In a recent crusade to Zambia and Uganda, I traveled 20,000 miles and was gone thirty-three days. Conducting thirteen services, I also had five ministers’ meetings and four press conferences. I was received by the Zambian President and the Ugandan Minister of Security. God’s power went forth like mighty rockets as multitudes were saved, healed and delivered.

After holding crusades in three different cities in Zambia, Central Africa, we flew on to Uganda, East Africa for the final crusade of our Africa tour. There we witnessed the greatest, most unbelievable pouring out of the Holy Spirit that we had ever before seen. What the Lord did was unreal and unthinkable. I had imagined that in Uganda we would have to fight demons the way we had in our earlier crusades, but it wasn’t like that at all. The situation was completely different. We had been on television some weeks before we arrived in Uganda, and people were being healed all over the nation. I don’t know where I ever went on television that so many received healing right from the beginning.

Years ago, God let me know about this time. Since then I’ve been on my way to take the Gospel to the world, but I didn’t know it would be this long, that I would have many forty days of fasting, seeking, ever searching for Him, taught by the Lord how to stay in His presence hours at a time to prepare for this hour.

The Lord lived with me day and night in Africa. Thousands of people were delivered from demon spirits, and I had to be in close contact with God, had to know what was going on. When the Lord gifted me with discerning of spirits years ago, He let me know that He was the one I should come to. I must know the manifestations, whether or not they are of God.

The Sunday we left for Africa, the Holy Ghost prepared us through this prophecy: Thus saith the Lord: All things have been made ready, and now my servant is going forth on the divine mission that I told him that he would go on to the ends of the earth. I have given him a tongue of fire from On High. And as he speaks, my Word will penetrate into stony hearts. Multitudes, multitudes will come to me, saith the Lord. Multitudes, multitudes will be healed, and no way for man to number them. And multitudes, multitudes will be baptized in my Holy Spirit. I will rain down my miracle power in Africa, and the glory of the Lord will be revealed to the people. They will see my greatness. I will manifest myself in an unbelievable way, and you have helped bring it about.

I have waited for you. I’ve waited for you for so many years to take you into the land of Canaan, to take you into my greatness so that you could be a part of bringing in my harvest. Dedicated, consecrated, holy hands, holy hands are holding multitudes of souls now in love and desire and compassion.

I hear your cry with the tears of Calvary for lost humanity, and I am greatly moved on my throne, saith the Lord. And I delight in my consecrated, dedicated children carrying the burden, the same burden that my Son carried, shedding the same tears that He shed when He was on earth. I will walk with you and be with you, and you will be blessed for all that you have given in prayers and fastings and in sacrificing your finances. I am mindful of all, saith the Lord.

The Lord did everything He promised and even more. In Uganda, we held three mighty crusade services like the world has never seen. I was received by the Ugandan Minister of State Security (comparable to the United States’ Secretary of Defense). He was in the last crusade among thousands of others who attended, hands lifted in praise to God.

Rwandan Massacres Brought the Smell of Death

The massacres in Rwanda greatly affected neighboring nations, one of which, of course, is Uganda. Before we went to Uganda we read in the news that forty thousand bodies had floated down river toward Lake Victoria. We were told we would be close to where many bodies and parts of bodies were being washed up. What contamination would be there, what jeopardy? I only knew I was sent of God and I would never back down; He would take us through whatever we had to face. We received phone calls updating us on the situation. You have read about and seen on television some of the horrors in Rwanda, but when you are in close to the devastation, it’s truly overwhelming. The horror is beyond the mind—half a million people killed in that nation, multitudes in refugee camps facing epidemics and starvation. The smell of death was everywhere. However, the area we were in had been cleaned up, although during the crusade, two hundred more bodies came in. In a place like that, one can only trust God. I decided long ago that I wouldn’t walk in fear in this last hour. I don’t plan to do it. The Lord promised us love and a sound mind; He doesn’t give the spirit of fear. He told the disciples: Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). And in I John 4:18 we read that perfect love casteth out fear.

