Boarding our plane Star Triple Seven, we, ninety tour members and crew, were at last on our way to three crusades in three different locations: Maseru, Lesotho; Bloemfontein and Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. It seemed we had been anticipating the services for such a long time (actually, only a few months) that it was hard to believe we were finally on our way. After a fuel stop in the Cape Verde Islands we flew on to Bloemfontein, where we landed and right away loaded into buses to travel a few more hours to Maseru. Bloemfontein to Maseru was the short leg of the journey with time for only two services.

Although enough took place during these three crusades to fill a year of magazines, time and space dictate only the highlights of all three.

“Love you! Love you!” Reverend Angley called to the crowd in Maseru as he walked across the platform in the first service Saturday night. “God is in this place, and that means you can be healed of anything!” he cried amid the cheers of the crowd. “Miracles last,” he said. “That’s the reason I stay young!” The audience enjoyed that “young” remark; Reverend Angley’s vitality and energy were obvious—as well as unexpected from the eighty-five-year-old.

“The eyes of the Lord are running to and fro throughout the whole Earth seeking people on whom He can perform a miracle who will give Him the glory and tell others about it,” said the minister. God’s eyes had already lit on someone: A young woman received a cancer miracle. Then an older man whose lung was almost destroyed found that the Lord creates and re-creates: He had a new lung. “Give God the glory,” said the evangelist. “I do not doubt my Lord,” he continued; “I know that with Him all things are possible. Faith has soared already, and many will receive a miracle tonight; but if you expect to keep it, you must serve God. With divine power from Heaven He heals for His honor and glory. Bible days are here again and we’re reaping the benefits.”

AIDS victims were healed as God’s holy power covered the place. “You’re in the cloud of His presence,” said the man of God. “As I watch God at work, the miracles make me want to weep. I know what it is to want to live but to be dying; and I know the unbelievable thrill of being made completely whole.”

After the offering came a sermon on the wonderful blood-power of Jesus over sin and sickness. The faith of people in the crowd drew the gift of discerning and the gift of knowledge to them at different times. A woman was healed of diabetes, a person of AIDS and a person of a damaged heart. Many other miracles took place this first night, and then the man of God called down the anointing for people to take to their homes for protection, for lives to be changed, and for many unsaved to come to the Lord.

The Sunday Service

The Sunday night service began with the man of God crying, “Put everything under the blood and keep it there!” Tom sang “Beulah Land” and the trio came on to sing “Four Days Late.” The Holy Spirit revealed that during this song twenty people would be healed of AIDS. It was an amazing way to start the service.

As the Holy Spirit moved, faith continued to mount higher. Reverend Angley told the crowd that healings were taking place; they were in the Lord’s operating room. “I see myself as a little boy,” he said, “standing in front of a great door. I take you by the hand, lead you through the door, put your hand in the hand of the Lord, and He does the work. Everyone who comes to the Lord has a measure of faith. As you use that measure, the Lord adds more faith to it.”

The Lord moved for the casting out of devils. Devils can’t stand the blood of Jesus. As the crowd shouted, “The blood! The blood!” thousands of devils were leaving, setting people free. Now, newly delivered people needed to say the sinners’ prayer to get the divine blood of Jesus in their souls so the devils could not come back, and the whole congregation said the prayer together.

Many miracles took place that night, miracles for heart trouble, scalp conditions, pneumonia, AIDS, hip trouble, cancer, a diseased bladder, diabetes, growths and more.

The following morning we took the bus back to Bloemfontein to begin services there on Thursday.


At the ministers’ seminar, Reverend Angley spoke on the “Mantle of Power.” He told the pastors they must make sure that the Mantle is working in their churches: The greatest flag a church can have is the Jesus-blood flag. “Where is the Mantle? Do you have it? Do you want it?” the evangelist asked pointedly.

As the Early Church used the name of Jesus and great things took place, in the same way the Word today will increase, multiply and grow. “Ministers,” instructed Reverend Angley, “pray, fast and spend time in the Lord’s presence. God needs you to help bring in His harvest.”

