Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

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Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

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Called Out

The following testimonies were printed in the January 2021 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I grew up knowing that miracles are real. When I was two or three years old, I was bow-legged. My parents took me to Grace Cathedral to receive prayer from Rev. Angley; and after prayer, my legs were straight. God did it, and they are still straight today.

During a testimony night service, someone told of receiving a back miracle. Then through the gift of discerning that operates in Rev. Angley’s life, the Lord started pointing out people to receive miracles. I started thinking about the time when I slipped and fell while I was walking to work just after it had snowed. I fell really hard and screamed, but there was no one around to help me. I lay there for a second; and even though my back hurt really badly, I decided to get up and go to work.

As I was remembering that, Rev. Angley pointed in my direction; and through the gift of knowledge he said, “You fell and almost broke your back. You thought you had gotten over it; but now, it is starting to show up on you.” He said I would feel like a new person, and I did. It was awesome that the Lord revealed my problem just as I was thinking about my fall.

During another service, Rev. Angley pointed straight at me and said the Lord was giving me a miracle for ulcers. I knew I had been having stomach trouble, but I didn’t know I had ulcers. However, I knew it was true since the Lord had let him know that.

Later that night, I read about all of the symptoms of ulcers; and I realized I had suffered with all of them. Earlier that day, I had been thinking about how I couldn’t eat anything anymore without feeling horrible. Even when I would eat good, healthy food I would get bloated and not feel good at all. If I didn’t eat, I wanted food; but I just didn’t feel hungry.

Before I left church that night, I noticed my stomach was no longer bloated. Later on, I didn’t just want food; I was actually hungry, and I needed to eat.

As the days went by, I realized how much that condition had controlled my life and how much I had needed that miracle. It is one of my favorite miracles I’ve received.

Maddy Knapp

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

The first miracle I would like to testify about is for night terrors. I would wake up screaming in terror, but I could never remember what the nightmares were about. It was the worst fear I have ever felt.

The first time I had one of those night terrors, I wasn’t right with the Lord. I was staying at an unsaved friend’s house, and I woke up in the middle of the night yelling; but I don’t remember doing that. With night terrors, you don’t remember the things you did.

I ran into the kitchen, throwing my blankets on the floor and screaming, ”Get off me!“ I had the sensation that things were crawling on me. I didn’t know what they were, but I now know they were demons torturing me. When you don’t have the Lord in your life to protect you, the devil can do whatever he wants to you.

The night terrors followed me throughout my life, and they would come at different times without any warning. It was embarrassing because I had no control over them. If I was staying with someone, there were times when they would say, ”You were screaming last night, and you scared me.“ And I wouldn’t even remember it happening. At other times, I would wake up to find my blankets and pillow on the floor because I had unknowingly thrown them off in the night trying to fight off whatever was after me.

I would sometimes wake up and run to the bathroom and just stare in fear of the demons that were lurking in the darkness. This affected my sleep so much, and I would wake up so exhausted. The devil wanted to destroy me, and he was tormenting me to no end.

I didn’t tell Rev. Angley about my problem, but God knew. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit that work in Rev. Angley’s life, the Lord let him know that I was having nightmares. He pointed me out as I was sitting in a service and said, ”You won’t have them anymore; the Lord has delivered you.“ And the Lord did deliver me. I never had those night terrors anymore. I thank the Lord for His delivering power. It is wonderful to be free and to get good sleep.

At another time, I was having really bad headaches. I used to get them every day, so I kept over-the-counter pain relievers with me all the time; but they didn’t help much. It seemed that foods that were really greasy, salty or had too much sugar would trigger the headaches.

I didn’t want to have them, and I got very tired of dealing with them; so I decided to go in the healing line during a Friday night miracle service. The Lord let Rev. Angley know that I was under too much pressure, and he told me I needed to relax. Then he said, ”It’s gone; don’t let it come back.“

He was right. I did have a very stressful job at the time, and I needed to let the Lord take care of everything. After that, whenever something stressful would arise, I would say to myself, ”Relax. The Lord will take care of it.“ Then He healed me of those headaches. It pays to trust God and live for Him!

Nathan Knapp

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I would like to share a couple of miracles I have received through this ministry. In 1988, I was troubled with chronic fatigue; and I just didn’t have any energy. When I ate, I would feel better; so I was eating five or six meals a day. This went on for quite a while.

The doctor ran many tests but couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I knew I needed to get prayer, so I went into the healing line on a Friday night; and Rev. Angley prayed for me. The power of God went all through me, and I got my miracle. I no longer had to eat all those meals, and I had strength to take care of my two little girls. I thank the Lord for that.

In the early 1990’s, I was having some heart palpitations; and I couldn’t sleep well. My doctor ran an EKG, and it showed I had some irregularities in my heartbeat; so I was sent to a specialist.