We Came for Souls

When we arrived at the airport in Uganda, everything was right up to par and the news media waiting. One reporter asked a committee member how much the crusade was going to cost, and I jumped in. We’re not here for money, I said; we’re here for souls. It isn’t a matter of how much we spend and how much it will cost. One day Jesus held the whole world in one hand, a soul in the other, and said the soul was worth more than all the wealth of the world. I preached that reporter a sermon, and the rest kept quiet. I don’t think about money, I said. I think about souls; Lord, give me souls. I didn’t come here for your money; I don’t expect to get any for myself, and I won’t be taking anything out of the country. My partners have put in thousands of dollars for this crusade. People here will have a chance to give in the offerings—the Lord teaches tithes and love offerings so He can bless them—but we are not concerned about your money. People give because they love the Lord and they love souls.

We hold souls in our hands; how sad that the world is not concerned about souls! We can’t let one soul drop through our fingers into hell. We must use God’s love, patience and compassion. Jesus came to save the lost. Those nail-riven hands hold lost souls, and we as children of God must help Him hold those souls and not let one slip by. We can’t have grudges, can’t carry hate or resentment, can’t grumble or complain and still have the power of the Lord flowing through us to reach the souls He has marked for us to win. We bless, praise God for His great love and power helping us take Jesus to the world. It’s praise time. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Psalm 103:2).

God Will Not Excuse Sin

We met with the ministers the next day, and the revival started. One of the greatest blights on the human race is spiritually dead preachers. If we need a resurrection for anything in the world today, it’s a resurrection for dead preachers. Dead in false doctrine, dead in unholy living, ministers who fail God are a disgrace.

The Lord told me it wasn’t the laypeople in Uganda, but the ministry who was in error. I found many in Uganda had received salvation, but not many of them were in the ministry. The Lord had me wade in on them in the first meeting, an unusual thing. I knew it was going to happen before it did. I knew “both barrels were loaded,” that they would have straight talk. God gave them a message through the man of God. I said, If you don’t believe in the miracles, if you don’t believe in this Word of God, if you’re not willing to live holy, don’t come to the crusade services; and no questions will be asked.

The Lord poured it out, and then said this to them: Yea, thus saith the Spirit of the Lord: I have sent my holy prophet unto you. I am searching every heart. I will not excuse sin. I will bring judgment. I am sending my messenger with my light, with my power of deliverance, and all will be delivered that want to be delivered. But if you seek to hinder my power, I will push you out of the way and I will never deal with your spirit again. I will let you go with your arrogance. I will let you go with your doubts, and fear will become your companion. I will not grieve for you, and my servant will not grieve for you because you’ll be rejected by your Maker.

I call unto you with my Calvary love. I call unto you through the blood of my Son Jesus, and you that are right, you gladly respond to my voice. You that are not right, you will not respond to my voice unless you really want my help.

I’ve sent you one that will give my truth. He will not spare you. I have called him to deliver my Word, and that’s the reason I have delivered the multitudes in the services I’ve ordained through him. I will deliver you. I will set you free.

I know your ways, saith the Lord. I know that which some have covered up and [are] still covering. I know everything that’s right, and everything that’s wrong. I know it all, saith the Lord. I will not spare. I will not give you forgiveness after this time. I have brought my servant to help you and to help your people. Some of you have failed me and failed me. I have given you my message; it’s not the message of my servant. I have given you my message. Take heed to the voice of the Lord thy God and be delivered—or die in bondage, saith the Lord, and be forever damned for time and eternity.

God was angry, very angry. This was final with Him. God said it forcefully. It was their last call, their last time for God to offer a way out. They had hindered multitudes, caused many already to go to hell through their ungodly living and false doctrine…the blind leading the blind. The laypeople had more vision than some of the ministers.

The preachers were shaken. It’s hard to tell how many got saved, but God shook them apart. I was shocked at what God did, but I was glad. At the end of the prophecy the Lord’s Spirit began to cry through me: My Lord and my God! The Lord was telling the people to repent: Thus saith the Lord: Repent! Repent! saith the Lord. Thirty-three times God cried for them to repent. I was all over the place in the midst of those preachers shouting as loudly as I could: Repent! saith the Lord. Repent! Repent! saith the Lord.

The first five sentences of the prophecy began with the pronoun I: I have sent my holy prophet. I am searching every heart. I will not excuse sin. I will bring judgment. I am bringing my messenger with my light. Five times at the end of the prophecy the Holy Spirit said, My Lord and my God! God makes His position very clear.

Speaking in Tongues at Will: An Abomination to God

God told me the ministers who were teaching the wrong thing were the trouble, not the people. The people had been taught speaking in tongues at will, an abominable false doctrine, and God dealt with it. Speaking in tongues at will fools people into thinking they have the Holy Ghost—many in America are fooled, also.