First Service

Reverend Angley came onto the platform that first crusade service in Bloemfontein, telling the crowd to “Trample the devils underfoot with the blood, the blood, the blood!” And we were off to a dynamic start with Jesus and the divine blood working in the lives and hearts of many. The Trio came on the platform singing, “Expecting God to Move,” and expecting Him to move was exactly what the people were doing.

In the Sotho language the trio sang the “Twenty-third Psalm,” a song of praise quite familiar and moving to the crowd, and hundreds of voices joined in. Sitting beside me a man with tears running down his face was singing with all his heart. As the crowd responded in a beautiful way to the music and to the man of God, two men were pointed out for an AIDS miracle.

It was an inspiring sermon that night: “Faith in God Heals the Sick.” Reverend Angley never takes credit for the healings and miracles that take place in the services. That Jesus is the Healer he has no doubt.

The greater works that the Lord said believers would do are on a massive scale today; the works are greater in number because they are the works of God. We live in a pouring-out time; the Holy Spirit is raining down His power, making this the greatest hour since the Garden of Eden—but you can leave no room for doubt.

Believers shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18). “Jesus,” said the man of God, “is our sacrificial Lamb, the healing Christ, and He is healing people tonight. The miracles and healings have already started.”

The power of God and the fire of the Holy Spirit were covering the place, bringing a holy, sacred presence, an incredible stillness that could be felt. People were pointed out for miracles of healing for cancer, heart trouble, nerves, mini-strokes, and more. In the vision Reverend Angley saw the place ablaze with the fire of the Holy Ghost as the Holy Ghost took over, bringing down the glory and miracle healing power of God.

The healing line was called for people with no sense of smell or taste and for those with deafness. These were miracles and healings that the crowd could see take place immediately, which helped their faith to rise so they could receive their own miracles—and rise it did.

Over 700 miracles for severe stomach trouble took place.

God moved for 1,206 back conditions, half due to kidneys, a third involving feet and legs.

Three hundred forty-one people with heart trouble, one hundred seventy-five of whom needed surgery, were healed.

One thousand sixty-five blood problems were healed, and these were only a part of the miracles and healings that took place the first night of the crusade in Bloemfontein.

Second Bloemfontein Service

Angels came into the service at the very beginning. This is not unusual, for the Bible tells us in Hebrews 1:7 that of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. And in Hebrews 1:14, Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Reverend Angley said that he had had to learn how to work with angels.

In the service the previous night everyone who came into the healing line was healed. Healing came like that when Christ was on Earth, and His power is the same today. He left His all-powerful divine blood for us to use. Only through the blood can we trample devils underfoot. What a marvelous plan of redemption Jesus brought!

A powerful sermon was preached that night: “Stones, Stones, Stones!” Reverend Angley began with John 11:39, Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. “Your victory is on the other side of the stone,” the minister said. “Just a stone between you and victory, and you have power to move it.

“Jesus reminded Lazarus’ sister, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God (John 11:40)? That’s what Jesus is saying to you tonight,” said the man of God. “Believe and see the glory! With Jesus all things are possible, that includes fulfilling all your needs. Take away the stone, the voice of Jesus is pleading. Did I not say if you believe you will see the glory?

“Go beyond believing that God is able: Believe He will answer your prayer right now. Take ye away the stone!

“That stone of doubt is an awful thing, but with faith you can roll it right out of the way and find that on the other side your miracle is waiting for you.

“That old stone of disobedience must be missing,” said the preacher. “Jesus calls for obedience. Go, sin no more, Jesus said to people He healed. The devil can get inside you with the stone of discouragement and grind you down.

“The depression stone is as dreadful as the lukewarm stone.

“Some professing Christians have that lying stone; there isn’t such a thing as a little lie. Any deceit is a big lie, and the Bible tells us that all liars will be cast into hell. Revelation 21:8, All liars…shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

“The stones of false pride, negligence, and the stones of not fasting, not praying, not reading your Bible, and not treasuring God’s promises all stand between you and God,” emphasized the man of God.

