Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

Share Your Praise Reports!

Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

Send your praise report now

Surrender All to God

The following testimonies were printed in the September 2020 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Prayer Line Praise Reports...

  • A lady from Lorain, Ohio, USA

    She received prayer from Rev. Angley and got a miracle for her hip. She also received the Holy Ghost, and she is so happy. The next day, however, she slipped and fell down eight steps and hurt her knee, leg and the hip she had just received a miracle for. Immediately, she began to use the blood, and the pain left her. Later, she began to experience pain again; but she used the blest cloth, and the pain left again. Now, she has no pain at all.

  • A man from Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

    He had attended a Lynchburg crusade years ago. He had very bad allergies to all kinds of things. In a moment’s time, they were all gone. Thirty years later, he has still never had a problem. He and his daughter had their blood pressure go from exceedingly dangerous levels to normal. In 1994, his nose was broken; and he was drowning in his own blood. Within 2-3 seconds after prayer, the bleeding stopped. Praise God!

  • A woman from Akron, Ohio, USA

    She had gone through nearly 30 eye surgeries, and her eyesight was almost gone. She came to a Friday night service and went into the healing line. Then she went for an eye exam. She can now read small letters on the eye chart, and she is 85 years old.

  • A lady from Dover, Ohio, USA

    Her hair was falling out in clumps. She received prayer from Rev. Angley during a Friday night service. She called to say that since that service, her hair is no longer falling out.

  • A lady from Orrville, Ohio, USA

    She was in a service at Grace Cathedral in April 2017. Through the gift of discerning, Rev. Angley pointed her out for a rash that she had suffered with for more than five years. He said, “You are being healed.” Then the rash disappeared.

  • A woman from Cleveland, Ohio, USA

    She called the prayer line because she had pain in her lower abdomen. She called back to say that all was well. She has no pain and does not have to take any more medicine for it. Praise God.

  • A lady from Hartville, Ohio, USA

    She called the prayer line for her niece who had been bleeding for seven months and had terrible pain in her back. After prayer, the bleeding stopped; and the pain lifted.

Miracle Reports from Social Media

Prayer Request Message

My dad is sick. He has constant stomach pain. Our finances are so bad that me and my siblings cannot afford to take him to the hospital, but we are trying to see if a relative who owns a hospital will take him in. I don’t want to lose him now. I want him to see me do well again in life. Please help me pray for his healing.

Praise Report Message

The Lord has answered our prayers for my dad. He is back on his feet and healed. I give all the glory to Jesus. He healed him even though there was no money for us to take him to the hospital. Glory be to God in the highest! Alleluia! Please help me pray for God to keep my dad in good health, so he can see me make it again in life.

Grace Ojo


I was in Zimbabwe when Rev. Angley held a crusade there, and God Almighty used Rev. Angley and the Cathedral Trio to heal me of a heart palpitations challenge. I celebrate you all, and may more grace be upon you.

Pee M. Teechanaa

I got to be a friend of your ministry through social media, and you people have been in prayer with me. Something great has happened. I’m a businessman, and things went very bad with me. I lost almost everything I had, but I am so grateful. Through this ministry and by the power of God, He put me back in business. I can see through the eyes of faith that what I lost, God is about to bless me double. I’m a friend of a great ministry. Glory be to God!

Richard Sumo


I want to thank you for your prayers. Without a doubt, I know Jehovah God did the work on my daughter. Amen. It is impressive how the growth of the furuncle (a pus-filled bump) stopped. It was growing under her armpit for the third time this year. It is a very painful thing; but little by little, it disappeared.

Ana Mercedes


(This woman had requested prayer for pain in both breasts.)

The pain stopped at the moment you sent me your text!

Haimanot Fasil

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Prayer Request

I am having kidney and bladder issues. God knows.

Praise Report

Thank you for your prayers. God is wonderful. I am noticing a huge difference. I love the live services. I live in Virginia. You have always been my church, so it is nice to see it live.


Virginia, USA

Prayer Request

I am struggling to get a job. Could you please pray for me? I have attended so many interviews, and in all I was rejected.

Praise Report

Thanks a lot for your prayer. I got a good job with a reputed company.

Edward Samuel


Ernest Angley Ministries,

I am from Rwanda, East Africa, but I was born in Uganda as a refugee because my parents were chased from Rwanda in 1959. They first fled to Zaire, Congo, and they later moved to Uganda in a refugee bush settlement called Kyangwali. I was born and raised in that bush, forest environment.

I felt I should share my testimony, which I call “Everything from Rev. Angley is Anointed.” Why? In 1995, the man of God, Rev. Ernest Angley, came to Uganda; and I attended the crusade.

All the people from Ernest Angley Ministries have so much love; and during that crusade, I was blessed to get a T-shirt from one of the ministry’s people. On the front were the words “YOU ARE SPECIAL TO GOD.” Little did I know that it was a message for me from the man of God, Rev. Ernest Angley.

From that time on, I started seeing the hand of God at work in my life; and it was confirmation that I was indeed special to God. I was a bush-born boy with a refugee background, but God started moving and providing finances for me. I graduated from high school, specializing in history, economics, divinity and industrial art and design.