If you can talk in tongues anytime you want, it’s not the Holy Ghost, saith the Lord. The Lord visited me in a divine visitation and told me speaking in tongues at will is not from His Holy Spirit. It’s dangerous. People grieve Him by talking for His Holy Spirit. In some cases the person is the one speaking; in other cases an evil spirit has gotten in and is doing the talking. The Lord told me He had searched and He couldn’t find twenty people who had the real Holy Ghost.

In the divine visitation in 1954, the Lord gifted me with calling the Holy Spirit down on people, but I never have taught anyone to speak in tongues at will, and I never shall. If anyone had offered me such a counterfeit when I was seeking the Holy Ghost baptism, I would have told him to get away from me. I have the real Holy Ghost, the same Holy Ghost those in the Upper Room received on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.

You must have this wonderful baptism to be ready to get out of here, saith the Lord. It can’t be a counterfeit. You don’t do the talking for the Holy Ghost; you can’t talk for someone else and say it is he or she talking.

The Holy Ghost cannot be turned on and off—He’s the one to turn you on, to speak through you, to use your vocal organs. What is called a prayer language (where people start in speaking at will in so-called tongues) is no real prayer language. When you can pray in tongues yourself, it is not the Holy Ghost. If you are going to pray, do it in a language you know. Don’t mock God, or you’ll grieve the Holy Spirit away from you, and He may never come to you again. God is letting people know He despises speaking in tongues at will, that people have been deceived by it.

God has a real Holy Ghost: He prays through me in many different languages and dialects, and He is the one in control, not me. One time the Holy Ghost preached a whole sermon in Hebrew through me, yet I have never studied Hebrew. He has prayed through me in the German tongue, and a German lady in the service knew all I was saying. But I couldn’t converse with her in German. If I could speak in tongues at will, I could talk in German anytime I wanted, and I could preach in Hebrew again. But it is not I who speaks; it is the Holy Ghost speaking as He gives the utterance.

False doctrine has caused people to sin against God—pray a little prayer, speak in tongues on their own and go on to live like the devil. False doctrine is the devil’s greatest curse. He has tried to destroy, saith the Lord, the Lord’s outpouring; but he is not going to be able to do it. God is going to have a consecrated, dedicated, holy people who will live clean before Him, members of the bridal company. We’re living in the final hour, seeing the greatness of the Holy Spirit being poured out.

The Bride will know much about the Lord in this last hour; she will not be deceived by preachers who come on the scene with false doctrine and spirits not of God and then be humiliated when those preachers are uncovered. She is going to know, saith the Lord. Walking like her Lord, wearing the shoes of Jesus, she will have the same love, the same compassion, the same everything of His. She will know in whom she has believed and be able to separate that which is right from that which is wrong. Knowing the mind of the Holy Spirit, she will be so close to the Lord that the Spirit will direct each step she takes. Like Daniel in the den of lions—a type of the Bride—she will be unafraid. Like the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace she will overcome through total obedience.

Murdered Because They Were Christian

The people in Uganda had suffered horrible persecutions under the former dictator, Idi Amin. The church was forced to go underground for a number of years. Five hundred thousand were killed in the blood bath, in the attempt by that cruel dictator to wipe out Christianity. On the grounds where I held the crusade was a clump of trees. Here people had been made to watch—in the manner that Hitler once made people watch Jews being murdered—as seven Christians were shot. The blood of the martyrs marked the place where God would now pour out His Spirit.

My interpreter told of the underground church during those years. It was heartbreaking to hear it, the sacrificing, the persecutions. He told how they had to hide away in their places of worship screened from sight with foliage, but he said they would forget the danger and begin singing and blessing God. Again and again the soldiers of Amin, hearing their praises to God, would locate and murder them.

My interpreter had been marked for death during that terrible period, but God wasn’t through with him. His story affected me greatly as he told how he was taking his last walk believing that at any moment he would be killed by a bullet in the back the way he had seen many others killed. As he and a companion walked away from the guns pointed at their backs, he was telling the Lord, “Lord, you’ve been so good to me! Lord, I thank you for all the times you’ve helped me. I thank you for everything, Lord.” He wasn’t asking God why; he was just praising the Lord. He said, “We kept walking, and all of a sudden we looked around and realized we were in the woods.” Their lives had been spared. The Lord had done it. Now he was interpreting for me.