“The stone of hatred, the stone of grudges block you from God. Your deliverance, your victory are on the other side of those stones. The Lord Jesus is crying, ‘Take away the stone!’

“Many people are in hell today because of that stone of procrastination. They were almost saved, but almost isn’t good enough. You can’t put the Lord off any longer; you’re not promised tomorrow. Hell is waiting. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God (Psalm 9:17). Take away that old stone of sin and you will find the salvation that was born in Bethlehem.

“I want everyone to repeat the sinners’ prayer with me,” said the man of God. “If there is no sin in your life, say the prayer for others. Oh, God, save my soul! I’m so sorry I sinned against you, but I’m going to take away the stone that’s kept me from receiving from you. I confess all my sins. You said if I would confess with godly sorrow, you would forgive me, Lord. I am so sorry that I ever trampled your precious blood underfoot like it was something unholy. I want to be rid of that stone of unholiness. I know the righteousness of God will give me strength to roll that stone away. I’m taking it out of the way, Lord. I believe you died for me, and I will live for you. I believe the blood of Jesus washes away all my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in!

“If you meant that prayer, He has come. Jesus is yours.”

Miracles Were Called Out in the Crowd

A man with AIDS was pointed out for a healing, then a person with an injured back. Now it was a woman: “You’ve had more than one nervous breakdown,” said the man of God. “You’ve had shock treatments and they almost destroyed you completely. You’re miserable all the time. You came to this service miserable tonight, just dying with depression, with fear, frustration, despair. It’s all gone. For the first time in years you’re living now. You have God’s peace; you feel His love, you feel His joy. Your nervous system has been re-created, and you’ll never be the same. You are free.

“The Lord is here,” said the man of God. “The mother with a baby: Death is working in it. AIDS. Your husband gave you AIDS, and your child was born with AIDS. You two are innocent; he’s the guilty one, but he’s hardhearted. He is a drunk. The Lord is having mercy on you and your child; you are both healed. It’s over; it’s done, saith the Lord. It seemed to you that God had forgotten you; it seemed to you that you had nothing to live for, but the Lord heard your cry; He brought you here tonight for you to be delivered. He revealed you to His lowly servant so that your faith would reach high; you know I didn’t know about you. Your first name starts with S, but you already know that you are the one. I’m glad for you. My prayers are that God will deliver that husband of yours. Try to get him here tomorrow night. He is devil possessed; he has sixteen devils in him, dear Wife; the Lord numbered them to me just now, and he can be delivered. The devils will have to come out if he wants them out.” To the audience Reverend Angley said, “You who know the worth of prayer, pray that he will be here. I’m going to be praying that God will compel him with great love to come.”

The healing line was forming, and God was still healing in the audience. A heart was coming to normal. Masterful surgery had again taken place.

Reverend Angley prayed for five people in the healing line for deafness or for the senses of smell and taste to be restored. Then the Lord began to reveal people in the crowd whom He was moving for.

Saturday Night’s Service

“Sister Mavis, who runs an orphanage in Lesotho,” said Reverend Angley, “has come to the platform with four of her children and four marvelous testimonies. The hospitals in her area will call her when a baby is born and no one wants it, or when a child is abandoned and the police or someone else finds it and lets her know. No matter the hour, she will go to that baby or that child. I learned, not from her but from another source, that she has gone hungry to be able to feed them. God moved on her and gave her great love for children. What had happened to four children whom she had taken in is so absolutely amazing and wonderful to her that she traveled from Lesotho to Bloemfontein with them to give their testimonies.”

Sister Mavis came onto the platform with the four children and a helper who carried the youngest one. This is her story: The first time Reverend Angley came to Lesotho, Sister Mavis attended the crusade. When Reverend Angley said, through the gift of discerning, that four children who had AIDS would be healed, Sister Mavis jumped for joy. She knew four of her children had AIDS. “Because they have no mother, I’m their mother,” Mavis said. The Lord helped her and she took the children to the hospital to confirm medically that the four had been healed. They all tested negative for AIDS. Their healings are documented; the children are fine. Sister Mavis had brought the documents of their healings, waved them in the air, and the crowd cheered wildly. It was an amazing testimony to people who had been told that no one could be healed of AIDS.

