have the Holy Spirit to show us what Christ living in the soul really means.

Dine with the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Spirit. Be conscious that the Holy Spirit is a person making intercession for you, teaching you, being with you night and day.

Don’t try to find Jesus. If you are born again, He is with you, in you. Seeking Him—when you already have Him—brings doubts, hinders your faith. Know the Lord is with you. Have a mind that will accept all the Holy Spirit delivers.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:5). If your mind is not bridged to the soul through the Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit can’t shed abroad the things of Heaven in your mind, you will not cast down imaginations. The Holy Spirit gives you the strength to do it as your spirit yields to the Holy Spirit.

Fear that has crept into the mind breeds imagination, just as the imagination can breed fear. Anything exalting itself against the knowledge of God, anything denying the Word of God or casting any shadow of doubt on it must be erased. Each thought is to be a willing captive to the obedience of the mind of Christ. Think the Word!

A Power Within

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost (Romans 15:13). How can God fill you with all joy and peace? Through believing. God works only with His faith and His love that He delivers to your soul. Through the power of the Holy Ghost it is done. You abound in hope, joy and peace in believing, in the faith of God taking over the mind. Faith destroys doubt and unbelief. Through faith, the light of God penetrates and destroys all darkness. Yield to the Word, to the knowledge of the Word and what it will do for you.

You have a power within you—God’s power. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (I John 4:4). Clearly the Bible tells us that the power of God is greater than the power of the devil, yet the devil has many running scared. You don’t need to fear the devil if you have God in you, the True and Living God.

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. If that statement doesn’t register in your mind, then you don’t use the great God in you all the time. You use Him in a hit-skip-miss manner. Some Christians operate in this way. Their peace and joy is here today and gone tomorrow. They call it being moody and function accordingly. Giving in to bad moods brings defeat. How much better to live in a joyful mood all the time!

Limited understanding has brought suffering to many Christians as they failed to draw on the power within. They either don’t have the knowledge of the bridge, or else they lack desire to use it.

The Bride Is in Her Final Hour

Now the Bride is in the last hour. The Lord has decreed that she will be full of joy and peace because of the life of Christ flowing through her night and day. She needs the joy, peace, knowledge of Him; she needs the whole Jesus in order to do all God needs of her in this last and final hour. The Bride must use the Word in its pure, pure form, in all of its power and faith as it was used when Christ was here on Earth; for the Bride is taking the place of Jesus today, and no one can do that unless they are like Him.

Walking, talking, living, working like Jesus, the Bride cannot be separated from Him. She is bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. The natural man is unable to take these things in. They can only be discerned by the Spirit of God. That’s the reason we must give ourselves over to His Spirit. Too many have tried to understand the Bible using only their human spirit, and it can’t be done. They get lost, helpless to find their way.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3). The Lord will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Him, when you trust in Him, soul, mind and body. It doesn’t matter what comes to the mind, if full trust is in the soul, and if that soul will yield to the Holy Spirit, the power of the Word will force the hindrances out of the mind and replace them with thoughts of faith and edification.

The Holy Spirit will give you many wonderful thoughts—all edifying, all uplifting. Don’t put your trust in people but in God. Some have pined half a lifetime over broken promises; their own attitudes have robbed them. People will break promises—sometimes they can’t help it, and sometimes they can—but you can’t let it discourage you. In fact, let nothing discourage you.

Fear Is a Robber

Why give into fear? Decide with the apostle Paul: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13). You can do all things through Jesus to perform God’s will. Fear that the enemy plants in hearts has no place in the will of God.

In this final hour you will have peace when you take on the mind of the Lord. The fruits of the Spirit are yours in such abundance you needn’t walk in fear and frustration. Many miracles and healings take place when fear is gone. Fear hinders people from receiving. Fear robs and destroys the greatness of God in lives. In fear, many count themselves out of reach of the promises of God. Fear leads into the dark of night, but faith leads you in the light of God and into His love.

Draw On the Hope of Heaven

Oh, troubled Child of God, beaten down by the cares and fears of the world, you have citizenship papers in Heaven. You are a child of the King. Were you to die this moment, Heaven would be yours. Draw on the hope of Heaven in your soul. Draw on God’s love, on His trust, on His promises worth more than all the silver and gold in the world. It’s all in your soul.