Before I went to see him, I received prayer from Rev. Angley; and I was living in one of his books ”Faith in God Heals the Sick.“ I was praying and trusting that God would move for me, and He did.

When the specialist ran more tests, he couldn’t find anything. He then wanted to run a much more involved test so the negative diagnosis wouldn’t follow me all my life. He shot radioactive materials into my vein. If my heart lit up, everything was good. If it didn’t light up, it meant I had some kind of blockage. I wasn’t worried because I knew God had moved for me, and the result was that every part of my heart lit up. I thank the Lord for that miracle.

Last year, I again had problems with being fatigued. I went to the doctor for my regular physical, and my white blood count was slightly high; so she suggested I see a specialist. Again, I received prayer from Rev. Angley; and when I went to the specialist, he didn’t find anything to be concerned about. I am still holding onto that miracle today.

More recently, I was having problems on and off with my spine, neck and back. Through the Lord’s gift of knowledge that works in Rev. Angley’s life, God revealed that I had been injured sometime in my childhood; and then he prayed for me. I had not been able to rest properly, so I couldn’t wait to get home and go to bed that night; and I have been great ever since. Praise the Lord!

The Lord also moved for me financially. Not too long ago, I was unemployed for two years; but the Lord provided for my every need. I never missed a house payment, and I was able to pay all of my bills and utilities. I had no worries because I knew the Lord was with me every step of the way.

Brenda Allen

Akron, Ohio, USA

Miracle Reports from Social Media…

I have been ill for the past few months, and I have asked for prayers. Since then, I’ve seen tremendous improvement in my health. Thank you for your prayers. Keep praying for me and my family.

Wayne McIntosh

Paramaribo, Suriname

I received the gift of the Holy Ghost from Evangelist Ernest Angley in 1987 at Calabar, Nigeria. Thank you, Lord.

Chimaobi Onuigbo

Prayer Request
Lord, I need you to change my life and grant the prayers of all those who are asking you to pray for what they need.

Praise Report
Amen. Oh, I received. I am awakening in the peace of Christ.

Samuel Tiafack

Bamenda, Cameroon

Thank you because my God has done wonderful things in my life. I was a person who fell into drugs at an early age. God has heard my prayers, and He has taken away the anxieties the drugs gave me. I am very grateful that I now consume nothing. It is a very important achievement in my life to have left that world. I am very grateful to my Lord Jesus and to you who gave me that positive attitude to get ahead. Amen. Many thanks for praying for me. I love you very much. God bless you.

Jhon Fabian Nieto

New York, USA

Prayer Request #1
Today, I feel that no prayers can change my situation. I have lost all hope and trust in the Lord. My faith is finished. There is no love here, only betrayal and a sorrowful life. Thank you for encouraging me.

Prayer Request #2
I surrender myself to the Lord. I hope my next morning shall bring a small smile on my face and remove all my pain. Please, please keep me in your prayers.

Praise Report
By your prayers, I am now feeling better. I thank God for making such a prayerful ministry.

Shweta Doddamani


Thank you so much to your ministry. Because of your prayers, I am good and happy with my family once again. Thank you so much and God bless your ministries.

Roy Surya

Jaigaon, India

Prayer Request
I am requesting prayer for three relatives who are missing.

Praise Report
Thanks to my dear Jesus, they have already found them.

Alexandra Coello Santos

Manta, Ecuador

Prayer Line Praise Reports…

  • A lady from Chicago, Illinois, USA

    She was experiencing a lot of pain in her feet, especially when standing; and at times, her feet would go numb. She thought it was due to poor circulation. During a July 4th Camp Meeting service, she went in the healing line. God discerned through Rev. Angley that she had a growth on her brain. She received her miracle and has had no more trouble with her feet.

  • A woman from Thornton, West Virginia, USA

    Years ago, she was healed of diabetes at Grace Cathedral.

  • A lady from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

    She called for prayer about a polyp underneath her eye. She applied the blest cloth over the polyp, and now it is gone.

  • A woman from Killeen, Texas, USA

    About 25 years ago, she brought her two grandsons to get prayer from Rev. Angley. One had asthma, and the other had an allergy to milk. After prayer, they were set free of those conditions and still have their miracles 25 years later.

  • A man from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    He had been on medicine that caused liver pain. He put the blest cloth on the place and called the prayer line. Instantly, the pain left! He kept saying, ”I am so grateful…you have no idea.“

  • A man from Warrensville, Ohio, USA

    He called the prayer line because his blood pressure was very high. He was light-headed and dizzy, and he felt like he was going to pass out. He thought he was going to have to go to the hospital, so he called the prayer line. The counsellor prayed for everything in his body to come to normal; and within 10 minutes, he was fine. His blood pressure was normal, and he did not need to go to the hospital.