Reverend Machamer read the copies of the miracles to the crowd: The first one, a little girl, was put in a box by Mavis’ gate on a rainy day. Mavis named this child Puleng, which means rain. This child is eight years of age. She tested positive for AIDS on May third, 2000. Then this child tested negative in April 2006. The second time, she tested negative on March 15, 2007. “Hands do not have to be laid on you by the ministers to be healed of AIDS,” said Sister Mavis.

The second child was named Tatolo, which means rejected. Mavis gave him his name because he was rejected by his mother. She brought him to the house of a certain man. The man said the boy was not his child—“I don’t know him.” This child is seven years old. He tested positive for AIDS on May 7, 2001. He then tested negative March 15, 2007.

The child Keizer was named during the days when Keizer chips were popular; his name means chief. He is nine years old. He tested positive for AIDS February 9, 1999. He then tested negative March 15, 2007.

The name of the fourth child, Botle, means beauty. Mavis said she had never seen such a deformed child as this one when she found her. Instead of calling her Ugly, she called her Beautiful. Botle was three years old, and tested positive for AIDS January 27, 2004. She then tested negative March 15, 2007.

“Here are the documents,” said Sister Mavis as she waved them again in the air. “Whoever wants to see them can come. God really does heal AIDS!”

The audience was ecstatic; hearing the verification of four AIDS healings, and knowing that God really does heal AIDS, lifted their faith to great heights, and many received AIDS miracles that night. Right away, more people were pointed out to be healed of AIDS.

“A person in the audience,” said the man of God, “your name starts with D. That great grandchild is now healed of AIDS, saith the Lord.

“The lady, you came in here with AIDS. You’re thirty-nine years of age. You have a son who is fourteen, and he had AIDS. Your husband died with AIDS three years ago. You’re healed and your child is healed, saith the Lord. No more AIDS.

“There’s a grandmother, you’ve been pulling hard,” continued Reverend Angley with the discerning. “You have three grandchildren. You had four, but one’s already died of AIDS; one has three months to live and another one has just one month to live. But they’re all healed now, and they will live. The Lord is here tonight to give life.

“The Lord will let me know about people whom I’ve never heard of before,” said Reverend Angley, “never seen. He will let me know their ages, their names and so forth, let me know they’re going to be healed that very night. God is God and these gifts in my life are real. I do not operate them; the Holy Spirit operates them.

“In teaching me about AIDS, the Lord said that AIDS came from hell, and He taught me how to use the divine blood to send it back to hell, to take it out of the person’s body like it was taken out of those four children whose testimonies were just given. Mail comes in weekly,” said the man of God, “letter after letter verifying that people were healed of AIDS in my crusade services, or healed when they sent for a blest cloth. In many nations now people are being healed of AIDS.

“Not long ago, a young man came to my Friday night service at Grace Cathedral when I was televising. Boldly he walked into the healing line and said, ‘Reverend Angley, I have AIDS.’ I touched him, and the power of God came upon him. Many people are slain in the Spirit when I touch them. When he came up he was healed. He went back to his doctor, and the tests were negative. No more AIDS, and he returned to testify of the fact. We have a lot to rejoice over.

“Get ready to be set free from every sick spirit, every demonic spirit, and every devil spirit,” said the man of God. “The hour of deliverance is here. Keep your mind on Jesus, on His blood. While I’m calling down the power in the blood of Jesus for the Lord to deliver people of devil possession, you can be healed of any sickness, any weakness in your body in the name of Jesus: The blood, the blood, the blood! The precious blood of Jesus! The devils cannot stand before the power in the blood of Jesus! The devils are coming out!” cried Reverend Angley. “The devils are coming out! I command murdering devils to come out! I command all kinds of foul devils to come out!”

