Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

Share Your Praise Reports!

Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

Send your praise report now

Are You Bearing Your Cross?

The following testimonies were printed in the October 2020 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Prayer Line Praise Reports...

  • A woman from Maryland, USA

    She called the prayer line for arthritis in her legs. Now, she walks better and is almost completely free from pain. She is no longer sore and does not limp when she gets up in the morning.

  • A lady from Akron, Ohio, USA

    She received prayer for a painful shoulder. After prayer, she could move her arm and raise it above her head, which she had not been able to do before.

  • A woman from Athens, Tennessee, USA

    She called for prayer two different times because her daughter-in-law was in the hospital. Her body was full of fluid, and her chest was rattling. After prayer, the rattling stopped; and her daughter-in-law was breathing quietly. She also had a blest cloth in her hand.

  • A grandmother from Urbana, Illinois, USA

    She called the prayer line for her 16-year-old grandson who was diagnosed with a heart murmur. His heart is now healed and normal, and she is praising God.

  • A lady from Thornton, West Virginia, USA

    Forty years ago, she was a diabetic; and the doctor wanted to put her on insulin. She came to Ohio where her grandmother lived, and her grandmother brought her to the service at Grace Cathedral. She was miraculously healed and still is today.

  • A woman from Florida, USA

    She had tests on her eyes that showed she had glaucoma. After prayer, she went back to the eye doctor for more tests; and the glaucoma was gone! Praise God!

  • A lady from Chardon, Ohio, USA

    She had been suffering with very severe back pain. She lay down to rest and turned on Ernest Angley World Radio. Rev. Angley was praying for people to be healed, so she prayed in agreement. Now, she is fine and praising God for her miracle.

  • A woman from Florida, USA

    She had a tumor the size of a walnut on her breast. After she called the prayer line, the tumor was gone. Praise God!

Miracle Reports from Social Media

Thank you so much. I now can see that you are standing as called upon by God to pray. My eyes are now seeing how instant miracles are happening when we get together as the Early Church did to pray for Peter and John. Thank you for your prayers for the woman who called me from Luanshya and came to Lusaka for her son who was mentally unsound. It has yielded a very positive result, and the mother is very thankful to God.

Tizaa Chiumi
Mufulira, Zambia

Prayer Request
I want to walk again soon. I trust God that it will be so.

Praise Report #1
Yesterday, I took my first steps with the crutches. When supporting my left foot and sole of the left foot, it did not hurt.

Praise Report #2
Thank you for your prayers. I have already started walking without crutches.

Maria Asuncion Espejo Carrillo

Yucatan, Mexico

I want to share great news with you. My son was very ill; and on March 10, he had an operation scheduled to have his spleen removed because of the splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) he had. After prayer, an abdominal echo was performed; and his spleen had gone from 14.12 cm to 9.5 cm.

He also had pleural fluid in one lung, but the test came out clean. His lung has nothing without any medical treatment or chemotherapy. Thanks to God, my heavenly Father, and your prayers, my son is well. Please keep him in prayer for his full recovery. May God, our Father, bless you. Amen.

Leyber Enrique Brinez

Prayer Request
My daughter is ill. She just had her baby two months ago, and she has been bleeding. She does not want to have anything removed.

Praise Report,br> Blessed be the Lord. The blessing of God be with you all. My daughter’s bleeding has cleared. Thank you for the blessings for my family.

Celina Castellano


I just wanted to let you know that an addiction I have been struggling with for years is gone. Thank God. I tried it yesterday and had no effect, no pull and no feeling for it. It is gone at last. Jesus works. Just believe and don’t quit praying.

Jr Junior

South Carolina, USA

Prayer Request
Please pray for me. I was chased from where I stay, and I have a few hours to leave the place. I don’t know where I will go since it's lockdown. Thanks.

Praise Report
Thanks a lot for the prayers. Glory to God, they were answered. God bless you.

Dominique Michelle Mudumo

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

My sister said God stopped the mouth of the lion and pulled her out of the fire. Praise the name of the Lord forever! Thank you for all the prayers. My sister had been running a temperature of 101 and was very congested with weak lungs. Today, she sent a picture of her temperature at 98. Praise God!

Betty Kendall

Willoughby, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I have been a part of this ministry for over 40 years. I grew up in this ministry, and I have had a lot of great miracles. The first miracle I want to share marked me when I was in the sixth grade. I fell in gym class and sprained my ankle, and I ended up using crutches for a couple of days. I went before Rev. Angley in the healing line, and he prayed for me. Then I walked off that platform carrying my crutches. It marked me because I knew my miracle was real. Any time I have difficulty receiving from the Lord, I go back to that miracle because it was so real.

In 2008, my legs turned red and began to swell. I went to the doctor, and he thought I might have a blood clot; and they wanted to run some tests. I received prayer from Rev. Angley; and after all the tests, there were no blood clots. I thank God for that.

In 2013, I suffered with migraine headaches day after day for over eight weeks. The migraines were very intense, and I ended up being admitted to the hospital. I was there for a couple of days while they ran tests on me.

Afterward, I went before Rev. Machamer and received prayer, and then the doctors could not find anything. It was very hard to come out of all of that, but I kept on believing; and God did bring me out.