64,574 Baptized in the Holy Spirit in One Service

The first service in Uganda was held right after a terrible rainstorm. The field was muddy, muddy, muddy. The Lord told me there was to be a Holy Ghost rally, which I usually don’t have the first crusade service in a new country. He gave me—and this was unusual—the exact number again and again of how many would receive the real Holy Ghost in the Holy Ghost rally. Some had never been exposed to false doctrine, but many had, talking in tongues at will.

Thousands of people had come. Some had been standing, waiting two hours in the mud. Most couldn’t sit down, and yet they were not impatient. They didn’t move about and disturb the service. Even in the great Holy Ghost rally toward the end of the service I saw only about six or seven people—among all those thousands—move about, which was very unusual.

The field and surrounding hills were filled with people. I preached what the Lord told me to, preached the cleansing blood of Jesus, that they had to be pure. Then came time for that great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Lord told those who had been deceived about the Holy Ghost, those who had been taught to speak in tongues at will, that He would give them the real Holy Ghost baptism, and they would speak in a tongue or dialect that they had never before heard come from their lips. He told me to tell them that their lips would begin to tremble under His Spirit, that it would be the Holy Ghost. He would come in, take over their tongues and begin to speak. The Holy Ghost did just that.

Sixty-four thousand five hundred seventy-four, saith the Lord, were baptized in a matter of minutes. Previously the Lord had told me the same number more than once, but I didn’t know He would also tell the people. Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke it out through me; the words just came gushing out: Sixty-four thousand five hundred seventy-four are filled with the Holy Ghost! I thought, Joel, this is what you saw! I remembered the wonder in Lagos, Nigeria when 29,477 were baptized in the Spirit and the prophecy that told us it was just the beginning.

A group of men got together later and estimated the number attending the service Sunday to be 220,000. There could well have been a quarter million people attending. God was moving in a great way. He wants to talk with His people in all living reality; He doesn’t want it to be their imaginations.

About twenty of the committee and some of their wives waited to meet with me after the crusade; one was a medical doctor, one a lawyer. They had questions. One of the men said, “When you come again, we’d like you to spend more time with the preachers, teaching, answering questions.” The Lord had saved many of those preachers, and now they were hungry; and He had given the ones who had been serving Him a greater hunger and thirst for more of His Word.

I’ll Never Say No to God

God is more than life to me, and I will do anything for Him. You never would have heard of Ernest Angley had it not been for the healing power of the Lord. At twenty-three, I was in a dying condition. It was frightening to watch my flesh melt away through illness, to know I was dying and had but a few more days to live. Had it not been for our Lord, I would have died.

The night the Lord came to me and healed me, He changed my life forever. He made me whole all over—so much of me had been afflicted—not just a part of me. Then He lingered to tell me some things about the future, and that I would have His power to carry to the peoples of the earth.

I’ll never say no to God. I owe Him everything, and I’ve told Him He can have every particle of me in whatever way He wants to use me to bring more souls into the Kingdom. He has top priority.

Deaf Students Healed

An unscheduled miracle service took place after the crusade was over. A teacher at a school for the deaf had brought some young people for prayer. Ray, my business manager, kept attempting to get them to me; he had promised to try to do something. My schedule was completely filled, and I told him that the only time I could think of to see them was after the last service Sunday night. “Have the teacher bring the young people to my suite,” I said. He brought eleven teenagers or older, and all eleven were gloriously delivered. God is so good! They were shocked when they found they could hear, overjoyed at the sound of their own voices. If any unbelief were present, it was only in the teacher who had brought them. It was unreal to him. He had been teaching deaf students and now they were hearing and speaking—one was his wife. I said, “Now she can hear the baby’s voice.” He was amazed the way his wife could hear and speak, but he said, “I hope it will last.” “You hope!” I exclaimed. I went after him like a hound dog after the last rabbit. God doesn’t give miracles to take home and lose.

God Is Raising Up Witnesses

We just thank God for His great miracles. God is going to send me back to Uganda next year. They are hungry; they have been through much adversity, beaten down and oppressed. God has heard their cry, and we will continue to be on television there.

One preacher had traveled many, many miles to see me. He wrote a letter, and because he couldn’t get to my room, he had someone put it under my door. He quoted what I had written him in 1987 about coming to Uganda one day. “Now I’m seeing the fulfillment of that promise,” he wrote. Three others from his area had come, wanting me to go to their section the next time. The call is mighty.