In the blood name of Jesus devils were fleeing. But not everyone had yielded to the Lord. Some young people, even children out on the fringe of the crowd, were mocking the power of God.

The Lord was saying, I am angry. I’m lifting my left hand of judgment on some of you. Now I hate you just as much as I loved you, saith the Lord. I can hate just as much as I can love, saith the Lord. “I wouldn’t be in your place for anything in the world,” the minister warned those who were disobedient. “To degrade yourself in such a way…and the devil helped you do it. You were paying no attention. Some of you made light of God’s power even while I was preaching. You don’t need to think you will come tomorrow to be healed of AIDS: God won’t do it. Some of you will be killed; some will commit suicide. God is giving me the prophecies about you. I live with God and I speak the things of God. When I say thus saith the Lord, I will stake my life on it. God said it! Yea, saith the Spirit of God; I gave my servant words to speak to you, and a number of you are on the verge of blaspheming. If you don’t yield to my Spirit tonight, you will blaspheme, and I’ll never look your way again. I warn you, saith the God of Heaven; I warn you. My Son died for you, and now you’ve trampled His blood underfoot and given yourself over to the devil, worshiping him. And I will not allow you in my Heaven, and I will never bless you again, saith the Lord.

“You who were delivered from devil possession: Lift your hands. Mean this prayer with your heart, and you who are saved, help people say the sinners’ prayer.” As the congregation said the sinners’ prayer, many accepted the Lord.

Sunday’s Service in Bloemfontein

Sunday was cold and blustery; the weather grew colder as the day wore on. The wind chill had to have been in the thirties (F.) at least. Most people were not prepared for the bitter, raw weather. At least one singer on the platform looked about to become a human icicle. Reverend Angley came on the platform that night saying that he preaches in any weather: cold, heat, rain and storm. He said to put everything under the blood and let the Lord take care of it.

A woman in the Parliament of South Africa, Isabella Winkie Direko, was introduced amid the cheers of the crowd, and came to the platform to say a few words. She thought her people needed this kind of service, and she had invited Reverend Angley to come to Bloemfontein.

Numbers of people suffering with AIDS were in the crowd that night. They needed to know that the power of God healed AIDS, that there was medical proof. The four children from the orphanage in Lesotho were again brought to the platform. Their testimonies of being healed of AIDS increased the faith of people again. It matters not what it is, if you meet God’s conditions He will do the work. “There are going to be thirteen people healed of AIDS, saith the Lord, during the time you hear the testimonies of these children,” said the man of God. “The Lord gave me the number. Are you one of them?”

A woman, twenty-one, a backslider when she came into the service, gave her heart to God when she heard the testimonies of the children. She had suffered with AIDS for five years, and the doctors had said she only had three more months to live, but she was healed just like the children. No more AIDS, saith the Lord.

Five more people were pointed out of the crowd to be delivered from AIDS.

“The miracle star is in the vision now,” said the man of God. Reach, People, reach! I see the great sign in the vision! I look at the glory of God—if you could only see it! It’s great and mighty, indeed! Healings are taking place for AIDS, cancer and other death diseases. Hearts and lungs are coming to normal. My Spirit prayeth for thee, saith the Lord.

“A person over there,” said Reverend Angley, “you have been an unbeliever; you have criticized the power of God. You criticized the healing ministry when I was here last year. You said it was not right, but in your ignorance you did that. You came here with AIDS tonight, and when you realized what you had done, you repented before God. You were sorry for the things you said about God’s power and His servant, and you are now healed of AIDS. You are blessed! God’s a good God, a merciful God! But you can never criticize God’s power again.”

Cape Town

In the Cape Town ministers’ seminar, Reverend Angley taught on the divine blood. He told the ministers that God wanted man to put all his trust in Him because he loved Him, not because he had no other choice. So God gave man free choice. When man and woman sinned in the Garden of Eden they were cast out, but they didn’t lose free choice. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, but why would Jesus come to cleanse us from sin, why would He suffer and die for our salvation if we could choose to sin and still be saved? The Bible plainly tells us that the soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).