Rev. Angley remained on my heart. I always remembered him preaching in the stadium in Kampala, and I did not know that I would ever see him again; but God knew I would.

The anointing that breaks the yoke kept working in my life. I went to university where I was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management. Thirteen years later in 2008, a pastor told me an American evangelist was coming to Rwanda to hold a crusade. When he told me his name was Ernest Angley, I was very, very happy and overwhelmed with joy!

In addition to the joy I had of seeing my preacher again, I was chosen to work with the people from Ernest Angley Ministries who arrived in advance to prepare for the big crusade. One of those men became my friend, and he still is today. I love the spirits of love, joy, compassion, care, concern, etc. that are in the people from Ernest Angley Ministries; and that is why I am proud to be part of it!

In 2009, I had so much joy in my heart when Rev. Angley came to Rwanda for the big crusade. It was great to see the man of God again after 14 years; I still love him so much! I believe there is a divine connection between me and Rev. Angley.

When the crusade started, I was blessed to be his interpreter. I give all the glory to God for that opportunity! Through Rev. Angley and the T-shirt I had received, God had said, “YOU ARE SPECIAL TO GOD.” I believed it, and it happened.

After that, God continued to move for me. In 2013, I was awarded a master’s degree in Business Administration, specializing in marketing. In 2015, Rev. Angley returned to Rwanda for a miracle crusade; and it was another year of miracles. God had marked my life, and the Man of God ordained me into the ministry of the Lord. GLORY BE TO GOD!

In summary: First, I thank God who fulfilled the words “YOU ARE SPECIAL TO GOD” in my life—from a bush-born boy to a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second, I am so happy for the great love of Rev. Angley. He loves us in Rwanda because he came to us three times. Third, I am glad to be part of Ernest Angley Ministries today!

God bless you,

Pastor Emmanuel Musafiri

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I have been in this ministry most of my life, and I have seen many miracles, healings and deliverances. I have a few miracles of my own I would like to share.

When I was five years old, I had horrible nightmares; and when I was in kindergarten, I missed half of the school year because of them. I could see a dark man who was about eight feet tall, in the hallway in front of my room. I couldn’t see his face, but I could see he was all black. Then I would wake up screaming.

My mom heard about this Jesus ministry through an acquaintance who invited her to go to a service. My mom took me with her, and then took me into the healing line. Rev. Angley prayed for me, and I was delivered of those nightmares. That was well over 50 years ago, so miracles do last.

In the late 1990s, I was called on to speak at one of the ministry’s youth services. At that time, I was having some health issues; but I didn’t want to fail God and not be obedient to what He had called me to do.

My health issues included getting really bad vertigo which caused very serious spinning and dizziness, but I decided to go ahead and speak anyway. When I was done with my sermon, the Lord took Rev. Angley over; and through the gift of discernment, the Lord revealed to him that I had a growth at the base of my brain. I don’t believe I would be here today if I had not received that miracle, and it came about because I decided to obey the Lord and speak at that youth service.

In November 2011, I went to the hospital for a normal, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. After the surgery, I had complications and was admitted. When I ate, nothing would stay down; and even the smell of food made me sick. In 2012, I ended up back in the hospital because I was still unable to eat; and I had lost 50 pounds.

The doctors did a CT scan which showed a lot of fluid on my stomach, and they didn’t know where it was coming from. Before they drained the fluid, I received prayer from Rev. Angley. Then the doctors suddenly decided to do another CT scan as well as an ultrasound. After the tests, one of the doctors said, “I don’t understand this. The first test showed fluid, and the second test showed nothing.”

The doctors had been planning to send me home with a feeding tube; but instead, I went home being able to eat and completely made whole. It was fantastic! God did it!

I love this ministry, and it means so much to me. I thank God for our ministers who preach the truth and the whole Word of God without compromise. Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever.

Debbie Bryant

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I would like to tell you about just a few of the miracles I have received through this ministry. I had very cloudy eyes. Rev. Angley prayed for me; and immediately, they cleared up. That was great!

At another time, I was feeling very tired all the time. I went to church to receive prayer again; and through the gift of discerning, Rev. Angley told me I had poor blood. I received a miracle and have felt much better ever since.

I had a problem where one of my kneecaps would slide around, and it would cause me to fall. I received prayer from Rev. Angley, and I have had no more problems with it.

The next miracle I want to share is for my back. I have always had pain in my lower back; and when I would stand for a while, it felt as if I was paralyzed. That made it very difficult to walk after standing. I went into the healing line; and through the gift of discerning, Rev. Angley said there was a lot of darkness in my back. He prayed for me, and I have no more back pain.

I suffered with a rapid heartbeat. I could be sitting very still, but my heart would beat so fast that I could actually see it pounding through my clothing. While I was sitting in the congregation during one of the services at Grace Cathedral, I received an anointing right there in my seat. I never had that problem again.

About ten years ago, I had asthma. I received prayer, and I haven’t had asthma since. I thank God for this ministry, and I don’t know where I would be without it. I thank Jesus for His love because I never felt true love until He became my Savior. Now, I know what God’s love is all about.

Jan Counts

Akron, Ohio, USA

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