Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

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Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

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2023 June/July Magazine

The following testimonies were printed in the June 2023 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Social Media Testimonies

Prayer Request
I have an urgent prayer request. My brother is in the hospital and is in serious condition. He is on a ventilator. Please pray for his recovery.

Praise Report
Thank you for praying for my brother. He is off the ventilator. He has recovered. Thank you, Jesus.

Mani Singh


Prayer Request
Please pray that my daughter’s biopsy result be negative.

Praise Report
My daughter’s biopsy result was negative. Praise God! Amen

Judith Gallaza Deloria


Prayer Request
Please pray for my uncle. He’s in the hospital now and has to undergo angiography.

Praise Report (later the same day)
Thank You. Jesus has answered our prayers. No surgery is needed. My uncle only has to take some medicines.

IJ Warjri

Shiilong, India

I requested a prayer for a lady. She was suffering from backbone pain and stomach pain. She was healed the same day. She was praising God!

KauwananiKau Ndlovu

Prayer Line Praise Reports…

  • Doris Williams from Birmingham, Alabama, USA

    I called for prayer because I had a very bad pain above my right hip. I could hardly walk or sit down. The Lord healed me. I thank God for my healing and for the prayer warriors at the Ernest Angley Ministries.

  • Joann Oaks from Canton, Ohio, USA

    In January, my dentist insisted I have a molar extracted because I had a bad infection; and he was afraid it would affect my heart and health. Rev. Chris Machamer prayed for me. The day before the molar was scheduled to be removed, I called the prayer line. Other family members were praying also.

    A family member took me to the appointment; and before the dentist started the procedure, we both asked again if there was any way I could avoid having my molar extracted. He shook his head no.

    The family member left the room, and the dentist started to numb my mouth. It was going to be a three-hour procedure because he was also going to make a bridge over the area. He had trouble with his laser, so he started probing around the area before he started. Then he left the room.

    When the dentist returned, he told me he was not going to remove the tooth because he didn’t see any more infection. He couldn’t figure it out because he knew from the X-ray in January that there was a massive infection present, and it was on the screen in front of me.

    The dentist’s daughter, who works with him and has an advanced dental hygiene degree, looked at my molar and verified there were no signs of infection. That was a double confirmation of my miracle.

  • A woman from Bristol, Virginia, USA

    She called for prayer for her daughter who had a heart murmur, and her daughter received a miracle. She no longer has any sign of a heart murmur.

  • Michael Oliphant from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

    I got an infection on my skin this week. I called the prayer line; and a day later, the infection was gone.

  • A man from the Philippines

    He received prayer on the prayer line because he had suffered with a fever for over a month. He called back to say that the fever was gone. He had also requested prayer for a better place to live, and he did find a better house after prayer.

  • A man from Asheville, North Carolina, USA

    He called the prayer line for his brother who was in the hospital with a heart condition and multiple blood clots. After prayer, his brother’s heart was healed; and all the blood clots were gone.

Ernest Angley Ministries,

In early 2022, I started having excessive drainage in my right eye. It drained so much that the drainage started irritating my cheek and making it really chapped.

The doctor told me that my right tear duct was clogged. They tried to dilate the duct, but it wouldn’t open up; so he prescribed some medication and drops for my eye. I took that as directed and went back to the doctor’s office almost every other week. I was also getting prayer from Rev. Millar and Rev. Machamer after the services and trusting the Lord to move for my eye.

After a number of doctor’s appointments, things didn’t seem to be getting any better; so my doctor told me to see a surgeon. He said they would first try dilating the tear duct under general anesthesia. If that didn’t work, he would have to drill a hole through my nose to create another passage. I definitely did not want that, so I put off scheduling the surgery. I continued getting prayer and applying the blest cloth to my eye, and I was trusting God to move.

At that time, I had to have my picture taken for my job. I knew my eye would look terrible because it was so swollen and red most of the time; but when I went to get the photograph, I realized my eye wasn’t draining anymore. When I looked at it, I was shocked to see that it looked normal. I had received my miracle! It was so amazing that I have to tell everybody, “Miracles are real. You can have one. There is power in the blood of Jesus.”

At another time, I had been suffering with a lot of pain in my hand. During a testimony service at Grace Cathedral, one of our church members gave a testimony about receiving a miracle for pain in her hand. She had received prayer from Rev. Angley and watched all the swelling go down.

The pain in her hand returned after she got home; so she prayed, “Lord, I know you healed the man with the withered hand; so surely, you can heal me. You healed the woman with the issue of blood; so surely, you can heal me.”

While the woman was giving her testimony, I sat in the audience agreeing with her. Then I said, “That’s right, Lord. I have pain in my hand too; so surely, you can heal me.” As I was agreeing with her, I suddenly felt warmth in my hand. The anointing of God, that healing virtue, landed on my hand; and the pain left.

When you hear about or see miracles, it helps raise your faith Heaven high; and you can get a miracle too.

Brenda Allen

Akron, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

We have been taught again and again that we will have trials of our faith; and recently, I had to face one of those trials. One day, I felt some pain around my ribs, and I noticed a large lump on the right side. Within just a few days, I started getting a mass on the left side; and then more and more tumors started appearing there. I was shocked at how quickly they were showing up. Next, I started getting more pain and lumps on the right side of my ribs, and I also started having pain in my back.

The lumps kept multiplying until it seemed they were all over my torso, and they weren’t just surface lumps; they were deep. I didn’t know what was happening, and it was very concerning to see my body change so quickly.

I felt like I was on a slope—at the bottom, I was going to die; and at the top, there was Jesus and my miracle. When the devil would give me his thoughts like, “This is it; you’re going to die,” I could feel myself sliding down the slope. Then God and the Holy Spirit would give me thoughts like, “I believe to see the miracle” or “I’m the Lord that healeth thee”; and I could feel myself going back up. I constantly had to talk faith to myself to stay in the place I needed to be to keep my eyes on Jesus and not slide down that slope.

My condition was progressing fast, so I finally called my doctor; and she wanted me to come in right away. She found all the lumps and tumors and immediately sent me for blood tests and X-rays. It was too late in the day for a CT scan, so that was scheduled for later.

When I got home, I was very sick; I had lost all my energy, and I had no appetite. I started feeling a protrusion come out from underneath my ribs on one side, and I had a lot of pain in my back. As I tried to go to sleep that night, my throat started swelling. My airway was closing up, and I couldn’t breathe.

I struggled into the living room thinking, “I’m either going to call 911, or I’m going to reach out for a miracle.” I kept saying to myself, “God said it; I believe it, and that settles it”; and I sent word for Rev. Millar and Rev. Machamer to pray for me.

A short time later, I was able to receive prayer from Rev. Millar; and the Holy Ghost manifested that the miracle was done. Then there was a drastic change. I began to feel better, and I could breathe well enough to go to sleep. God had healed me, and I give Him all the honor and the glory for that.

The next morning, I went for my CT scan; and I noticed the tumors all over my torso were getting smaller. Later that day, the doctor called and said they found no masses of any kind on my body. It was amazing to see what God had done so quickly. Thank the Lord.

Tom Neale

Brimfield, Ohio, USA

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