Thursday Night’s Service

Reverend Angley spoke that night on “Jesus the Healer.” “How much do you know about Jesus?” he asked the crowd. “Never a man spoke as He. He commanded the storm to cease, the devils to come out of people they were possessing. He brought the dead to life. Why doubt God but not the devil? The devil is a liar, a thief that would like to rob you of your soul. No truth is in the devil. Trust God and leave no room for doubt.”

At the end of the sermon everyone said the sinners’ prayer, and through the discerning of the Holy Spirit, people in the crowd were pointed out for healing. A woman with cancer and a woman with diabetes were among the first to be healed. A man, a backslider who had committed a terrible crime and should have been in prison, had given AIDS to his wife and daughter. They both died. He came to the service hoping to help his granddaughter, and he gave his heart to God. The Lord healed both him and his granddaughter. God is merciful!

Another backslider was involved in witchcraft. By saying, The blood, the blood! with the crowd, the blood dropped into his soul and seventeen devils went out of him. “Had you stayed in witchcraft,” said the man of God, “you would have been killed within three months.”

A young man, seventeen years old, was living with his grandmother since his parents had both died of AIDS. He was miserable; he thought God didn’t care, but God did care; He healed him of AIDS. “Serve the Lord,” he was told. “His hand is upon you, and never backslide again.”

The Lord was moving, and the faith of the crowd was increasing minute by minute.

Friday’s Service

Reverend Angley came onto the platform shouting, “God bless you! I love you! Put everything under the blood that you can’t handle and leave it there! The blood! The blood! The blood!

“The Bible tells us,” said the man of God, “that we have been made partakers of His divinity, sons and daughters of God through the divine blood. But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13).

“The Lord is great and His works will be great tonight,” continued the evangelist, “as He heals and delivers this people. God is in this place! He creates and He re-creates; it’s wonderful what is taking place in the name of Jesus!”

Now there was a miracle for AIDS in the invalid section. The man had battled AIDS over seven years, and a child of his had died with AIDS. Three cousins had died of AIDS. The doctors had said he had a limited time. The Lord has spared you, saith the Lord, for this great night. You are now healed of AIDS. You will begin to eat, and you will come out of all of it, saith the Lord.

A young man born deaf who had been healed in last night’s service came to the platform to demonstrate that he could hear and speak. A man standing in back of him said words that he repeated, proving he now could hear. It thrilled the crowd, for they knew this had to be the hand of God at work.

The Sermon That Night: Come See Jesus!

“Jesus is the most remarkable, powerful and compassionate one you will ever see,” began Reverend Angley. “Come see Jesus! Come see the healer of all diseases! Come see the one who raised the dead! Come see the one who can do what no other power can do; come see Jesus and be made whole!”

Wonderful things Reverend Angley brought to light in this moving sermon, building faith for people to accept the Healer into their hearts and lives.

The healing line formed and the preacher told those in the audience to use their faith; they could receive a miracle, too. “The Lord knows you by name,” he said. “The gift of discerning and the gift of knowledge are drawn by your faith; it’s like a cord tied to my finger being pulled to you in a straight line. He’ll take you into His arms of love. He is peace, joy, happiness, and life itself, everything people seek but won’t find because they don’t go the Jesus way.”

And during the healing line there were many healings and miracles in the audience for different diseases.

Reverend Angley went off the platform to the invalid section to pray for the individuals as the trio sang “The Gates.” When he came back onto the platform he, through the gift of discerning, said that 175 people would receive a miracle on the way home.

Saturday’s Service

Saturday night the Reverend Angley told the crowd that the Lord is not only our sin bearer; He’s our sickness bearer. “You don’t want your children to be sick,” said the man of God, “and the Lord certainly does not want His children to be sick either. He wants us to be well, to have great joy. The joy of the LORD is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

“The subject tonight is ‘Seduction or Seducing Spirits’,” said the preacher. “I Timothy 4:1,2, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. In the latter times this is what will happen. We’re in the latter times now.

