Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

Share Your Praise Reports!

Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

Send your praise report now

Dare To Be Different

The following testimonies were printed in the August 2020 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Prayer Line Praise Reports…

  • My uncle recently had a paralyzing stroke. He had to eat through a feeding tube, and he couldn’t talk well. After calling the prayer line, my dad texted me to let me know that he’s now saying a few words.

    I called for my sister because she had a very bad case of the flu. She had a fever that would not relent and a bad backache. I saw her today, and she is doing much better. She just has a little congestion in her nose. We are praising the Lord!

    Also, I have been requesting prayer for my stomach and digestion. There are two parts to this healing. The one part is completely healed, and the other part is getting much better. I am praising the Lord Jesus for that. Thank you for praying.

    Kim Sizemore

  • A lady from Berea, Ohio, USA

    She called in to get a blest cloth for a family member who had leukemia. The patient recently let her know that he had been back to the doctor, and there is no more cancer. She also prayed for a neighbor man who was in a lot of pain and walking bent over. He is now walking straight, and his pain is gone.

  • A man from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

    He testified that he had come to a Sunday night service during a July 4th Camp Meeting weekend. His doctor had diagnosed him with low blood. During that service, Rev. Angley pointed him out in the back of the church and said he had low blood; so he knew it was him. He felt the presence of God; and since then, he has had much more energy, and he is continuously praising the Lord. He also said he felt the power of God like never before when he went down to the altar at the end of the service. He said he will definitely be back.

  • A man from Kenmore, Ohio, USA

    He received salvation from watching Rev. Angley’s TV program. He was set free of crack cocaine eight years ago, and he has also given up cigarettes. He had been suffering with cancer, and God has delivered him from cancer. He could not walk; but now, he can walk again.

  • A lady from Gainesville, Georgia, USA

    This lady met a woman in the beauty shop, and her husband was battling throat cancer. The woman asked for prayer for her husband. The lady told her about the ministry’s prayer line and also gave her a blest cloth for her husband to wear. Praise God, the woman’s husband was healed of cancer in 2012.

    Then in 2017, the doctors said the cancer had returned; and it was about the size of a half dollar. The man continued to wear the blest cloth. When he went for more tests, the cancer was gone! Praise God! They are thanking Rev. Angley and the prayer partners who prayed for them throughout their ordeal. They are also so grateful for the blest cloth.

Miracle Reports from Social Media

Coronavirus Prayer Request

Please pray immediately for someone my daughter met from New York. Both of his parents are dying of the Coronavirus. Pray that God will have mercy and raise them up and lead them to Jesus. The boy was very distraught, and I told him I would call our church and have them pray for his parents.

Praise Report Message #1

The people I asked you to pray for are now eating and drinking. They are improving daily. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you for praying.

Linda Bacon

Akron, Ohio, USA

Prayer Request Message

My father is sick. We find it hard to cure him; even medicine can’t cure him anymore. He’s old, and he is becoming very weak. I don’t want to see him sad and worried. Could you pray for him, please?

Praise Report Message

God has listened to your prayer. I cannot repay you for your help. I pray God will bless you more and more each day. My father is good now. I’m happy. Thank you, thank you a thousand much. May God care for you always like you cared for my father. Hallelujah! Jesus is my helper and Savior, and you have been my helper, too. God bless you.

Maffe Syiem

Shillong, India

I have been asking for prayers for a breakthrough for me and my husband. To the glory of God, the breakthrough has come. I can now provide for my kids, and my husband’s business has greatly improved. To God alone be the glory now and forevermore. Amen.

Susan Yenban


I was healed of anxiety after writing to Rev. Angley. Jesus healed me!

Tabitha Madziwanzira


Prayer Request Message

I kindly ask you to pray for me. I have severe pregnancy contractions. I also have been scheduled for an operation. I was told that the placenta is lying on the cervical wall, so I can’t deliver normal. I believe in miracles. I want God to reverse the situation and for the placenta to reattach itself where it is supposed to be, so I can deliver normally.

Praise Report Message

Yes, Jesus did it. I submit my testimony that God performed a miracle. The placenta went back to the right position, and I gave birth normally. Thank you for making a prayer with me.

Maureen Namarome

Nairobi, Kenya

Ernest Angley Ministries,

The first miracle I received was when I was inspired by a story Rev. Angley told about his dad having a massive heart attack. Not too long after that, I was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. Even though it wasn’t the same affliction his dad had, I was encouraged by his all-out miracle; and I told the Lord I needed a miracle for my heart.

My doctor sent me to a cardiologist; and after taking tests, the doctors could not find that I had an enlarged heart. I received prayer from Rev. Angley; and when I went back for another CT scan and an MRI, they still couldn’t find anything wrong with my heart. It was normal and beating the way it was supposed to. I had X-rays taken before and after my miracle, and the evidence is there showing that my heart is normal.

Another miracle I would like to share was for menopause symptoms. I was having a terrible time with them, but I listened to your preaching; and I realized the Lord could help me. I claimed my miracle without any doubt or fear, and I held on to it with all my might. The menopause symptoms eventually left completely.