One of the greatest miracles I have ever received happened in 2010. One morning, I woke up with severe abdominal pain; and I ended up going to the emergency room. While I was there, I had a CT scan. The doctors concluded that I had a malrotation of the bowel and that I had been born that way. All of my organs were in disarray. What normally should be on the right side was on the left. Everything was shifted, and nothing was intact.

The doctors consulted with the surgeon, and he said he didn’t believe there was anything that needed to be taken care of right away. The doctors sent me home with some pain medication and told me to see my family doctor. I did that, and he ordered the exact same tests that were done in the hospital; so I received prayer from Rev. Millar and then went to have the tests.,

When the surgeon reviewed my report, he said that everything had moved back into place. I asked him if that was normal; and after looking at my chart, he said, “No.” I told him that was the power of prayer, and he shook his head yes.

Angie South

Akron, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I was born and raised in this ministry. My dad taught me to believe and trust in miracles for everything.

When I was in the third grade, my eyesight was so blurry that I wasn’t able to see the chalkboard in class. My dad took me before Rev. Angley, and he prayed for me. The next Monday, I went back to school; and I was able to see everything from the back of the room. My vision was clear.

Another miracle happened about 18 years ago. I was at work, and I hurt my back so badly that I wasn’t able to stand or sit. All I could do was lie on my stomach or my back, and I wasn’t able to do anything. When I tried to get up just to get something to eat or drink, I was in agonizing pain.

I went to church on a Friday night and received prayer from Rev. Angley. The miracle didn’t happen instantly because I had so much fear of what I had done to myself that I wasn’t looking to God to take care of everything. Through praying, I came to realize how much fear I had. I then looked to God for everything; and right away, my back came to normal. I learned a great lesson about how fear can rob you.

In October of 2016, I woke up early one morning with stomach pain. As the day went on, the pain in my stomach became agonizing. Again, I received prayer from Rev. Angley. He said he saw the Lord’s miracle star in the vision and that we had really touched the throne of God. Right away, the pain lifted.

When my wife got home from work, we went to the hospital to have me checked out. The doctors performed a CT scan and ran other tests, and then they told me they could not find any reason for my pain. It was all gone.

Through prayer, I have received big miracles and little miracles where I would instantly be made whole. When I was a child, if my parents brought me to church sick, Rev. Angley would pray for me; and I was no longer sick by the time we got home from church.

I have seen hundreds of miracles and received many myself, so I could go on forever.

Tim South

Akron, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I want to share two miracles which I’ve received since meeting Rev. Angley at one of his crusades in Toronto in July 1977. In May of that year, I had never heard of Rev. Angley; but I’d always had a firm faith in God and did believe that miracles of healing were possible.

The way I heard about the crusade is a miracle in itself. I was one of 12 volunteers answering phones for a telethon to raise money for research into a childhood disease. The phones were ringing nonstop. I answered a call, and a man identified himself as a pastor who believed in miracles. I said that I did too. He asked me to personally convey a message to the mother of a little girl who had appeared on television, and I did. The message was that Rev. Ernest Angley would be having a crusade in Toronto on July 11th and 12th, and the man also gave the time and location.

At that time, my left knee was extremely painful, especially when I was sitting. At a 90-degree angle, it was almost unbearable. The diagnosis was that the cartilage had worn away. Since this was before the day of knee replacements, there was little that could be done by the medical profession; so I decided to attend Rev. Angley’s service on July 11, 1977.

As I sat in the service and listened to Rev. Angley, my faith was building up; however, since I had never seen a healing line, I decided not to join in the healing line. I didn’t really know what was happening, so I remained in my seat thinking. Something Rev. Angley said impressed me: “After all, if you go to a doctor, you are often told that it might take a week for the medication to take effect.” I sat and thought and believed.

I noticed some improvement in my knee within a day or two, so I decided to attend an outdoor ballet performance; and I sat for about three hours. When I got up, I thought, “Something is different.” My knee was not aching, and it has not ached since. Cartilage must have grown in one week.

My second miracle happened a few years ago. For a few years, I had had a red spot about the size of a quarter on my left shoulder. Doctors didn’t seem to know what it was. For a long time, it didn’t seem to change; but suddenly, I noticed a distinct difference. I suspected it was cancer, and my doctor quickly diagnosed melanoma. She booked a fast appointment for me to have surgery. Instead, I decided to go to Grace Cathedral and have Rev. Angley pray for me.

When I arrived, I learned that Rev. Angley was on a crusade; but the associate pastors would pray for me. I remember sitting in the congregation area and Rev. Steve Millar coming along to pray. He put his hand on my forehead and prayed. Since I’d experienced one miracle, I believed. I was sure God could heal even cancer.

I walked into the surgeon’s office after I returned home and said, “I’d like to cancel my appointment, and I do not wish to rebook.” God answered my prayers, and the melanoma healed quickly. I thought it would be gone in one week, but it took about 10 days. Today, there is nothing, not even a scar or mark to show where it was. There is absolutely no doubt, God healed me of cancer; and He did it in 10 days.

I thank God every day for His many blessings to me. I contribute financially so that other people can learn of God’s goodness. When I’m at Grace Cathedral, I always ask for a few blest cloths which I give out to people at home who I think need them. I’m sure a blest cloth has protected me many times.

I declare that what I have written is the absolute truth. Thank God for His grace and the ministry at Grace Cathedral.

Kay Cathers

Mitchell, Ontario, Canada

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