Why let your mind refuse to accept what is in your soul? Why let fearful and unbelieving enemies of God control your mind? If you have been hindered and depressed, don’t stand for it any longer. Decide that the anointing of the Holy Ghost is coming upon you and that the gulf between soul and mind is going to be bridged by the Spirit Himself.

A Prayer of Deliverance

God seeks to flow that which is in your soul into your mind daily, wiping out all of those hindrances you could never let go. Into God’s hands, release the people who worry you. Enjoy your fellowship with the Lord. Walk with Him. Child of God, you who are tormented, despairing, let me pray with you now.

Lord, here they are. They need deliverance. They need this peace of yours. You have given it to their souls, but they don’t know how to use it, how to get it into the mind. God give them knowledge. Yea, Lord, anoint them with the power of the Holy Ghost! In the name of Jesus, I pray.

You who are unsaved, pray the sinners’ prayer with me: Oh, God, save my soul. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for me. I will live for Him. And I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins. Come on in Jesus! Come into my heart!

If you meant that prayer, praise Him for your salvation. Now that you are saved, your soul is filled with the love of God. Let it flood into your mind. It can be done. When the soul is right and the mind is right, the gulf is bridged by the Holy Spirit. Remember the moment the Lord saved you; remember the joy and peace that came with that salvation. Look back on this time and know that you can keep the soul and mind connected through the power of the Holy Ghost. He will be your helper.

A Message from the Holy Ghost

Oh, saith the Spirit of God to this people: I am in your midst to teach you. I am bringing to you the things that you must have for the rest of the journey. Consider my ways, saith the Lord. Consider the way I work, and remember that I am God; I am not a man. I am working with you. I have sent my precious Spirit to teach you and to lead you. Open your minds to my greatness. Open your minds to my miraculous ways and my miraculous works and my miraculous power, and let your mind be filled with my Word night and day. Go in the strength of my greatness. Walk in the greatness of your Lord, and I will be able to use you in this last hour.

Your hour is such a valuable one. This is your hour of mighty visitation. I will use you in great and wonderful ways to bring in the harvest. I will give you favor where there has been no favor. I will give you love to serve where there is no love. I will give you peace to serve where they have no peace. I will be with you. I will walk with you all the way. My promises will be yours, and you will see them fulfilled.

Look and behold the signs that I told you that you would see in the final hour. The signs are upon you now. Open your eyes and behold them and receive strength. Receive all of my greatness to use for the rest of the journey. You must be nigh unto me, and I must be nigh unto you for me to be able to perform all that I desire to perform and all that I will do for lost humanity in this last hour.

You will cry the tears of Calvary, and the multitudes will come to Jesus. You will cry the tears of Calvary, and demons will be forced out of lost souls. You will cry the tears of Calvary, and multitudes will be baptized in my Spirit. You will cry the tears of Calvary, and multitudes will receive the promise of the soon coming of their Lord, and they will have the blessed hope as you have it, saith the Lord.

I will be with you, and you will be with me. You will do my work, and you will bring in my harvest. Ever, ever lift up your heads knowing that your Lord cometh, knowing that your Lord cometh, and you will receive great strength daily knowing that your Lord will soon come, saith the Lord.

Bathe your mind in His greatness so it will never be the same as before. Bathe your mind in the Holy Word of the Living God, in His promises. Feel the glory of Him as He fills every part of you. It’s a wonder in my eyes how it can be done. His name is Jesus and He loves you. No one has ever loved you like Jesus. He is here to give understanding, to take over minds as He has taken over souls. His glory is beyond human words to describe.

Let every weakness go from your body. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Let it be cleansed of every disease through the mighty power of God. Tell the Lord you want to be a witness, soul, mind and body. This is your hour for your heart to be in harmony with His, for you to take on the great desire of Him as He hugs you close to Him. This is your hour of great anointing, of preparation for the rest of the journey. Let not your heart be troubled, He is saying to you, neither let it be afraid. Feel the flow into your mind from the soul. Worship, adore, love Him because He is loving you. He, the perfect Redeemer, catches you up into His arms through His holy promises.

Feel the heartbeat of God through the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit bridges the gulf between soul and mind.

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