At another time, I had ringing in both my ears and in my head. It was just horrible. I came before Rev. Angley for prayer; and when I woke up the next day, the ringing was totally gone.

I use every miracle and all the Lord has done for me to be a witness for Him. He has been so good, and I don’t take any of His miracles for granted. Not only are they a witness to others but also to me. They also make it easy to tell others that they can get a miracle, too. Praise the Lord!

Brenda Swain

Tallmadge, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

The Lord has been really good to me in this Jesus ministry. He has proven Himself time and time again as I live for Him, and He continues to give me more and more blessings.

I had asthma when I was a toddler, and my parents had to keep a vaporizer in my room. I would have to take medicine and be on oxygen; and at times, my mom would have to rush me to the hospital when I would have bad attacks.

When I got older, the doctors gave me an inhaler, which I had to carry with me at all times because I never knew when I would have a flare up. This was a great hindrance to me because I was limited in what I could do. That caused me to develop a nervous condition because I knew I could be in trouble at any time if I couldn’t breathe.

I had allergies as well; so when I was outside, I was not only worried about having an asthma attack, but I also couldn’t play in the grass or be around when someone was cutting it. If I was, my allergies would flare up; and I would have an asthma attack. The allergies and the asthma would constantly play off of each other. If something triggered one, it would aggravate the other.

During a church service, Rev. Angley told the congregation, “The Lord is moving. Take whatever you need.” So I looked to the Lord to be delivered of asthma and allergies.

Over a period of time, I started thinking over my daily activities; and I knew I had received my miracle. I then went on a mission trip with Rev. Angley, and I had no problems breathing like I had on previous trips. I could work with people on the streets, walk up hills and do anything else I needed to do. I had my deliverance.

I was delivered of my allergy trouble as well. When I was around different environmental situations that had affected me in the past, I no longer had trouble breathing; my eyes didn’t water, and I had no more sneezing. I also noticed that my nervous system was different after receiving my miracles for asthma and allergies, and I give the Lord all the praise for those deliverances.

Several years ago, the electricity went out where I live; so to get my car out of the garage, I had to disconnect my garage door from the opener and manually lift it up. When I was putting the door down, one of my fingers got stuck in the grooves of the door. It really hurt, but I went to work anyhow.

As the day went on, the pain and throbbing in my finger grew worse; so I went to an urgent care facility. The doctor there checked my finger and told me I needed to go to the hospital. My imagination started running wild as to what could be wrong, so I had to ask the Lord to help me cast it down.

I didn’t go to the hospital right away, but my finger continued to swell. I did everything I knew to keep it from getting worse, but nothing worked; so I finally went to the hospital. By that time, my finger had swelled so much that the doctor had to put a hole in my fingernail to release the pressure. The swelling finally did go down, but I ended up losing my fingernail; and the doctor said he couldn’t guarantee it would grow back.

I looked to the Lord and prayed, “Lord, I know you don’t want me to be deformed in any way, and I know you don’t want me to have problems with my finger or my nail.” Then I just trusted God to take care of it. Eventually, my fingernail grew back, and it now looks like nothing ever happened to it. That was possible because I kept my eyes on the Lord and believed He would move for me no matter what situation came my way. I give the Lord all the glory.

Tisha Swain

Tallmadge, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I was raised in Canada. I had severe allergies which started when I was in nursery school, and I found out when I was in high school that I also had asthma. I had to get shots and take special medications for my allergies, and I had to use inhalers for my asthma. These things affected my life so much when I was in high school. It was difficult to study and write my exams, and it was difficult to participate in activities.

I made my first visit to Grace Cathedral in Akron, Ohio when I was still in high school, and I went in the healing line. After Rev. Angley prayed for me, the asthma and all the allergies I had dealt with for so long went away. When I went back home, I was able to show off my miracles and run with the track team at school. Everything was completely gone, and I was so thankful.

Many years later, my family doctor ordered some tests to be done on my lungs; and one of those tests was the same type doctors had done when I was initially diagnosed with asthma. After studying all of the findings, my doctor said three times that I was definitely not asthmatic. It was nice to have medical confirmation of what I already knew God had done for me.

Several years later, my immune system was very low for a period of time; and I had frequent colds, several bouts of the flu and some other things back to back. I was also extremely sensitive to certain allergens; but through prayer, God brought me out of all of that.

Over 20 years ago, I was having a lot of weakness; and I started not being able to talk properly at work. My thoughts were all over the place, and I was tired all the time. I knew something was wrong, so I went into the healing line to get prayer. God revealed to Rev. Angley that I had a blood tumor about the size of a grapefruit that was really taking the life out of me. He let me know that the tumor was shrinking in the presence of the Lord, and then he prayed for me. After that, I was so much better. People even commented how different I looked.

Several years ago, I was having a lot of pain on the left side around my lung. When I was in church, I would have to lean forward in my chair because I was not able to sit upright. No matter what way I turned, it was painful.