God is raising up witnesses all over. This is the final hour. We have much to do, and we can’t fail Him now. God’s pure truth must be taken to all who will hear. Jesus said, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).

Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: I am in your midst. I am here to bless you and to edify you. I am here to make you strong in the might of my power and greatness. I need you. I need you for this final hour. I need you with holy lips, holy hearts and holy hands. I need you that will believe all of my promises, that will accept all of my truth. I need you to take my message to all peoples throughout the whole earth. I need you that I can speak through you, that I can work through you. There is so much to be done, and I don’t have enough hands to do it, saith the Lord. Yield to my holy power. Yield to my holy Word. Yield to my Holy Spirit. I need you. I will be with you. I will walk with you, and I will give you all of my grace that you need. Let not your heart be troubled concerning this hour. Don’t let your heart be afraid, because your Lord will walk with you, saith the Lord.

Try the Spirits with God’s Word

Many churches and services have been hurt because the ministers did not recognize manifestations that were of the devil, could not separate the manifestations of self from those of God. The Lord told me I would have to know the spirit of the devil, the spirit of man and the Spirit of God and be able to separate them. He let me know how it could be done. He has stayed with me all these years, teaching and helping me. We all need to be able to separate the Spirit of God from the spirit of man and the spirit of the devil.

I thank God for the Word. I thank God for the trust we can put in the Word. I’m glad the Lord said to try the spirits. How do you try the spirits? With the Word of God. Any spirit not in harmony with the Word of God in all respects is not of God. If your life does not agree with all the Word, you have a counterfeit faith. Face it. When you get to the end of the journey, you can’t “cash in” counterfeit faith, just as you can’t give counterfeit money to an expert and expect to receive good money in return. But through God’s Word you can have real faith in His manifestations.

Some of you have spent time listening to preachers who were not of God. In the past I have tried to warn people, and then let them do what they wanted. Later it would prove out that these ministers were not right with God; they were backslidden, their sins uncovered for the world to see. How did their supporters feel? Did they just go on to another minister who was not right with God? Many did.

Thoroughly compare and check what you hear from the pulpit with the Word of God. God lets me know those who are none of His; why wouldn’t He let you know, too, as you take teachings and lives to the Word of God? I depend on Him for my knowledge. I don’t trust myself; I trust the Lord. I don’t trust my spirit, I trust the Holy Spirit. He is always right; never wrong. You can stay in His presence until you know—the Bride will do exactly that, saith the Lord. It’s time to yield all to the Holy Spirit.

A Vision of the Cross

During the last service at Grace Cathedral before I went to Africa, we had a great divine visitation from the Lord. I saw more miracle power that I had ever seen at any one time in all the visitations that the Lord has given to this humble servant. I saw it like a thick, mighty cloud reaching out over the invalid section. It was on the platform and all around. At the close of the service that Sunday morning in Grace Cathedral, I left for the Africa crusades. Some days later as I fell down in praise before the Lord after a mighty service in Zambia, I went into a vision.

The Cross of Jesus appears to me again and again. It appears lit with God’s glory, and then it appears in the royal blue of His miracle power. The Lord tells me much with the cross. He tells me about people, where they are with Him, what their spiritual life is like. If you are not right with God all the way, you don’t light up the cross. I’ve watched this in people’s lives again and again. Some who claim to have God don’t light the cross at all. Others light just a part of it.

Now in Zambia I was again seeing a vision of the cross, watching it; but the scene was different. I was looking at a cross stretched out above me. I thought before the Lord, What is this? I have never seen it like this. Then I realized that in the vision I was no longer in Africa, but back in the Cathedral at home. I was looking at the overhead cross suspended from the ceiling there. The experience was not the same as other visions; it was as though I were actually there in all reality, as though I had walked through the door and was standing to the left of the platform. Then the Lord showed me that this great mountain of miracle power I had seen the Sunday I left for Africa was no longer there. Miracle power was all around, but it was much less. I looked at the platform, and the miracle power there was limited. I looked for the people, but a shadow was over the congregation. I was trying to see…Lord, are the people here? But that wasn’t what He wanted me to see: He wanted me to see that the great mountain of His miracle power had been shipped out; the miracle greatness He had shown me in the vision that Sunday morning had gone to Africa, saith the Lord.