    During a July 4th camp meeting service, he was pointed out by the Lord through Rev. Angley for low blood. When he returned to the doctor, his blood was fine. The doctor was so surprised because he had thought the man had a bad blood disease. He is praising God for his miracle.

  • A woman from Virginia, USA

    She was having severe neck pain, and even the doctor could not help her with it. She called the prayer line; and the next day, the pain was completely gone. She gives God all the praise.

  • A man from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

    His right ear was clogged, and he could not hear out of it. When The Jesus Trio was singing ”I Want to Sing with the Angels“ during a service at Grace Cathedral, he scratched his ear; and it popped. Instantly, he could hear. He received the rest of his miracle as he was watching one of the Ernest Angley Ministry programs at home.

God Makes All Things Possible

Ernest Angley Ministries,

Greetings in the name of Jesus. Thanks for The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine and the blest cloths. My mom was suffering from severe chest pain which caused great fear, anxiety, stress, tension and sleepless nights. We prayed over her and gave her a blest cloth; and when she went to the cardiologist, praise be to God, everything was normal!

The main reason for her chest pain was because of the acid in her stomach from an ulcer. We went to another doctor regarding her ulcer, and no major damage was found. I thank God that because of prayer, she feels normal again.

Now the whole family has drawn nearer to God. We pray together every night, which we hardly ever did, only individually. We would love it if you would send us a few more blest cloths because I believe real healing comes from God, the Almighty.


Maitshaphrang Shabong

Shillong, Meghalaya, India

Ernest Angley Ministries,

Thank you for your prayers! I just went to my primary doctor, and she looked at my X-ray. She could not find any blood clots on my lungs. Also, thank you for praying for me last week. The Lord healed my heart palpitations. Doctors could not find anything wrong. God is good!!

Jason Clifford

Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

Some time ago, I wrote you an email regarding my health problems. I was very tired and sometimes weak. I had very bad headaches. I felt very hungry, even after eating a proper lunch and dinner; and I had lost a lot of weight. It felt like something was eating up my body.

Sometimes, I felt lots of itchiness, and it felt like something was poking me. I got red patches on my tongue and cuts on my lips. Over the years, I lost lots of hair. Sometimes, my scalp would itch, and there would be a bad smell.

You sent a reply to my email telling me, ”If you need a healing, the Word says, I am the Lord that healeth thee. If you need a miracle, hear the Lord say, Is there anything too hard for me?“

You also sent me a blest cloth. In faith, I pinned the cloth to my clothing. I started praying also. Slowly, all my weakness disappeared. I stopped getting bad headaches and feeling hungry all the time, and my weight started increasing. I was healed from itchiness and the feeling that something was poking me. I was healed from the red patches on my tongue and the cuts on my lips.

Before I went to have my physical, I started praying to the Lord, Jesus Christ; and all my blood reports came back normal. I thank you for all your prayers. I praise the Lord, Jesus Christ, for healing me completely.

All glory and honor belongs to God only. Today, I am completely healed, and I have received a new strength in my body. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Amen.

Vinod Mirpuri


Ernest Angley Ministries,

When I was nine years old (52 now), my parents took me to one of your crusades. I was healed of a terrible affliction of warts. My legs were covered, and it was truly amazing for them to be gone.

Dana McSpadden

Ellington, Missouri, USA</p>

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. Today, I want to notify you that it’s been two years since I have been using the blest cloth. I carried it to school and everywhere. Now, the bad dreams are no longer tormenting me in my sleep. In addition, I am excelling at school. I am always getting the best results each and every semester.

Christina Nyahuye

Harare, Zimbabwe

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I am writing to tell you of the great miracle on my lungs. Back in early November, I checked all of the little prayer request boxes [in the Ernest Angley Ministries mailing]; and on the bottom of it, I wrote that my lungs needed to be healed. I had been on oxygen for a year because my oxygen levels would drop very low when I was up and moving around. I had pneumonia four times last year.

As one of the last resorts, the doctor ordered a special vest for me that pounds the chest to help a person cough and relieve chest congestion; but for some reason, I never got it. The doctor had also ordered a special inhaler that had to be used every day. At the same time, I was sending my prayer requests to you.

Within a week of your getting my request, I began to breathe deeper and better; and at times, I would even forget to use the oxygen nasal cannula. I was able to move around and walk more than ever without losing my breath. How many times have you ever heard of anyone with advanced lung disease get off oxygen?

I called my doctor to report that God had healed my lungs. I thank God for His love and care every morning, and I praise God for this ministry and church.

Lorea Sue Hathaway

Murrieta, California, USA

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