Again, Rev. Angley prayed for me, and God let him know that my lung had been knocked out of place in an accident. I couldn’t remember anything happening right away; but later, I remembered that years ago, I had fallen back in the bathtub when I was cleaning the bathroom ceiling. At first, I couldn’t breathe; and I couldn’t even speak to those who were trying to help me up. Things continued to get worse; but after prayer, God moved for me.

Lastly, I want to thank Rev. Angley, Rev. Machamer and Rev. Millar for preaching the truth. Many preachers cover up the real truth, but our ministers preach it fully. I appreciate that, and I am so thankful for all of them.

Deborah Kostenko

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Impossibilities Are Possible with God

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I have been giving out blest cloths you sent to me, and here are a few testimonies: A boy of 4 years old had stomach problems. All he was doing was sleeping, but he stood up and even started eating food. A certain woman felt the power of God and started speaking in tongues.

A man and wife had HIV, and their son was HIV positive. When they took their son for an HIV test, doctors could not find any virus.

A woman had about 2 liters of water in her lungs, but the doctors were very surprised when they could not find any more water.The blest cloths help me to evangelize.

Evangelist Kakuli Mukengami

Livingstone, Zambia

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I was watching the ministry’s program one Sunday morning, and I had a sore throat on the right side. I raised my hand, and Jesus healed me of that pain immediately. Also, I had difficulty in walking and was fearful of falling, so I was rubbing my legs up and down during the program. Now, I can walk without any weakness or stumbling. I am so thankful to my Lord, Jesus Christ.

Stephen Towell

Harrisburg, North Carolina, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I started having joint pains in my left foot, and I prayed with Rev. Angley over the radio when he offered prayer. My healing did not manifest just then, but I believed it would manifest. I have been following your teachings, and I am learning to build my faith by listening to the radio and by reading the magazines and the giant little books you send me.

The next morning, I prayed another prayer with Rev. Millar; and I also think I prayed with Rev. Machamer. After two days, all the pain was completely gone. God healed me! The pain tried to come back, but I kept on confessing the Word; and now I am completely free. I have also been healed of a back injury by receiving prayers from your ministry.

I am so happy the Lord loves me so much. I have felt and seen the love of God through your ministry. Thank you so much to Rev. Angley and everyone at the ministry. May the Almighty God grant you the grace and the strength to carry on. I love you all.

Your sister in Christ,

Brenda Bwalya

Worthing, United Kingdom

Ernest Angley Miniseries,

I have had so many miracles since I came into this Jesus ministry, and I am so grateful. I received two great miracles in February 2000. One of those two miracles was for curvature of the spine that was affecting my head and eyes, but God healed me.

The second miracle was for a lump or growth in my right breast and for a mass in my left breast. They had showed up in a mammogram, but God took care of both of them; and I never had to have any treatment for them.

God is so faithful to help His children. There is nothing He can’t or won’t do if we are faithful to Him. It is through Rev. Angley’s dedication to the Lord and the gifts of God in his life that I have been able to receive so much! You are greatly appreciated.

Sandy Boyes

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

Praise the Lord! I am from India, and I would like to give my small testimony. I was totally depressed due to my financial conditions and regarding my son. During that time, I sent my prayer request to your ministry; and I received a letter from you and also a Power of the Holy Ghost magazine. After reading them, I understood how powerful they were. They strengthened my faith and helped me to focus on the Holy Spirit for my help.

Before, I did not know much about the Holy Spirit, though I was born in a Christian family. When I read all the references regarding the Holy Spirit and all the testimonies inside, they renewed my strength.  So every day, I am learning to rise spiritually.

Whenever I receive a letter from your ministry, a new joy rises up in me as I eagerly wait to read and learn from the message. I am really thankful to our God and to Rev. Angley, my spiritual Father. I pray wholeheartedly for him and for your ministry. Please continue to pray for my family and our ministry.

Thanking you,

Mrs. Meda Pramila Rani

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I am eternally grateful for Rev. Angley’s dedication to the Lord. If it had not been for the Lord’s power working through him, I would be dead and in hell.

I was very addicted to alcohol and drank every day for 2 years. It was so bad that I would shake uncontrollably. Getting through work was torture; and the minute I was done with work, it was off to the bar for a drink. It was a vicious cycle day after day, and I could not get free. Then I started throwing up when I ate breakfast. When I realized how bound I was, I would get down on my knees and pray, “Lord, I can’t quit drinking, but please don’t let me lose my mind.” I would do that every night.

I told my brother one day that I could not quit drinking, and he told me I could come with him to Rev. Angley’s church because he had the gifts to deliver me. He gave me a ride to church, and I even had to drink on the way there.

When the healing line started, I had a bad panic attack. The devil inside me said, “Don’t get near Rev. Angley, or you will die.” But I stood before Rev. Angley and said, “I can’t quit drinking, and my life is falling apart.” He told me I had 12 devils in me, and I was shocked. Then he cast them out through the power of God and had me say the sinner’s prayer. I felt like I was floating. I was finally free.

I have been living for the Lord for over 25 years now, and He has blessed me so much. I am eternally grateful.

Natalie Fetzer

Akron, Ohio, USA

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