Years ago, the Lord had told us that His miracle power would go forth from the Cathedral like mighty rockets, and He had shown me those rockets in a vision. The Lord prepared the congregation to help send His power to the nations. Your prayers sent it just like shipping something out, saith the Lord. You sent it with your fastings and prayers. That’s the way we will evangelize the world. God has raised you up for a purpose, saith the Lord. He needs every one to help evangelize the world in this final hour. He needs every one of us to fast, pray and live in the Word of God, pulling down the miracle power; it will go right on out to where we are going, saith the Lord. You will have miracle power to help you here at home, but people need the greatness of God’s miracle hand on the mission field. In Africa they needed a mountain of it, and that mountain of miracle power, saith the Lord, was poured out. That’s what brought demonic spirits under subjection, saved, delivered and healed the people. Those who support the ministry had prayed down that miracle power, and it was there. I went in the power of that Spirit.

We must get ready to ship out God’s miracle power for every crusade. That’s the part you are going to play, to pray down His miracle power. It has to be in the crusades. Miracle power from God doesn’t just rain down automatically. People must turn on the miracle power with their faith, believing God through obedience to Him. Disbelief hinders God’s power.

Just as God’s miracle power had to be in the crusade services, it must be in your life. Know God’s love, and you will know He is reaching out to serve you when heartache, troubles and despair rush in. In this hour, God’s people will be tried much. Great victories will be won, but some terrible battles will be fought. Be ready for every battle. If you have failed God in any way in the past, the devil would like to keep that failure before you. Put it under the blood. If you decide the devil isn’t going to keep it before you, he can’t do it. It’s under the blood. Decide that the blood is either sufficient or not. The greatness is in the blood; use the blood.

God Can Deliver You

Backslider, you’re in danger of the devils taking you over. They are running loose upon the face of the earth—and more to come. Read in Revelation about the demons that will torment the people in the Tribulation Period. You won’t want to be here then. Look at the evil on the earth now, all the hideous things that are happening. It’s dangerous to go out almost anywhere. Demonic powers cause much destruction, and it’s going to get worse and worse. Your only hope is in the blood of Jesus.

When you have a lot of love for something wrong, you must have a lot of God to keep you from going back into it. You can’t live on the borderline, for then the devil will drag you back. I have told the young people, for example, that they can’t listen to the devil’s music and stay right with God. They must leave all the world behind. Before I was saved, I would rather dance than eat. Jitterbugging, jazz, the big bands were a delight to me; but when God saved me, every bit of that desire went out of me in an instant.

God delivered me, and He will deliver you if you want Him to. First of all, you have to be delivered from self. Please God; walk hand in hand with Him. Make sure of your salvation through and through, and go on to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Listen for the voice of the Lord and be ready for greater manifestations of the Holy Spirit in this last hour.

Yea, saith the Spirit of the Lord: I am warning people and giving them their last warnings again and again. Beware of false doctrine. Beware of those who carry false doctrine. Have nothing to do with them. Separate from all that is false. Separate into my truth and into my grace, and the enemy will not be able to deceive you.

If you do not walk in my truth at all times, you will be deceived in this last hour, saith the Lord. You may think that you cannot be deceived, but you will be deceived. Only my truth can keep you out of that deceit. Only my truth can give you liberty and freedom through the blood of my Son Jesus. You must live in the truth. Your life must be of the truth. The truth must abide in you, and you must abide in the truth at all times, or the enemy will deceive you, and you will be damned, saith the Lord.

I have been patient. I have accepted disobedience again and again, but in this final hour, I’m going to push people out of my way. Just like I warned those people that I would push them, just like I warned those preachers I would push them, I will push you out of my way. You will not hinder my great plan in this last hour. I have waited and waited and waited and prepared for this hour. I will move with greatness and might and miracles and wonders. You can be a part of my truth, a part of my great plan or I will push you out of the way to never reach for you again, saith the Lord. You will walk holy and live holy before me, or I will push you out of the way. That which is unclean, I will not touch. I will push you out of the way. I have been merciful, and I have given you the truth, and I have given you the truth again and again. And if you reject my truth now, damnation is yours, saith the Lord.

Trust in your God and not in self. Do not live in self. Live in my truth, and you will be free of the powers of the devil. And victory will be yours. You will not fail your God; you will win for your God and for yourself, and one day Heaven will be yours, saith the Lord.

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