“People claim to be Christian, yet they’re not Christlike at all. The Lord will tell me not to pray for different ones; there is no need. He will never recognize a prayer for them, for they have rejected the Lord one time too many and have committed the unforgivable sin that Jesus told about in Matthew 12. Their conscience is seared; they have no feeling. They’re in the churches today—hypocrites; they lie, cheat and live unholy lives. God despises them. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (II Thessalonians 2:12).

“One of the works of the flesh is witchcraft,” continued the man of God. “Some of you were born in witchcraft, in Satanism, in voodooism. God shows me witchcraft in people; those devils of witchcraft are dreadful.

“Wizards, three of them, are here tonight, and the fourth one is on his way. They had a meeting today; they want this power that comes through the blood of Jesus. I’m not afraid of them; I just ignore them. They rule with hate and fear, but my God directs us with love, faith and tender care. Wizards cannot put a spell on a child of God. The devil has power but God has almighty power.

“Jesus said believers will cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues: And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17,18).” The crowd was going wild with cheers and applause.

“Now the wizards here know the secret of the power that works in my life,” said Reverend Angley. “It’s divine power. Their master, the devil, has nothing to do with it. They’re afraid of the blood; the devil is afraid of the blood; he’s a bluffer. He doesn’t have all power; he doesn’t have power over a child of God. Use the blood! Use the blood!”

The crusade grounds rang with the sound of the rejoicing crowd, voices raised in victorious shouts and praises to God. The power of God fell in amazing ways and people realized they could trample devils underfoot with the blood. The blood!

Reverend Angley was in a vision of the heavens opening up with the fire of the Holy Ghost. “If you could see the fire of the Holy Ghost,” he said, “the pillar of fire has unrolled and fire has covered the whole sky. The devils are being rendered helpless!” The crowd responded with great praise.

“Tonight there will be a mighty deliverance for alcoholics, witches, drug addicts and all others bound with the darknesses of the devil,” said the man of God. “I want everyone to stand up and start saying, The blood! The blood! These are directions from Heaven; I didn’t think these things up. I’ve been with the Lord; He told me what to have you do tonight, and those devils will go out of you no matter how many are there, if you want them to.”

The crowd began to cry out, The blood! The blood! The power of God fell over all the crowd, delivering the devil-possessed who wanted to be delivered; there was more than enough power for everyone. The Lord had covered the whole sky with the fire of the Holy Spirit to drive away the powers of the devil. The few who didn’t want to be delivered, God rendered the devils in them helpless. The devil had no control over this service. Thank God, people were set free! And the cries of deliverance and rejoicing rose up all the way to Heaven!

“No longer seduced, multitudes have been delivered through Jesus Christ,” rejoiced the minister. “Now I want everyone to say the sinners’ prayer. Some of you don’t need to, but say it for those who do. The soul that sinneth shall die. If you commit one willful sin it means you have gone to the tree of death. Not one speck of sin can get through the gates of Heaven.

“Oh, God, thanks for delivering me from the demons of hell, from the devil himself. I know I must take Jesus into my heart or those devils will overpower me and come back. But I know that you’re greater than all the powers of the devil, and I believe that you are the very Son of God, that you died for my sins. You gave your life so that I could have life. I know there’s power in your blood to wash away all of my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in, Jesus! Hallelujah, Jesus is mine! I will serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. It’s wonderful to be free!”

As the man of God began praying for the healing line, other people in the audience were pointed out for healings. The Lord was moving in a gracious way. Five hundred eighty-one people received a head miracle; 971 were given an eye miracle, and 2,171 a miracle for nerves.

“Put up your hands and then touch your body anywhere with this anointing. Take any miracle you need,” said the evangelist.

Through the gift of discerning, Reverend Angley knew there was a person crying out to God in desperation. “Oh, Dear One,” said the preacher, “God is not going to pass you by. You have cancer of the throat. You’ve lost a lot of your voice already, but you’re healed now. Your voice will all return to you, saith the Lord. You would have never come out of this, only by His grace. The Lord loves you. You’ve had a hard life. Your husband betrayed you; your children turned away from you, and then this terrible calamity came upon you. Things are going to change; the Lord loves you. Remember, He’ll be with you, and He’s going to bless you, make the way for you. He will make plain paths for your feet; He’s going to supply your financial needs as well, saith the Lord. The Lord has seen your tears and heard your cries; the Lord is gracious!”

