Testimonials of Miracles, Healings and Deliverances from Ernest Angley Ministries

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Have you received an outstanding miracle, healing or deliverance from God through this ministry? We would like to feature your testimony in an upcoming issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine, as space permits.

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2023 October/November Magazine

The following testimonies were printed in the October 2023 issue of The Power of the Holy Ghost magazine.

Live Stream Testimonies

I got a miracle in September 2022 for my left eye. I had blood in the back of my eye, and it was a serious condition. After receiving prayer, I went back to the doctor’s office, and they said it was gone. They didn’t know what happened because when they looked at my test from the last time I was there, the blood was there. I was so happy. There are miracles at Grace Cathedral. We have a God of action at our church. Hallelujah!

Linda Powell

Akron, Ohio, USA

I put in a prayer request for healing for partial deafness and ringing in my left ear. After a few days, I was healed. My hearing in the left ear is now actually better than it is in my right ear. Praise God!

Dan Denavich

Parma, Ohio, USA

I had a stroke on Tuesday, and I am now walking and worshiping on the live stream on Friday. The blood of Jesus beats the devil every time.

Leslie Cobb

Akron, Ohio, USA

I put a prayer request in the chat for a colleague who lost partial vision due to a stroke. She reported back that she got her sight back.

Nancy Mills

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Praise Report #1
I put in a prayer request for my right knee. The next day, I did not need to take a pill, and I did not need the ace bandage. God really moved by the morning. He never ceases to amaze me at what He does and how quickly He moves. All praise and glory go to the Lord.

Praise Report #2
I put in a prayer request on the Friday prayer invitation, and I also received prayer. I had injured my left foot on Thursday, and it was very swollen and sore. I could not walk even with a walker. I had a shoe on by Sunday morning. Praise God!!

Sondy Boyes

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

I was just diagnosed with pneumonia in both lungs; but after prayer from Rev. Steve and the saints of God, I was in my place singing with the choir less than 8 hours later.

Melissa Cleveland

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Prayer Line Testimonies…

  • A man from North Carolina, USA

    His baby boy was born prematurely and had many things wrong with him, including a heart murmur. The father called the prayer line; and after prayer, the doctors could find nothing wrong with his son. The baby was perfectly healthy. The father is so thankful for the prayer line.

  • A woman from Tippecanoe, Ohio, USA

    She had been diagnosed with a 90% blockage to her heart. She called the prayer line before her surgery; and when the doctor performed the surgery, he found absolutely no blockage. The doctor said, “This is a miracle!”

  • A lady from Greenville, North Carolina, USA

    She had a skin condition, and the doctors said there was no cure. She called the prayer line, and God completely healed her skin. It became like a baby’s skin. She was so happy and thankful.

  • A woman from Rome, Georgia, USA

    A mother’s 12-year-old daughter’s heart was only working about 50%. She was crying when she called the prayer line, and she said she will never forget the prayer partner who told her, “Everything is going to be okay.” That gave her much faith.

    Her daughter was in the hospital for two months and then received prayer right after she was released, and everything turned out just fine. Her daughter is now grown and very healthy. She calls her daughter her “Miracle Baby.”

  • A lady from Canada

    She called for a friend who was very sick and had only 24 hours to live. Her friend was healed and is doing fine.

  • A woman from Piedmont, Alabama, USA

    She called the prayer line for her sister’s great grandson, who was 25 years old and diagnosed with leukemia. After prayer, the Mayo clinic declared him to be cancer free.

  • A woman from Blairsville, Pennsylvania, USA

    She called to receive prayer for her sister, who had been taken to the hospital with pneumonia and an infection. The doctors also performed a colonoscopy because they found blood in her stool. The next day, the infection was gone, and the colonoscopy showed no cancer, polyps or hemorrhoids.

Ernest Angley Ministries,

I have been a part of this Jesus ministry for over 40 years. I have seen many miracles and received miracles, and I have a few I want to share. Years ago, I had a large and very painful plantar wart on the bottom of my foot. I tried treating it myself, but I just made it worse; and it doubled in size.

I was living in Atlanta, Georgia at the time, and I went to a crusade service Rev. Angley was having there. During the service, he told those who had a wart or a bunion to stand up and take a miracle. I did that, and the Lord gave me that miracle. The wart did not go away immediately; but soon after that, it did disappear.

The next miracle I received was for what I believe was a heel spur because the symptoms I was having were very similar to those of someone I knew who had one. The pain kept getting worse until I could hardly walk on that heel.

During the altar services at Grace Cathedral, Rev. Angley always encouraged us to reach out and take a miracle if we needed one. I did that, and my heel was healed completely. I have had no more problems with heel spurs, and I am so thankful for the way God moved for that.

The last miracle I want to share was for one of my eyes. I injured it, and it had caused me to have floaters; and at times, I would even see flashes of light. That is really dangerous because it means there is a problem with the retina and a possibility that it could even detach.

Rev. Angley prayed for me and asked the Lord to heal the damage and re-create my eye. Afterward, the floaters disappeared, and the flashes of light went away. During one of my following eye exams, the doctor said the vision in the eye that had been injured was better than the vision in my other eye. That showed God’s hand at work.

God has been really good to me and my family. I appreciate all the love Rev. Angley showed for lost souls and for his members, and I also appreciate our associate pastors.

John Bailey

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

Ernest Angley Ministries,

My daughter was born with bowel problems and severe constipation which led to rectal prolapse, a condition that causes the rectum to move down through the anus. Since the rectum is located at the end of the bowel, it causes the prolapse to happen during the bowel movement. She bled a lot, and she would scream for hours.

I started taking her to church for prayer, and I also put a blest cloth inside her bottle so the liquid she drank would be anointed. Nothing seemed to change, but I never stopped praying. At Grace Cathedral, we are taught that not all miracles happen right away. Sometimes it takes time for a miracle to manifest itself. The devil will try to discourage you and make you think you didn’t receive your miracle; but if you are a child of God, He will move for you.

Watching my daughter suffer was so hard, and the doctors never explained to me all that was going on. Also, because the problem was internal, I couldn’t really see it. I relied on God and this scripture: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). I have seen many miracles in this ministry, so I knew in my heart that God was going to take care of my daughter.

When it was time to take her back to the doctor’s office, they could find nothing wrong with her rectum. They even said that it looked as if there had never been a problem. My daughter had received her complete miracle.

My daughter also had bad ear infections for about a year. She had been on antibiotics about five times in just six months. The doctor kept finding wax buildup in her ears, but he didn’t know why it was happening.

One day, the infection was so bad that I had to take her to the emergency room. The doctors there said she had so much puss in her ears that it was destroying the tubes in her ears, and she would need surgery.

I brought her to church, and Rev. Millar prayed for her. When I took her back to the ear, nose and throat specialist, she passed the hearing test that she had failed in the past. Also, the tubes in her ears were perfect. God had given her another miracle.

Alicia Christ

Akron, Ohio, USA

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