Reverend Angley went to the invalid section to pray for the invalids and then the next day, Sunday, the tour members visited, preached and testified at different churches. Sunday night would be the last crusade service, and people were ready to receive.

Cape Town, Final Service

“Put everything under the blood of Jesus,” cried the evangelist as he came onto the platform that last service. “All your healings, all your deliverances come through the blood of Jesus. A number of people will be healed of AIDS tonight,” said the man of God. Into one vision after another the Lord took Reverend Angley. He saw the sky full of the glory of God. We were in a cloud of God’s love and grace like never before, and the people knew the Lord would move for them this night.

The cooperating preachers were called to the platform for prayer for their churches. “You need to pray, fast and live in the Word of God to bless your ministry,” the man of God told them, and a mighty anointing was called down on the preachers—two platforms full of them. They would need all that anointing for their great work ahead. The committee stayed on the platform to present Reverend Angley with a lovely framed certificate in gratitude for his coming to Cape Town.

That night Reverend Angley preached on running the race: “Let’s Journey!”

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1). “You must live free from sin,” the pastor stressed. “The grace of God separates out the ugly and takes you into the love, faith, kindness and gentleness of God. You have to leave hatred behind and put God first. Do you feel His holy presence, His holy Spirit moving in you? With the tongue of fire we’re taking Jesus to the world. Jesus saves, heals and delivers. He’s ready to lift up the fallen; the Lord died for you and He’s calling you who don’t know Him to Calvary. Come to Jesus while you still have time. Hell is an awful place. The love of God is reaching out to you who are lukewarm. Come to Jesus and journey with us! It’s time to journey, time to bring in the endtime harvest!”

Again many were pointed out for a miracle. There were countless AIDS healings, cancer and diabetes miracles, heart trouble repaired, growths melted, miracles for arthritis and migraines, and a person who had been shot was restored to normal.

“Condition your mind to receive a miracle,” Reverend Angley told the crowd. From time to time the man of God would instruct the crowd to get ready, the Lord was preparing them to reach for greater miracles, moving people to Him to accept the miracles He had for them. It was a strange thing the Lord was doing, marvelous—and then it came: mass miracles.

1165 stomach healings.

2100 blood conditions.

Over one thousand skin allergies.

1295 feet that have given trouble.

291 enlarged kidneys.

1971 mind battles.

1376 back conditions.

1176 head conditions.

563 scalp conditions.

Reverend Angley told everyone to use an act of faith that the Lord had people use on different occasions to claim God’s healing for AIDS. “Reach like you were reaching inside,” he said. “When I command it done, in faith reach, get hold of the AIDS and pull it out. Have that faith reach and the blood cure.” So that no one would know who had AIDS, everyone did the faith reach. God was moving; praise the Lord!

At the end of the service, Reverend Angley went to the invalid section to pray; and when he was back on the stage, it was time for the Cross wave; thousands were waving. What a sight! Heaven had indeed come down! “I love you! I’ll see you in Heaven,” the minister called. And then it was: “God be with you till we meet again!”

The greatness of God was felt throughout all three crusades in an unmistakable way. This was the hour of visitation, saith the Lord, the hour of revelation. The light of God streamed down from Heaven upon people who would believe God for their miracle. We really had never seen the power of God work in this fashion; multitudes were saved, healed and delivered of all manner of afflictions and diseases. The divine light made God’s miracles and healings a living reality to hearts and souls of multitudes.

“It’s exciting to be a child of God today—if you can call being in the arena exciting,” said Reverend Angley. “The lions are roaring, seeking to destroy each one of us, but as the power of God grows greater every day on Earth, so also grows the faith, inspiring multitudes to believe that with God nothing is impossible.”

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